
Chronicles of the Lightning Wizard

Overpowered? Check! Transmigrator? Check! Golden Finger? Check! No Harem? Check! Low-Key MC? Check! Looking for a story with those qualities? Well… you have come to the right place! You don’t have to worry, the MC is truly low-key. He isn’t going to look for trouble out of nowhere. If he is, he’s going to hide his identity well. He wants to be the [Hidden Boss] after all… More serious synopsis: Awakening as an apprentice wizard within the Lightning Magic Tower of an unfamiliar world, Zack, an ordinary introvert, confronts a daunting reality: estranged from his loved ones, he faces an uncertain future. Yet, fate has granted him a unique boon—the coveted "golden finger." Little does Zack realize, this gift is no mere trinket but a key to grasp “Infinity”. Embark on an epic adventure alongside Zack as he explores this mysterious realm, delves into the arcane arts, and unravels the secrets of his newfound abilities. But amidst the magic and danger lies… the possibility of unexpected romance. Prepare to be spellbound as Zack's journey unfolds—a tale brimming with intrigue, enchantment, and the promise of limitless potential. Note: If you enjoy the story, consider supporting me on Patreon to help me keep writing. Plus, you'll receive access to 10 advance chapters! patreon.com/FantasyStories917

ImmortalThief · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Shocking News

The next day, he strolled over to the mission hall, all set to apply for level 2 advancement.

The lady in charge of advancements had her jaw hanging so low, you could practically fit an egg through it.

Clearing his throat, he realized this was going to be shocking news, but he hadn't expected her reaction to be that extreme. He pondered the possible reasons for her astonishment.

Reaching the mana requirement to hit level 2, the pinnacle of level 1, in under 40 years had been an insane feat. What made it insane had been the daily meditation limit imposed on every wizard. To gather mana faster, you needed a very good mana gathering spot and the knack for swift mana collection. The spot could be bought, but talent? That had been a whole different story. Yet, you needed both to pull off hitting peak level 1 wizard status before hitting 40. It had been a tough nut to crack, no doubt.

And then there had been mastering a level 2 spell well enough to cast it—a second prerequisite for level 2 advancement before 40. To pull that off, you had to be off-the-charts gifted in spell patterns and devote nearly all your time to learning them.

Now it all made sense why Evangeline Ashwood had been hailed as the greatest prodigy in a millennium. She had got both down pat. But Zack? He had been about to join that league while still in his twenties. Word of his age had started circulating around the tower, along with the growing acclaim for his lectures. Everyone had known he had still been in his twenties.

Being a guy in his twenties hitting peak level 1 wizard status had catapulted him into a whole new level of fame. He had been practically a celebrity then. And let's not even get started on his looks. Without trying to boast, he had known he could easily top the charts in the beauty department, even in a world with sky-high standards.

He had had an epiphany during one of his lectures. Every time he had directed a question at a female wizard, they had started blushing and stumbling over their words. After it had happened a few times too many, he had finally asked a fellow wizard what was up. The response, though given begrudgingly with a hint of disgust, had been crystal clear—it had been all about his appearance.

Gotta admit, that ego boost had felt pretty darn good. But, getting back on track, the point had been, he had been kind of a big deal then, and word about him had spread like wildfire. So, it hadn't been surprising that the lady in front of him, still in a daze, might recognize him and be utterly shocked when he had applied for level 2 advancement.

"Ahem… did you catch all that?" he had asked politely.

"Oh! I'm so sorry about that. Yes, I understand completely. Let me just double-check, are you really serious about applying for level 2 advancement?" The lady had snapped back to reality, seeking confirmation once more.

Zack had thought it over. It had made sense; this had been a major deal. If she had reported false news and it had caused an uproar, it wouldn't have been pretty.

"Yes, I am serious," he had replied with a solemn tone, emphasizing his commitment.

No sooner had a minute passed than the lady had whipped out her communication device to contact her supervisor. Soon enough, a chubby, middle-aged wizard had come hurrying over in a rush, even using some kind of body enhancement spell to get there quicker.

He had launched into his introduction, claiming the title of head honcho in the wizard advancement department at the mission hall. This dude had been no slouch, boasting peak level 1 wizard status. He had then extended an invitation for Zack to follow him to the back rooms of the mission hall.

