
Chronicles of Hunteria: Cards of Destiny

Synopsis: In the eccentric world of Hunteria, where swords and magic reign supreme, Gothar, a cynical and sharp-witted outsider, finds himself thrust into an extraordinary Isekai adventure. As he navigates this realm, he discovers that the key to power lies in enchanted cards that harbor unimaginable abilities. Gothar must unravel the mysteries of the Cardrealms, where cards aren't just tools but conduits of magic. Each card bears a color that signifies its potency, from the mundane Gray to the awe-inspiring Platinum. As Gothar explores, he unlocks the potential of cards ranging from everyday items to mythical beasts, reshaping his destiny in this card-infused universe. With humor as his ally, Gothar forms an unlikely team, realizing that success in Hunteria relies not only on individual prowess but also on the synergy between card-bearers. Together, they embark on a quest to conquer challenges, battle formidable foes, and discover the true purpose of their card-enhanced abilities. As power levels escalate from Common to God-like, Gothar faces dilemmas that force him to question his principles. Will he succumb to the allure of legendary cards, or will he uphold the camaraderie that defines his newfound team? "Chronicles of Hunteria: Cards of Destiny" is an action-packed fantasy where the laughter echoes as loudly as the clash of swords, and the cards wield the mightiest enchantments in the whimsical World of Hunteria.

TattooedGod · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Shadows of Ascendance

In the wake of the shadowy revelations surrounding House Ravenscroft and the clandestine world of the black market, Gothar and Thalia returned to the rhythm of their everyday lives in Jontran. The vibrant city, seemingly oblivious to the dark undercurrents beneath its streets, continued to bustle with cardmancers, traders, and adventurers.

As they settled into their routine, a shared determination ignited within Gothar and Thalia. The encounter with House Ravenscroft and the black market had heightened their awareness of the need for strength and resilience in the unpredictable world of Hunteria.

Their discussions often revolved around their aspirations to rank up to Bronze within the Adventurer's Guild—a pursuit that promised greater challenges and opportunities. Each day brought them closer to the threshold of their next adventure.

Thalia, attuned to the mysteries of the natural world, found solace in the city's parks and green spaces. Her connection to the forest's life became apparent as she discovered the subtle rhythms and harmonies that resonated within Jontran's urban oasis. It hinted at a mysterious undercurrent in her past, one that intertwined with the essence of nature.

Gothar, fueled by the desire for growth and strength, harbored a vision for acquiring a second card. The encounter with Thalia and her enigmatic connection to the forest sparked an idea—an idea that led him to the city's famed cardmancy library.

Amidst dusty tomes and ancient scrolls, Gothar delved into the lore surrounding cardmancy evolution. He sought insights into the conditions and trials that would unlock the potential for a second card. The library, a repository of knowledge that spanned centuries, provided cryptic clues and ancient rituals that hinted at the path toward cardmancy ascension.

As he progressed in his research, Thalia's unique abilities added a layer of intrigue to the quest. Her mysterious connection to the forest's life, intertwined with the whispers of ancient cardmancy texts, hinted at a profound synergy between the natural world and the evolution of cards.

Their everyday lives in Jontran became a tapestry of growth and exploration. Thalia's healing arts blossomed as she practiced her craft, often finding inspiration in the city's diverse flora. Gothar, driven by ambition and the desire for a second card, tirelessly pursued knowledge and honed his cardmancy skills in preparation for the challenges that awaited them.

The city, with its hidden shadows and vibrant façade, became the backdrop for their evolving journey. In the heart of Jontran, as the duo forged ahead, they found themselves on the cusp of a new chapter—one that promised growth, revelations, and the uncharted territories of Bronze-ranked adventures in the intricate world of Hunteria.


With the determination to ascend to Bronze rank burning bright, Gothar and Thalia embarked on a quest that would test their mettle and unveil the untold mysteries of a forgotten era within the Savage Forest. The Adventurer's Guild had assigned them a task—to retrieve the core of an ancient ruin nestled deep within the heart of the forest.

Preparation became paramount. The duo sought out the bustling markets of Jontran, where merchants peddled a myriad of cardmancy equipment. Gothar, armed with a newfound understanding of his evolving cardmancy prowess, acquired a set of upgraded armor, enchanted to enhance his agility and endurance.

