
Chronicles of the Ancient Land

217 years ago, the Earth was besieged by a dreadful calamity that claimed billions of lives. The sky wept with thunderbolts, the lands shook with anger, and the oceans roared with their unsurpassable might. But as the saying goes, fortune and disaster were two sides of the same coin. Amidst the catastrophe, a brand new continent surfaced where countless undecipherable things exist; mythical beasts from tales, elixirs from the legends, and even places that oppose the laws of the world! From this, new breed of humans emerged. We call them beastmasters. Contracting beasts from the mysterious continent, these people held the driving force of humanity's brand new age. I am Luciel Night, an aspiring beastmaster but met a disaster when the yearly expedition of domains commenced. Lost inside the unknown paradise, I heard a voice inside of my head. A voice that pledged to make me at the apex of this era.

RandomAsian_G1rl · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The beautiful sunrise was peeking at the distant horizon, sending a warm and gentle feeling to one's soul as the early breeze brought refreshing coolness to one's body.

Rising Dragon Archipelago.

On one of its land mass, airships of different kinds were landing one after another.

"We're here." Luciel murmured to himself, watching the bustling scene below from their shuttle.

Hearing his friend mumbling, Zyrus woke up from his nap, as he too, took a peek from the window beside him. "It's really lively here isn't it?"

"Of course it'll be lively, it's the yearly expedition after all."

"Mm." Zyrus nodded, but as he suddenly recalled something from before, he sighed frustratedly. "But I wonder if the rumors are true about Vermillion Bird Sect though."

"Vermillion Bird? What about them?" Luciel asked confusedly.

"Well... I heard that they won't be attending this year and the next year's expedition because of some silly agreement from MDI and House Fang. Tsk, those two bastard of a group really has huge appetites to even lay their hands on Vermillion Bird. They can't fight them head on and can only resort to such cheap tricks. Really, what a bunch of losers."

Shaking his head with a slight remorse, Zyrus turned his head to look at Luciel only to find out that Luciel was looking at him with an odd gaze.

"What's wrong kid? You're finally realizing your admiration for this handsome young master now?"

Still maintaining the odd look on his face, Luciel answered him. "Well, aren't you just disappointed because you won't see the beauties from Vermillion Bird?"

Zyrus' head just dodged shiftily to the side as he answered stutteringly.

"T-that's not it, really! I was just wondering i-if our domain can hold up against the other domains' forces without their help. Yeah, t-that was it."

Luciel still eyed Zyrus suspiciously, but what the guy said really was a concern for them to ponder about.

The yearly event wasn't only meant for their own domain but also for the other three: North, South, and West.

The day of the expedition was the only time when the overwhelming pressure from the Ancient Land would tremendously drop that even ordinary humans would have no problems walking inside while the mysterious and eerie fog surrounding the continent from the sea would also thin out, making sailing also possible.

This piece of vital information was from the culmination of countless sacrifices from the four domains over the first few decades after The Great Cataclysm.

In short, it was the only window of time to seek opportunities from the mysterious paradise.


This particular day will also be, no doubt, a bloody one.

Just imagine, forces all around the world would gather for the same said goal like hungry packs of wolves staring at a juicy slab of meat hanging in front of their noses.

It would be pure and utter chaos!

And now, a leading figure of the Eastern Dragon Coalition, the Vermillion Bird Sect, was allegedly not joining because of internal disputes.

'But surely, the higher-ups have prepared plenty of countermeasures right?' Luciel thought.

Although a bit uncomfortable about the news, Luciel deemed it as useless since, first, he was already here and thinking about it further will only be a burden for his mind, second, the news was just a rumor and only god knows what really is happening, third, even if it is true, their domain wouldn't be that dumb to not think of proper plans regarding the issue.

'I'm sure we're just missing something here. There's no need to think about it deeply.'

Luciel shook his head to clear away some of the useless thoughts.

"Attention students!"

