
Chapter 3: Great Departure

I have but a moment to reach in my pocket, and pull out the other weapon I had brought from upstairs. Holvick throws the flames in his hands directly at me he yells, "You little worm eat this." As the flames make their way towards me I dash backward quickly and throw out two small bombs from my pocket. I yell out, "Magivara!" I throw them out in front of me the symbols on the small paper pellets glowing in response to my activation. They collide with the rush of fire magic coming my way the fire still sears my clothes, but overall the fire is extinguished before it reaches me. Anti-magic runes inscribed on homemade small smoke bombs give the smoke the properties of anti-magic. My grandpa wrote the symbol for anti-magic in his book, it was one of the rarest runes he had ever found.

Holvick looks at me stunned for a moment, I take this as my chance to throw the now broken wooden rod at him. It hits him in his chiseled jaw he grunts in pain as I attempt to run away behind one of my shelves. Once he regains his composure he roars out, "You little bastard I am gonna roast you alive!" The room glows in response seems like he is going to try to throw another fireball at me. It wasn't by chance that I rushed over here I picked up a small wooden hammer from my special shelf. Holvick lets his temper loose as he throws another fireball toward the shelf I am currently hiding at. I roll out of the way I feel the flames singe my leg a bit as the fire grazes me the wooden shelf starts to burn. I needed to end this quickly or this entire store will go up in flames with me in it. Holvick taunts me, "When I get my hands on you nobody will even recognize you!" 

I grab the hammer and decide to make a mad dash for Holvick he would risk burning himself if he fired a fireball too close. I close the distance fast as I leap towards him hammer in hand I jump at him ready to smack him on the head. Instead, as I leap into the air he grabs me by the throat crushing it in his grasp as he looks at me with scorn. He yells out, "Say goodbye kid and remember I gave you a choice!" My throat is crushed in his hands I can hardly breathe, and his palms feel hot they are now physically burning me. I manage to squeak out the words, "Somniel." I weakly wield the hammer in my right hand, and press it to his hand as my throat feels like it is burning violently. Suddenly I am let go I fall to the ground all at once my back hits the ground hard, and the wind is knocked out of me. 

I gasped for breath, and writhed in agony for a moment looking up at the wooden ceiling as my eyes watered. I finally manage to get on my feet my legs shaking I see Holvick knocked out in front of me. The hammer I pressed on his hand has a rune that invokes sleep on whoever touches the hammer. I have to find water to put out the fire quickly I have no time to deal with the now-sleeping Holvick. I rush over to more household items that I sell I grab a wooden bucket on one of the shelves a tool I usually sold for gardening. On the bottom there is a water rune etched into the framework this was one of the less well-known products I was experimenting with. I say the word, "Nautrium," the bucket suddenly fills up with water with haste I toss it on the now burning shelf. The water doesn't fully put out the fire, so I have to keep filling up the bucket over and over again until the fire is gone.

Once I put out the fire I collapsed on the ground catching my breathe Holvick didn't hurt me that bad besides a few cuts, and burns. I would still need some immediate first aid as my flesh was seared on my throat which would leave a nasty scar no doubt. Once I applied some first aid I turned my attention towards the now passed out Holvick. I needed to deal with him, but turning him over to the local guards stationed in town would prove fatal. That would be a lot to process for the guards, and I would need to be questioned. That entire situation would be a mess, and if I wasted any more time his gang could kill me before I even got to leave. Furthermore, if the guards arrested Holvick again no doubt that could lead to an all-out war in this city. It would be best to tie him up here gather all I can from the shop, buy the caravan, and horses, and leave ASAP.

I tie him up with rope, and leave his unconscious body in a closet on the first floor the spell would work for a least a few hours. Given that it was about 5:00 am now and we were already in the merchant district that could in theory give me enough time to skip town. The caravan dealership wouldn't be open until 6, but I would gather as much as I could in the front of the shop now. I began getting anything I could carry, and bring it outside the shop, and place it down on the dirt road. Luggage, goods, materials, money, silverware, and anything that held value in my shop was brought out. In about 45 minutes I had cleaned out the entire shop which was made easier because I prepped for today already. In a hurry, I practically ran to the caravan shop about a quarter of a mile away.

