
Chronicles of Technological Ascendance: The Rise of Vikram Rathore

Immortal_Master · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

Chapter 3: Mastering the Core Sciences

Driven by insatiable curiosity, Vikram devoted himself to mastering the core sciences offered by the Techno Genesis System. Mathematics, once a daunting subject, became his gateway to understanding complex theories and calculations.

Physics unveiled the laws governing the universe, inspiring Vikram with its mysteries and potential applications. Biology provided insights into life's complexities, from cellular processes to genetic codes that held the keys to evolution and innovation.

Engineering emerged as Vikram's passion, allowing him to transform ideas into tangible inventions. From simple prototypes to ambitious projects, he honed his skills in design and implementation, pushing the boundaries of what was possible.

Materials science offered him the ability to manipulate matter at a molecular level, exploring new materials that could revolutionize industries. Energy science captivated Vikram with its potential to harness power from renewable sources and explore the frontiers of sustainable technology.

Information science delved into the secrets of genetics and artificial intelligence, offering Vikram glimpses into the future of biotechnology and digital innovation. Each branch of the technology tree presented him with challenges and opportunities, guiding his journey towards mastery and discovery.