This time, Zack had been led into a much more luxurious room compared to the ones he'd been in before. The wizard had wasted no time ordering snacks and offering Zack a drink. Zack had opted for tea, and the wizard had whispered something to the staff, who had promptly fetched an extravagant tea set.

As the staff had brewed the tea, Zack couldn't have helped but feel wary. Nobody had just suddenly turned nice without some hidden agenda.

True to form, once the tea had been served, the wizard had launched into small talk as they had nibbled on the delicious snacks and sipped tea. Sure, the spread had been impressive, but Zack hadn't come here for a tea party. He had been there to advance.

When Zack's impatience had become palpable, the wizard had finally gotten down to business. Turns out, he had been part of Archibald's faction—the level 2 wizard who had been a rival candidate to Evangeline during the lightning magic tower head selection.

He had dropped the bombshell that Sir Archibald himself would soon extend an invitation for Zack to join his faction. Zack had been floored. What the heck? He hadn't come there to play politics in the tower; he had wanted to level up!

And what's with the condescending tone when extending the invitation? Did they not realize he had been on the cusp of becoming a level 2 wizard? Well, there were no guarantees, but the fact that Zack had the guts to apply for advancement had meant he could at least understand and cast a level 2 spell—unlike this wizard, who, despite having peak level 1 mana, had lacked the confidence to apply for level 2 advancement.

Zack had reflected on the past 5 years. When he had showcased his lightning-fast rise to peak level 1 wizard, factions had come out of the woodwork, extending invitations left and right. But they hadn't exactly been persistent. They had figured his rapid ascent meant his foundation had been shaky and that leveling up to 2 had been just a pipe dream.

To them, he had been just another run-of-the-mill peak level 1 wizard. They had pegged his deep understanding of level 1 spell patterns as more theoretical than practical, doubting his prowess in battle.

As for those rumors about him being on par with Evangeline Ashwood? Pure apprentice gossip. Real wizards didn't buy it for a second. Sure, hitting peak level 1 mana was impressive, but it didn't automatically elevate him to Evangeline status. But hey, hitting peak level 1 mana? That was a fact. So, factions still wanted him on board, but none of them were exactly beating down his door about it.

No one, not even Malcolm, the wizard standing before Zack, would have imagined Zack daring to apply for advancement. Malcolm rushed over as soon as he got wind of the news from his underling, keeping it under wraps. He also reached out to Archibald, who surprisingly decided to personally invite Zack to join his faction.

But Malcolm remained skeptical about Zack's chances. He suspected a shaky foundation and doubted there was enough time for him to grasp a level 2 spell fully. Seriously, what did they expect? Zack was only 24. Still, he urged Zack to join Archibald's faction, knowing his master placed great importance on the matter.

Despite his overwhelming impatience and the burning desire to shake the guy in front of him while demanding the advancement method, Zack kept his cool and politely declined the offer.

Malcolm didn't push further, just kept up the pointless chatter. Zack's eyelids were practically doing the cha-cha, screaming internally, 'WHERE'S THE METHOD, DAMN IT!'

Just as Zack was on the verge of losing it and doing something regrettable, three wizards barged in. Leading the pack was none other than the tower head herself, Evangeline, flanked by Sir Cedric and Archibald.

Instantly, the room felt like it was being crushed under the weight of three level 2 powerhouses. Zack kicked his acting skills into high gear, turning pale and breaking out in a cold sweat as he dropped to his knees. How did he know the drill for facing level 2 pressure? Well, let's just say he had a crash course back in Mossley.

Kneeling was the name of the game when you're in front of level 2 heavyweights; you only got up when they gave the green light or when they skedaddled. Zack had to admit, his act was top-notch. But why the heck were these three level 2 wizards here? All he wanted was to advance; he wanted none of this drama.

The old librarian, Sir Cedric, spoke up with a serious tone, "Are you absolutely certain you want to attempt the level 2 advancement?"

Still kneeling, Zack kept his eyes lowered as he replied, "Yes."

"Understand this," Cedric continued, his voice grave, "the consequences of failure at level 2 are far more dire than at level 1. If you fail, there is no coming back. I'm asking you one last time, are you sure?"

Zack's response was resolute, his tone unwavering, "Yes, I am completely sure." He didn't elaborate further, but his determination rang clear.