I brought the money I had saved up to the front I waited until the shop owner stepped out to turn his sign to open. I hurried inside a rough-looking man with dark black hair, and an unshaved face greeted me with sleepy eyes. I recognized him as Arthur I had been down here numerous times to view their mobile caravans in preparation for my journey. Arthur stated, "Oh your early boy in a hurry to get out of here already?" I hastily replied, "Yeah ran into some last-minute issues I would like to proceed in buying the caravan we talked about please." I had talked to him before about one of his more basic, but spacious caravans. Something that I could use to travel, but also use as a way to sell anything I made on the road. He sold some merchant caravans that would do the trick, and the one I wanted was in the back. 

He unlocked the door to the back lazily, and I followed him in a hurry he led me to his outside showroom. He pointed to a caravan on display in the front, "Ah this was the one you wanted right? A more basic model, but it'll get you far I assure you." The caravan was fully made of wood, and it was about mid-sized with new lamps on the front of it. The wood was painted a fitting red, and green to catch people's eyes as the caravan went by. There was a small window on the side to both look out or use to set up shop somewhere. It was perfect for my needs it could hold a decent amount of merchandise, and other necessities. I paid for the caravan in full leaving only what was left for other things, yesterday I already bought the supplies for the journey ahead.

I told Arthur I would pick it up in a little bit as I raced to my next destination I jogged down to the corner of the market. There was a sign out front, "Mercedes' Stables, and Equipment" I rushed inside the woman seemed to just be setting up for the day she looked at me with wide eyes. The woman is strong-looking with wild blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. She is about 30 with freckles dotting her nose, and cheeks. I speak up, "Hey I would like to buy two horses please quickly if you don't mind." The woman perks up, "Yes sir right this way sir." I realized that for the caravan I would be using two horses would be ideal since it wasn't all that big. It would be cutting my budget thin, but this was necessary, and with the extra money I made yesterday I would still have a decent few mints left.

This entire trip was a gamble from start to finish I would need to make sure that I could be self-sufficient as quickly as possible. The woman led me back to the stables, and showed me a couple of horses she asked me, "What are you going to do with the horses." I explain, "I am leaving town, and need them to pull my caravan." She nods, "I can recommend these two then." She points to a white horse, and then a black horse. She explains, "These two are the strongest horses I have to offer they would be perfect for pulling a caravan." I nod, "Sounds great." She adds, "The white one is named Song, and the black one is named Midnight please make sure they are taken care of they are still a bit young." I smile, "Don't worry I will treat them like family!" We work out a price that is both fair and fits my budget. I the gear that Mercedes gives me, and she explains about their care and needs I also buy a bit of food for them.

Mercedes offers to help me with the horses over to the caravan store I don't know how to handle them yet or ride them, so the help is very appreciated. Once we get over there we part ways, and Arthur takes control of the situation. He helps me get them attached to the caravan and explains in detail how to go about riding a caravan. He has given me a more in-depth explanation before, but the extra pointers were honestly a blessing. I part ways with Arthur as I thank him for all of his help and make my way back to my shop now riding the caravan. The time is a bit after 7:15 people would be starting to move around now, so I needed to load my cargo and get out. It takes me about a half hour to get everything on board thankfully the morning air is chilly. I was given some horse commands, and tried them out once I was holding the reins. I yell, "Walk on," and put tension into the reins.

The horses begin moving forward from the shop I am relieved, but also sad as I see the shop disappear from my view. I had no choice, but to leave in a hurry I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye to the shop I had spent my entire life. I had lived there for 19 years of my life, and all of a sudden I would have to say farewell it was a bit of a shock. The people of this town that had supported me every day I would miss them a lot, but I had to keep moving forward. One day I would come back here, and give back to this place that had helped me so much. I glance at the road ahead the sun poking through the horizon goodbye Astralum.

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