
Chronicles of the Dragneel Children

(COMPLETED) Please if you don’t get some of the events that happen in this book, read mor other book ‘Good’o Morning-Motion Sickness’ This is the sequel after it. Thank you!

TruckieChan · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 1 - Rivals -

It's been 13 years now since the birth of her new twin siblings were born. Nashi had grown to accept that her love from her father wouldn't decrease due to her many brothers and sisters.

Nashi Dragneel was a healthy 19 year old girl who loved training outside, walking with her exceed: Buttons, and fight with her loser rival Jay.

She got along pretty well with her siblings as she would play pranks on Liddan the most. She never let him rest as she loved how flustered he would get by her sudden attacks and calls.

Yup she was living a pretty good life, that's until her hormones began mixing with her dragon blood…


"*yawn* man~ it's so boring today.. jay hurry up and say something stupid so I can laugh"

*Nashi yawned as she and Jay layed down on a rooftop in magnolia. They both landed there as they ran away from their fathers who had threatened them both with sending them off to the magic council to learn something other then just fighting all day. They were stuck there till Nashi could hear her father give up and walk back home.*

"Wha?- I'm not your jester firecracker… and besides we are in trouble because you made your pops angry with how stupid you talk.."

*Jay looked at the stars as he grinned while Nashi glared at him and pouted.*

"Hey! It's not my fault that my dad can hear well enough to hear my cursing at you.. if anything it's your fault for getting your dad involved to help my dad send us off both to boarding school…"

*Nashi sighed as she crawled over to Jay and rested her head on jays armpit by his tone chest.*

"?… what are you doing now you pink freak?"

*Jay blushed as he felt the sudden heat from Nashi as he had a crush on her since they were kids, but his pride wouldn't let him confess first because he was too cool for it. Instead he enjoyed the name calling better.*

"Hm? Nothing, I'm just looking for a soft pillow to rest my head for a nap..~"

*nashi nuzzled into his neck as she spooned him to take a nap.. Jay felt a sudden rise in tension erupt as he could feel a hunger for attention coming from Nashi?*

"Nashi… I think our parents are gone… we should probably go-"

*jays words where hushed as he felt Nashi pick herself on all fours above him and pinned him underneath her. He saw her face was flushed like a fever and her eyes where a bright glowing gold color. He swallowed as he saw this innocent, playful, sweet girl he would pick fights with turn into something lustful and hungry.*

"Nashi…. Let… go… your not feeling well alright… let's slowly get down from here and- mmm!!"

*suddenly jays world turned upside down as his lips met with Nashi's hot soft ones. The kiss was infusing and enticing, jay felt his eyelids heavy as he continued the kiss with Nashi. The cold air had made the intimate action more sweeter as nashi began pulling at his bottom lip drawing out a moan from him.*

That's when Nashi opened her eyes to see a flushed Jay underneath her, he was panting trying to catch his breath as she began undressing him…

"Nashi? Nashi?? Hello, Nashi to earth!"

*with that Nashi blinked a bit seeing she had fallen asleep on jays arm which had gone numb and he was trying to wake her up.*

"Jeez nash, you were worrying me a bit… you were moaning like you were having a nightmare or something… and our parents are gone now, we should bounce while we have the chance."

*jay held onto Nashi hand as he dragged her away skidded across the rooftops. Nashi hadn't noticed until now how great jay looked… he looked rather handsome underneath the moonlight and his midnight hair made him look fierce, wild, and attractive? Nashi shook her head as she kept running behind him but remembered the light dream she was having with him not a few munutes ago. Her face grew a glowing red as she remembered how helpless he looked underneath her… she wanted that whatever that was, she wanted him to look at her with 'need'…*

"Jay! Let go! I-I forgot something back at the guild! Yeah! I think we should split here and go our separate ways… my dads nose won't be able to choose which scent to follow."

*Nashi played off the awkward tone perfectly as she could. She didn't give Jay time to respond back as she quickly dashed away from him. She got some distance in between them as she got lucky he didn't come after her but her luck ran out as she bumped into her father.*

"Ha! Finally got you nash- huh? Where did you go? And why do you smell so bad?"

*that was natsu's first response to a strange new smell Nashi had going on, it was repulsing and disgusting to him.*

"Dad? *sniff sniff* I don't know what's happening to me?!"

*Nashi looked at him with a quivering lip and glossy eyes, natsu hugged her instinctively without caring how bad she smelled. He decided to call it a day and head back home now as it was already night.*


Natsu thought Nashi was about to tell him what was wrong when they got home. She always told him whenever she got hurt, but this time she just ran up into her room and slammed it shut behind her.