Then, Lady Evangeline instructed him to rise.

Surprisingly, as Zack observed the expressions of the level 2 powerhouses, none of them displayed a dismissive attitude. They all regarded him seriously, as if he stood a genuine chance at successful advancement.

*** Cedric POV ***

Even he hadn't anticipated that this unassuming individual would apply for advancement this year. He'd first encountered Zack when Zack began delving into the depths of spell patterns and formations as an apprentice.

In his role as the guardian of the library, he had access to the library system's records detailing who borrowed which books. Initially, he dismissed Zack's ambitions when Zack borrowed advanced level 1 spell pattern books just a day after perusing introductory texts on level 1 spells, assuming Zack was overreaching.

He doubted Zack could have possibly absorbed the introductory material in just one day, knowing full well how comprehensive those texts were compared to the basic level 0 books.

Yet, he was proven wrong when Zack continued borrowing progressively advanced books. What surprised him even more was Zack's systematic approach; each book borrowed built upon the knowledge gained from the previous one. For instance, starting with [Modularization in Level 1 Spells], then progressing to [Introduction to Parallel Modules], and finally [Possible Optimization for Parallel Modules].

It became evident that Zack not only understood but also actively applied the concepts from each preceding book before moving on to the next. Cedric was astonished. Day after day, for an entire year, he observed Zack's relentless pursuit of knowledge, devouring one advanced book after another, until mastering all there was to know about level 1 spell patterns and formations.

Though there were peripheral topics, Cedric was certain Zack could grasp them effortlessly. However, Zack's focus shifted to enhancement, and once again, Cedric bore witness to Zack's voracious appetite for learning as he ascended from level 0 to level 1 in enchantment texts.

At this point, he had grown accustomed to Zack's unpredictable behavior. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling of regret that such a brilliant mind lacked adequate mana gathering talent. Recalling how Zack had failed to reach level 1 during his apprenticeship within the two-year deadline, he sighed in disappointment. Nevertheless, he contemplated offering Zack a position as a research assistant in one of his labs, recognizing Zack's potential to revolutionize spell patterns and formations, propelling wizardry into a new era.

However, the outbreak of war abruptly shifted his focus to the survival of the Fulminar Empire, particularly the protection of the lightning magic tower. Amidst the chaos of battle, thoughts of Zack faded into oblivion. It wasn't until he returned from the war, battered and wounded, that Zack resurfaced in his thoughts. News of a prodigious lecturer, achieving late level 1 mana at the youthful age of 22, piqued his interest. As he pondered the identity of this remarkable individual, Zack's name flashed through his mind.

The revelation puzzled him: how had Zack managed to reach late level 1 proficiency? Wasn't Zack still an apprentice seven years prior? Nevertheless, he brushed aside these doubts, convinced that Zack's unparalleled grasp of spell patterns and formations would inevitably propel him to become a level 2 wizard. He reasoned that Zack's shaky foundation could be stabilized with time before attempting further advancement.

He didn't even entertain the notion of whether Zack had learned level 2 spells; given Zack's prodigious comprehension, he assumed Zack had likely mastered multiple level 2 spells and the associated theoretical frameworks long before reaching late level 1 wizard.

Sure enough, upon examining Zack's borrowing history, he discovered that Zack had borrowed all the advanced level 2 spells theory books. It seemed Zack had devoured every bit of theory available, now likely delving into various spell books to further enrich and consolidate his knowledge.

However, his attention was swiftly diverted when he observed Lady Evangeline, the new head of the tower, and Sir Archibald delving into Zack's background. Realizing the potential implications, he hastily attempted to erase Zack's library history, but his efforts were in vain. Not only did he have access to the records, but so did other level 2 powerhouses.

Recognizing that Lady Evangeline and Sir Archibald likely shared his assessment of Zack as a promising candidate for level 2 wizardry, he promptly sent messages to them, asserting Zack's under his protection. He made it clear that Zack wasn't aligned with any faction, emphasizing that any attempts to coerce Zack into joining would provoke his ire.

The warning seemed to have its desired effect, as despite his injuries, he remained a formidable peak level 2 powerhouse. The three powerhouses engaged in negotiations on how to handle Zack when startling news arrived: Zack had formally requested advancement.

The news left him and the other two powerhouses utterly stunned.