Thalia, attuned to the whispers of nature, chose items that complemented her healing abilities. A staff crafted from a mystical wood, adorned with crystals that resonated with the forest's energy, became an extension of her connection to the natural world.

As they made their way toward the city gates leading to the Savage Forest, anticipation mingled with the echoes of past adventures. However, an unexpected obstacle awaited them—a stern guild official, enforcing strict regulations for those seeking to explore the forest's depths.

The official, known for making the initiation to Bronze rank a challenging ordeal, scrutinized Gothar and Thalia with an air of skepticism. Stringent inquiries about their preparedness and intentions ensued, creating an atmosphere of tension at the city gates.

The official, seemingly intent on making the journey difficult, outlined additional conditions for their quest. "To prove your readiness for Bronze rank, you must retrieve the ancient ruin's core within a specified time frame. Failure to do so will delay your ascent to the next rank."

Gothar and Thalia, undeterred by the official's stringent conditions, accepted the challenge with a resolute nod. As the city gates swung open, revealing the threshold to the Savage Forest, the duo stepped forward, their cards at the ready and the promise of Bronze rank beckoning them into the realm of uncertainty.

The forest, bathed in the dappled hues of sunlight filtering through the dense foliage, greeted them with an air of ancient secrets. The whispering leaves and the distant calls of mystical creatures formed a symphony that accompanied them on their journey toward the elusive ruin.

The path ahead promised not only the retrieval of the ancient ruin's core but also the unveiling of forgotten tales etched in stone and magic. With every step, Gothar and Thalia embraced the challenges that lay ahead, their cards resonating with the heartbeat of the Savage Forest as they ventured deeper into the enigmatic realm that awaited them.


The Savage Forest embraced Gothar and Thalia as they delved deeper into its mysteries, a cloak of ancient secrets and untold wonders shrouding their path. Unbeknownst to them, a sneaky figure, veiled in the shadows, observed their every move with a calculating gaze.

As the duo ventured toward the ancient ruin, the forest's embrace became a labyrinth of towering trees and elusive trails. The air hummed with the echoes of whispered enchantments, and the foliage seemed to dance in rhythmic harmony with their footsteps.

Amidst the quiet journey, Gothar turned to Thalia, a curiosity burning in his eyes. "Thalia, I've noticed your connection to the forest. Is there more to your origin than meets the eye?"

Thalia's gaze flickered with a mixture of sadness and mystery. "Gothar, there are parts of my past that are best left veiled in secrecy. I am tied to the forest in ways even I don't fully understand. Some mysteries are meant to unravel in their own time."

Accepting her enigmatic response, Gothar pressed forward, the ancient ruin looming in the distance. However, the tranquility of their journey was shattered when the haunting howls of wolves echoed through the forest once again.

The same pack that had challenged them before emerged, their eyes gleaming with an intelligent ferocity. This time, however, a formidable figure led the pack—an alpha wolf endowed with the power of a card, its fur imbued with a spectral glow.

The battleground shifted into a realm where cardmancy and primal instincts collided. Spells and steel clashed with the feral prowess of the wolves, each movement a ballet of survival and strategy.

Gothar, wielding the Blade of Illumination, engaged the alpha wolf in a fierce exchange. The forest's energy crackled as cards manifested in radiant displays of power. Thalia, attuned to the pulse of the natural world, utilized her healing arts to shield Gothar and disrupt the wolves' coordinated attacks.

The battle unfolded with a dance of light and shadow, the forest bearing witness to a struggle that transcended the boundaries of nature and magic. The alpha wolf, a manifestation of primal forces, fought with a cunning intelligence that mirrored the enigmatic figure watching from afar.

In the midst of the fray, Thalia's mysterious connection to the forest manifested in a surge of energy. Leaves danced in response to her gestures, and the very roots beneath their feet seemed to aid their cause. It became evident that her origin held a deeper connection to the ancient magic woven into the Savage Forest.

As the last echoes of battle subsided, the alpha wolf, defeated but not vanquished, retreated into the shadows. The sneaky figure, sensing a shift in the balance, withdrew into the depths of the forest, leaving only whispers of their presence.

Gothar and Thalia, their breaths mingling with the fragrant air of the Savage Forest, stood victorious.