"So what did daddy do wrong this time?"

*lucy teased as natsu shrugged and pouted*

"Nothing… she was already disturbed when I found her… plus she smells worst then a skunk.."

*natsu pinched his nose as he waved his hand in a matter that hinted her odor was still around.*

"Hmm? But she smells okay to me… leave this to me natsu.. maybe she just needs a mothers card now.."

*lucy patted his back as she went ahead upstairs to figure out what was wrong with her daughter.*

*knock knock knock*

"Come in.."

Lucy walked into Nashi's room as she walked in over to her bed where she layed curled up in a fetus position.

"What's wrong my baby? Your father told me that he found you not feeling well… did something happen?"

*lucy asked as Nashi turned over to rest her head on her mothers lap. Sometimes she still acted like a kid whenever her mother babied her so she felt some sense of security with Lucy.*

"Mom… today something weird happened with jay.."

*Nashi squeaked as lucy began to hear her complaints.*

"Yeah?… what happened..?"

"I don't know… we were messing around one moment then the next I was day dreaming of kissing jay… I know you kiss someone because you like them.. but the way I kissed jay in my day dream felt like I wanted him to be vulnerable… do you understand that?"

*Nashi asked as she blushed but hoped her mother knew what she was talking about. Lucy closed her eyes as she thought what Nashi would have imagined. That's when a bright light appeared but before she could say anything she looked over at the door.*

"Natsu, you better not be listening in on your daughters complaints"

"Damn it! I'm not listening alright! Jeez that woman seems like she's a dragon slayer herself…"

*natsu mumbled as he walked away from the door and lucy sighed with a smile on her face.*

"Nashi I think I know what's happening to you.."

"You do?!"

*Nashi sat up as she looked at her mother wondering what was wrong with her.*

"I think you are just growing up now… I mean it was boundless to happen since you have some of your fathers blood but I think your experiencing your first 'heat' that your father used to have back then.. but also I think you have feelings for Jay.."

*lucy concluded as she took Nashi's temperature with her palm of her hand on her forehead and saw the dilated pupils whenever Nashi talked about Jay.*

"Me?! Like, Jay?! Ha! There's no way! He's my rival! My arch nemesis! My ice to my fire.. oh I see your point…"

*Nashi slumped her shoulders as she earned some smirks from her mother. They both laughed as her mother gave her some tips now.*

"I think it would be better for you to tell your father about your beginning of these 'cycles' but if your too uncomfortable would you want me to break the news to him? I can act like a bridge on information if you like?"

"Yes mom! Please! It's too weird to tell my dad about all this… plus do I really smell that bad?"

*Nashi asked as she lifted her armpit to smell herself.*

"No sweetie, I think that's part of the pheromones that come with the whole 'cycle' I remember your uncle Gajeel would bash your fathers head for not controlling his 'stench' hahaha!"

*lucy and Nashi laughed as this was a funny memory to them. Lucy got up now as she kissed her daughters forehead goodnight leaving her alone to change for bed.*

Lucy walked out the door as she sighed and walked into her room where natsu sat at the edge waiting for lucy to tell him what was wrong with Nashi.

"So what's wrong with her luce?"

"It's nothing major really… but she does take after you so much that she inherited your 'dragon cycles' you used to have monthly.."

Natsu looked at lucy blankly trying to figure out what she meant by 'dragon cycles' as he finally came to the conclusion she meant his 'ruts'.

"… no way… that can't be.. not even Wendy went through her heats at that age… maybe she is confused lucy.."

*natsu denied it as he layed down in bed with lucy thinking about it.*

"There's no denying it natsu, your baby girl isn't a baby anymore… plus she has a crush already, *giggle*"

*lucy giggled as natsu turned to his side to glare at his wife.*

"Who is it? Whose the brat who has my poor Nashi suffering.."

"Relax, she's not suffering… plus Wendy was 26 when she started. That was after she fell in love with Romeo. Relax natsu, she knows what she's doing and maybe you can help her by telling me what I can tell her to better ignore her new emotions."

