
A confession.

I have failed in my duties as a guardian. As I write these words I bear with a heavy heart to in laying my entire family to rest aside from my dear child caroline. The sole survivor of the familial genocide was spared the fate of the oters

Simply because of a curse that plagued her and my dear late wife. This curse is in fact why myself and my trusted valet william "pork" mayson was not here to protect against this massacre.

And We begin our journey not at the beginning but during the middle of a great and secret war that has plagued man from the very dawn of our creation. Some would believe that this war between the states was simply about slavery and succession but in truth it is about our very survival as a species.

Up until recent years I too believed this to be true, it was not until I was "awakened" to the truth.

Prior I believed as most. Coming from a well to do family that owned slaves, "that we were right "and "pure". My ignorance caused me to be the very thing we used to beat down these poor unfortunate souls. They in truth were not the "niggers" that myself and others of my skin tone loved to refer them as.

These human beings whose only real crime was being trusting of their chiefs and leaders that sold them off to travelers for mere useless trinkets.

We are the true "niggers" that we believed we "knew" that we were superior because we outgrew superstitions. We were nieve to believe that we were better than anyone. I look out my window now to one of my most trusted and loyal friends.

William "pork" mayson who has been by my side fighting since day one. He was privy to the knowedge long before I was aware to the true war. He stands there now in a glow I would not have realized as strength until a year ago today. " It weighs on my heart knowing that I have truly failed not only as a guardian and protector of humanity but also as a husband and father.

Even now I fall to pieces as I write these words. My precious daughter caroline has been saved but in turn I have lost everything and everyone else.

My dear elizibeth is nowhere to be found and I expect the worse. In the carnage that was this macabe dinner of the damned, I found the gift I gave her prior to my mission.

If I had not been privy to shermans real march to savannah I would have blamed him and his men for the destruction of my home. Still the war wages through our beautiful countryside. Both the real and the farce battles have claimed many in the few deadly years. Sherman, myself, and william are but few guardians in a long line. Chosen by the fates to continue in this long guardianship of mankind.

I sit saddened and in mourning outside our once beautiful home as I write this. William stands before me taking control of the cleanup and directing of survivors.

What stands before me is my brother a saint Who stands tall and strong taking care of my family and cleaning despite his own loss.

His wife was found in the carnage left in what best describes as dinner of the damned. Barely recognizable due to the ghouls having destroyed most of her features.

His lost love would not be the only casulty. His daughter prissy was another victim. Unknown to us at the time She had actually been dead for several days prior to Their "reunion" at the market. It was not until later that we realized on our trip that the one we believed to be his daughter had infact been replaced by a creature of unknown origin.

And to think that this once amazing warrior and friend use to be nothing more then property to do with as I please, Ignorant in the fact to the truth.

He is not the first nor the last of his bloodline.

His blood is thick They serve alongside the guardians not as slaves or bodyguards but as brothers in arms.

I have ranted way off topic from where I originally had planned. His story shall be addressed another time. For now I place on these pages our ordeal. And why I could not forgive myself for allowing this to happen.

My memories of previous incarnations suggest that this creature is rather old and a tool of its dark master to cause enough chaos and death so that it can return. Its presence is not new nor truly known to that of man.

Pure dark and evil incarnate awaits. Every dark creature and evil period since the dawn of time has infact been this creature. His current form is known as Ashford and it has created enough chaos that a cabal of evil followers have been created in its current form. The followers of Ash.