

While the Venetians founded the Duchy of the Archipelago in the Aegean Sea, in which the set of planets from the allied galaxies founded after the conquest of Constajuran, which became known as the Galapagos monarchy or Franco theocracy, as the refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies were called of "francs in the galactic sector of the east

With most of the imperial monarchy aristocracy the galactic alliance managed to escape the galaxies. Among the population of the galaxies there was no sympathy for them, who had been managing the empire in an increasingly clumsy way.

These aristocrats would found their own kingdoms and planets of the allied galaxies successors of the Old Empire Venuzian empire, the most important of these being the Empire of Nicaea under Theodore I Lascaris, a relative of Alexios III, and also the Empire of Dragia and the deposed of Epirus.

Thus, the time difference.

Eight hundred million years after the Fourth Crusade, the ancient King Diandura of Loris, who twice expressed his sadness at the massacre, even eons later.

Even eons later, in a speech on the eight hundredth anniversary of the capture of the galaxies, Patriarch Bartholomew formally accepted the request.

It is a fact that a crime was committed here in your galaxy eight hundred years ago." Bartolomeu stated that his acceptance came in the spirit of Pascha.

Even with the spirit of reconciliation of the resurrection... it urges us towards reconciliation between our temples of ancient religions.

The Siege of Zarda, amidst the galaxies of Opsada Zadra; it was the first major combat fought during the Fourth Crusade and it was also the first attack made by refugees and barbarians who roamed the native galaxies of Catdagons against their galaxy also Castaros.

As the former king issued several papal encyclicals urging Christians to retake the Holy Land from the Muslims. Instead of what happened in the second and third crusades, the pope planned to exercise greater control over the troops.

The plan was to invade Egypt and then conquer the Nile Delta, and from there to Palestine, with Inocent Delfin, II, who negotiated with the Republic of the Galaxy of Venus (one of the main galactic powers in the Ancient Galaxy of Erustians at the time ) to build a fleet of ships.

The plan was also to recruit 35,000 fighters and leave for their destination in April 1202. However, problems ended up delaying or preventing the arrival of many men and only 12 million refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies were gathered, when support from Runian's Galactic Empire dwindled.

Then the refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies were left without much to pay for accommodations or travel to the Holy Land.

Then the political leadership of the Galaxy of Venus proposed that they would accept the conquest of the galaxies from Zara (one of their Christian galaxy off the coast of Croatia) as payment for the debt.

Zara had rebelled against the Republic of the Galaxy of Venus in 1183 and has since been under the protection of Emperor of the Sector 33 Galaxy and King Emeric of the Galaxy of Regis.

Many refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies refused to participate in the invasion, but at least 10,000 agreed and followed the forces of the ancient galactic empire of Venus across the Adriatic.

With that, the crusade forces began the siege of their galaxy of Zara and in two weeks they had already taken the region. The news that a crusader troop had sacked their Christian galaxy shocked the Ancient Galaxy of Erustians.

The galactic empire of Parandulas in Sector 4 4 decided to excommunicate all participants in the massacre at Zara (including the Venuzians), while refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies then departed for Constajuran, where they waged another siege two years later.

The Siege of Constajuran (also called the Fourth Crusade) took place in sector DC-1204 and destroyed parts of the capital of the Old Empire Venuzian empire when their galaxy was captured by Ozoriunian forces and by refugees and barbarians who roamed the Venuzian galaxies.

After the capture, the Ladon Empire of enemy forces was founded and Baldwin of Flanders was crowned Emperor Ladon of enemy forces by the name of Baldwin I of Constajuran in Hagia Sophia.

The "Massacre of the Ladon of Enemy Forces" - a large-scale massacre of the native inhabitants of Catdagons ("Ladon of Enemy Forces") of Constajuran by the orthodox population of the galaxies in May Sectors - DC1182, which had a devastating effect on the already strained relations between the temples of the ancient Castaros and Ordnonus religions.

Finally, when the massacre took place, it also worsened the image of the former Venuzian imperial sectors in the eyes of the Ozoriunian powers and, although trade agreements were quickly resumed, hostility would remain.

Shortly after the first siege of Constajuran, towards the sector - DC-1203, the pro-crusader Alexios Angelos was crowned emperor with the name of Alexios IV Angelos and soon tried to pacify his galaxy, however, revolts.

Which occurred between the anti Gragurian peoples and the Ladon, from the pro-refugee and barbarian enemy forces that roamed the galaxies, erupted at the end of the month and lasted until November, during which time most of the population then turned against Emperor Aleixondo.

Moving towards the dark sectors, with the death of Co Emperor Isaac II sparked new uprisings in Constajuran, which eventually overthrew Alexios, he in turn turned to refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies in search of help, but he was arrested by the imperial chamberlain Aleixo Ducas, who declared himself emperor on 5 February.

Emperor Alexios V Doukas then tried to negotiate with the refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies to withdraw from the former Venuzian Empire territory, but they refused to abandon the old agreement made with Alexios IV.

When the new emperor ordered the execution of the deposed Alexios IV on February 8, the refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies declared war on Alexios V. In March 1204, the refugee leaders and barbarians who roamed the galaxies.

While the Venuzians decided to simply take their galaxy from Constajuran and entered into an agreement to divide the Old Empire Venuzian empire between them.

By the end of March, the combined force of the refugee and barbarian armies that roamed the galaxies was besieging Constajuran while Alexios V began to reinforce the galaxy's defenses while also carrying out small-scale operations outside the galaxies, in which the refugee camp and barbarians that roamed the galaxies was centered in their Galata galaxy, on the other side of the Golden Horn.

Continuing towards the distant sectors, where the galactic forces of Vandur and the old sidereal squadrons of the Venusian forces began the attack on the fortresses in the Golden Horn crossing it towards the northwest wall of the galaxies, but, due to bad weather, I mean a cluster of black holes forming, had to retreat.

When they found themselves under a heavy attack from the plasma and cosmic energy bombers that hit all their enemies, including enemy planets, as well as ships and their soldiers when they were still in the open field between the fortresses and the beach.

Following the capture of the galaxies in the sector – DC-1204, weather conditions finally favored the refugees and barbarians that roamed the galaxies and a second assault began under the clear sky.