*lucy played with natsu's hair as he looked at lucy with a grim look… he didn't like this one bit…*

"*sigh* I'm guessing she's not comfortable with me knowing so I'll just tell ya… it's probably gonna get harder from here on out so tell her to keep her distance from any males at the moment or from this 'crush'. Make sure she drinks lots of water, and …"

*natsu felt very uncomfortable now as he remembered his pasts experiences as not very great moments.. he was thinking now how it was a great idea to not have had that 'talk' face to face with his daughter. He shivered physically as lucy waited for him to finish.*

"… if she can't handle the feeling she should um,…. Take care of it…"

*natsu looked away as lucy got curious what he meant. She decided that she would have some fun picking at him for this tonight*


Nashi had gotten up now as she woke up and got ready to begin her day. She began getting dressed after she took a bath before any of her siblings could wake up as she got pretty and actually dressed up for once in her life.

"Where are you going? And why are you getting dressed so fancy?"

All except for leia…

Leia was 14 and probably the most mature out of everyone. She and Igneel where the sound ones as she could make any of her siblings from oldest to youngest cry uncle. And Igneel the most formal and well mannered one who pretty much had all his siblings respect him in one way or another.

"Not today leia, I'm not in the mood to hear you so scram.."

"Why? Did you and your boyfriend break up?"

*leia raised an eyebrow as she looked at Nashi dead serious.*


*Nashi puffed out as she finished tying her hair back*

"Then where are you going?"

"I'm going to aunt levy's, so don't bother in tagging along…"

"Yes i am, I'm going with you."

"No your not.."





"Yes! And if you don't let me I'm telling mom and dad about how you burned their curtains that I took the blame for when you were 9.."

*Nashi clenched her teeth as she remembered how 'nice' her sister was who told her she would take the fault when she was 3. She never knew this was blackmail ready to bite her back 10 years later.*

"Fine!!! You come but no one else!"

*leia smiled happily at Nashi giving in now and quickly went to her room to get ready to leave soon.*

Nashi and leia quickly grabbed a bagel to eat on the go as they kissed lucy goodbye for the day and went off running before Liddan made it down the stairs finally.

"Hello to you too sis… geez what has her tail in a knot?"

*Liddan walked into the kitchen as he yawned and scratched his tummy. He was the spitting image of natsu but his only difference was that he had blonde instead of pink hair.*

"Give your sister a break, she's going through stuff so don't bother her to much."

*lucy patted his back a bit before serving his portion of breakfast.*

"I don't even bother her much, plus we were supposed to go to the guild today to check out a mission out together. *chew* She never runs away from a mission."

*lucy smacked his arm as she had told him many times to chew with his mouth close and talk when it's empty.*

"Liddan just give her time… you will understand when you go through what she's going through right now.."

*lucy vaguely and shortly said as Liddan arched a eyebrow as he finished his breakfast now.*

"And what is she exactly going through?"

"None of what concerns you.."

*natsu finally interrupted the conversation as he kissed lucy and looked at Liddan.*

"Look, just know she's dealing with some pretty scary stuff that I didn't want her or any of you to deal with… so leave the topic and accept it as that."

*natsu finsih as Liddan nodded listening to his father.*

"Ah alright, must be some pretty serious stuff then.."

*Liddan walked upstairs to get dressed in his tight blue closed vest and white joggers. He combined his wild hair a bit as he dashed downstairs to kiss his mom goodbye on the cheek as he also rustled his sleepy twin sisters who had woken up finally.*

"Hey! Don't touch my hair!"

"Get out of here! Your so mean!"

*the two twins complained as they watched their older brother leave out the door.*

"Come on girls, don't be like that with your brother.. he's probably the only one who isn't as mean as your other brothers.."

*lucy justified her sons Liddan's actions as she served the twins their breakfast. She brushed their messy bed heads out of their eyes as they began eating breakfast. Lina was the one who had pink hair with slight blonde tips as she took after Nashi as being the adventurous one. While luxe was the one with blonde hair with slight pink tips who was more calm and was a book worm. Besides there differences they got along well and always stuck together. They had different beds in their room but sometimes they still slept together.*

"Hmm.. I guess your right mom.."

*lina replied as she waited for their father to take his seat at the table. Finally the boys woke up as the last ones to arrive at the table that morning.*

"Good morning mother, good morning father, good morning lina and luxe.."

*igneel made his way around the table as he hugged lucy, natsu, and messed with lina and luxe by poking them on the shoulders.*

"Good morning twin freaks~"

*and finally jue made his entrance by offending the twins like always. He was more of the laid back of all the siblings, he also was very rude which made him igneels opposite.*

"Stop calling us freaks!"

*and on que the twin's harmonized together as they replied back to jue.*

"Look! See!? They are doing it again-! Ow!"

*natsu slapped his head as he already had told him to stop picking on his baby sisters. Jue only looked at natsu while rubbing his head as they all sat down to finally have some breakfast.*