Cassandra shouted as she got up from her seat at the front.

All the students inside the shuttle also stood up from their respective seats, standing straight as they tried to listen to what their instructor would say.

"We're now here at our destination and I have a few things to say." Cassandra paused for a bit as she eyed everyone with her cold, emerald eyes. "This expedition isn't a child's play and some of you will die today. I'm sure you lot are well aware of that."

Everyone's silent because they understood the severity of this matter.

"This is your last chance to back out." Cassandra continued.

No one uttered a word of backing out though, as if they long since made up their minds regarding their decisions.

Seeing the look of tough conviction and burning determination painted on her students' faces, Cassandra was inwardly satisfied. "Well, then. Since y'all have made up your minds, you must persevere with that thought until the end of the road. And oh, someone from the academy will also take command over y'all later as I have a different arrangement assigned to me by the dean."

The shuttle they were currently on, has landed and stopped at a distance from the other vehicles.

"Look out for each other out there and best of luck towards all of you, my dear students."

Although she said it with her usual strict tone, Cassandra Shang's words was seemingly wrapped around with care and gentleness. Her current demeanor was thousand miles away from the cold and distant aura she always emanates.

Everyone was briefly stunned as they saw this subtle yet,  surprising change.


"Ma'am, yes, ma'am!!!"

A voice suddenly broke their thoughts.

It was Luciel, as he emotionally shouted towards Instructor Shang.

Everyone might be unaware of the fact, but Luciel always knew that his Instructor Shang really cared deeply about them.

This might be their last meeting since the death rate of the expedition is quite high so he was currently overwhelmed by all the thoughts running on his mind, and can only express all the gratitude he felt towards Instructor Shang this way.

All the years of patience, the months of guidance, and the days of bitter training to improve his overall self...

He owed it all to this particular instructor of his.

Everyone then finally snapped from their daze as they also realized that the cold and strict-looking instructor whom they see all the time was maybe, a forged persona by this gentle and warm lady in front of them to better themselves everyday.


Everyone answered loudly as they bowed towards her.

"Good, good..." Cassandra's eyes slightly teared up as she nodded towards her students.

The feeling of raising up thousands of kids simultaneously and even though there were disappointments, the good seedlings among them outnumbered the bad ones.

It was of pure contentment one will feel, when they accomplish such tasks.

But out of nowhere...


The door of the shuttle blasted open.

Ruining the rare moment for both Cassandra and her students.

Everyone, including Luciel looked towards the door as they were all baffled by the sudden commotion.

Cassandra also felt the bizarreness of the situation and quickly adjusted her mood.

Looking at the entrance of the shuttle, everyone saw a brown-skinned young man walking alongside with an old man in a long, white coat.

"Excuse me, who might the two of you be?"

Cassandra asked cautiously since the bearing and aura coming off of them weren't ordinary.

The young man looked towards her while also examining the students behind her.

Then, as if confused and puzzled, the young man just outright ignored Instructor Shang's question and turned towards the old man beside him.

"Are these the people that will be under me later, Professor? You're not kidding me are you?"

The voice wasn't loud, but everyone in the shuttle heard it since first, they all have heightened senses and second, the young man was the only one that's talking.

"Yes. They are Lotus Order's Combat Department."

"Lotus Order? Where the hell did that kind of shitty organization came from?"

"They're not exactly an organization, but an academy that nurt-"

"Blah blah blah... organization... academy... what the fuck's the difference? And right, I've told you that I wanted Lunar Radiance, have I? Why is it a lotus-fucking-order-shit now, huh?!"

"Well... this.."

"For fuck's sake, there's even an old lady over there. What am I supposed to do with her?"

The old man only smiled awkwardly in response at the young man's sudden outburst.

But hearing the words coming off from the young man, all the students behind Cassandra exploded with rage.

"Hey motherfucker! Take back what you said just now!"

"You fucking choco-boy! It seems your insides were as rotten as your looks!"

"Well, maybe it's even more rotten inside, since his mouth smells like shit!"

"Don't let me get there you freaking brown-assed kid, or I'll fuckin' kick your ugly face!"

"Goddamit, why are we even holding back right here, let's all just rush up and kick his balls!"

"Yeah, let's go!"



Everyone's bursting with anger, and of course, Luciel wasn't an exception.

Seeing his most respected instructor's current predicament, he can't help but clench his fists tightly that veins are bulging on his arms as he prepare to land a fist or two towards the face of the young man.

At his side though, Zyrus was even more impatient to beat the hell out of the young man. "This dude has fucking guts...!! Let's go Luci, hold down that old man and I'll rush to that brown-assed motherfucker!"

With the hot-bloodedness of youth still running through Luciel's veins, he swiftly nodded towards Zyrus.

But as they were both preparing to rush forward...


An unbelievable aura bore down on everyone.

"Pffft- Haha... hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAH!!!"

Cassandra laughed eerily at the front.

Releasing a thick and heavy pressure that was so dense, everyone's been feeling like they were being submerged into a room full of mercury.

"Fuuu... really, haven't laughed like that for years... pfft-HAHA..." She said while wiping some tears at the corner of her eyes. "Well then, how should I reward you kid?"

Every student was having a difficult time moving just from the sheer projection of aura of their instructor but they can't help but blink their eyes in confusion when they heard her.

'Reward? What the hell's the reward for Instructor?!' —they all thought.

Well, except for Luciel.


He knew this calm before the storm setup of his Instructor Shang since he once had experienced it when he mentioned something about Instructor Shang's age before.

Luciel was still having nightmares whenever he remembers that particular memory.

And now, the young man in front not only mentioned something casually about her age but...

He even called her an old lady.

'Haih... Well, kid... I wish you good luck from here on out. I pray that you be a good boy in your next life.'

Luciel prayed inwardly as he now somehow felt pity towards the young man.

And as if proving his prediction correct, Cassandra Shang's laughter faded like an illusion on the background.

"Well... do you perhaps want your bones separated from your flesh? Or do you prefer your fucking throat ripped off? Oh, oh, I know! You want your brains splattered all over the floor, right? Sigh... I fucking knew it, young'uns like you really were from the weirdest kind of bunch." 


A small gale then erupted outwards...

A beast of unprecedented dreadfulness manifested beside her.


The beast looked like a lion but with an ominously-gleaming stinger as its tail and feathery-wings that was folded in its side as it stood proudly beside Instructor Shang, eyeing everyone inside the shuttle.


The beast beside her roared as it felt the killing intent of its owner directed towards the young man.

Its blood-red eyes glinted with cold, sinister intent.

Every student behind Instructor Shang twitched in fright and horror after seeing the scene.

The words their instructor said already gave them one hell of a scare, and now a fearsome-looking beast spawned beside her!

The most affected was the young man in front, though. He was currently shivering both from the beast and the woman's crazed look and aura, as numerous thoughts flitted through his mind.




An equally oppressive aura descended towards everyone as a beast, bigger than Instructor Shang's summoned one appeared, sinking the metal flooring of the shuttle.

Crystalline carapace covered its entire body as it stood in front of the young man, seemingly protecting him from Instructor Shang and her beast.

"Instructor Shang, I apologize for this boy's rudeness just now. Don't worry, I'll immediately report this incident to our headquarters when we go back."

The old man beside the young man said, bowing his head slightly appearing neither humble nor servile as he apologized on behalf of the young man.

But different from his outer appearance, the old man was inwardly extremely shocked after seeing the beast beside Instructor Shang.

'Her Chrome Chimera has already advanced to Level-3...!'—he thought.

Although he has a Level-3 Amethyst Beetle, a silver-tiered beast boasting tremendous amounts of defense and vitality, through the connection between the beast and the contractor, he can sense the uneasiness his Amethyst Beetle felt when it confronted Instructor Shang's beast.

Chrome Chimeras were ranked as gold-tier beasts because their combat power was so immense, they can fight off Level-2 beasts when they were all just in their juvenile form or Level-1.

Not to mention, Cassandra Shang's beast was a Level-3 Chrome Chimera!

Not just that, Chrome Chimeras were blessed with elemental affinities (which is pretty rare) of both wind and fire, that it was capable of boosting its own agility and firepower in combat when needed. They were the perfect example of a pure, combat-oriented beast!

But the higher tiered a beast was, the harder it is to get evolved.

See, Professor Yaggo put painstakingly huge efforts just to give his Amethyst Beetle a chance for its third evolution and it nearly cost him all his wealth, and mind you, he works for a first-ranked power.

And now...

Seeing that this particular gold-tier beast currently standing beside an instructor from a second-ranked power...

It even evolved to Level-3 at that!

Professor Yaggo can't help but feel a roller coaster of emotions surge within him.

Instructor Shang was also a bit surprised.

Seeing an Amethyst Beetle, a particularly rare beast, rarer even than the Chrome Chimeras despite its tier, and the aura coming off from the old man that is much more superior to her even though she has a gold-tier Level-3 beast...

She was a bit intrigued and finally tore her gaze away from the young man and focused it towards the old man.

Her killing intent didn't diminish in the slightest though.

She also didn't reply towards the old man hinting him to continue talking.

And of course, as an experienced person of the society, the old man quickly picked up Instructor Shang's intentions.

"The introductions are late, my apologies." The old man paused for a moment as he grabbed a token from one of his coat's pockets and passed it over towards Instructor Shang. "I am Professor Yaggo and this young man right here is Jonas Lee. We are from Ambrosia and we'll be taking command over your unit right here."

Receiving the token with an engraved five-petal flower, Instructor Shang was then again shocked as she scrutinized the engravings on the token.

'This is a genuine token from Ambrosia..!'

The image on the token was a symbol from one of the first-ranked powers of their domain, Ambrosia.

It was an organization that started since the late 2090s and has very deep foundations regarding medicine.

They were also a pioneer in the current era as they lead numerous researches benefitting countless organizations all over the globe.

The political authority they held within the Eastern Dragon Coalition was so immense, they can rival any of the three peak-ranked powers!

And it was this particular organization that arranged both Jonas Lee and Professor Yaggo in front of her to take command over her students.

'But what the hell's happening here... Why is a member of Ambrosia taking over our academy's unit?'

Instructor Shang was stuck in a weird emotional turmoil, observing the token in her hands and the still-shivering body of the young man.

Professor Yaggo noticed Instructor Shang's "weirdness" and quickly interjected to explain things.

"Well, you see Instructor Shang, this brat right here needs some help regarding his second beast companion and Ambrosia was kind of short on manpower so we requested your academy's dean if we can borrow some people from your department to help him out."

Professor Yaggo patiently explained to Instructor Shang.

"Ambrosia is short on manpower? Are you kidding me?! And moreover, you're taking our academy staff to make your ends meet? I'm really sorry about this Mr. Yaggo, but I'm currently really puzzled about this situation."

Instructor Shang shook her head as she felt really confused just now.

Their current situation was just so bizarre that it doesn't make any sense.

A first-ranked power borrowing people from a second-ranked one?

Might as well borrow their little shuttle since they have battle airships!

"Well, it was an order from one of the higher-ups Instructor Shang. I personally also doesn't understand the specifics myself." The old man said, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he observed Instructor Shang's ever changing expressions.

While everyone was still thinking about what is happening right now, Luciel then noticed an approaching man from the shuttle's doorway.


Luciel felt odd and shocked as it was the same man who mocked him earlier in the academy.

'A perfect timing for this sudden commotion, huh?'

He thought, looking at the approaching burly man coldly.

< Chapter 2 > Fin.