
Chronicles Of Goddess And Regis Crimson Dimensions Desires

The city of Lovecraft County, is the city of the mafia, the mecca of crime and mobsters, for many years, there were countless gang wars and conspiracies, murders, among the fact that the numerous mafia clans were involved in fights for territory, when the whole city was involved in schemes of conspiracy and manipulation through the authorities who were being bought and manipulated, when crime was growing and the city was developing. in the midst of this, there was a series of murders in mafia families, involved in crimes and manipulations, when the countless times there were attacks by politicians, when the trips were long, the nights were dark, in the midst of countless wars. So, for a while, with the coming to town of a new power, someone who was an influential businessman, he declared war on the local mafia, two powerful men, international Russian mafia managers, in which he was extending his power. Meanwhile, he was interested in the last heir of the Delphos family, Andreas Delphos, he was that sexy man, until that moment, he had a reputation only for conquests of women, little did he know with those present, in between embarking on a path of darkness of the desires, where the two men, heirs and twins of two mafia families, were Alexander and Sasha Vassilliev, where they were not only trying to conquer their city and eliminate competition from the business, but from their core, they want to dominate, not just in business, they want to dominate your world and your heart.

Sasina Zariel Emerodo · Eastern
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28 Chs


I would like to tell my story and exclamation point, he read a letter from a pile of letters.

I'm Doug, Battle , I was in charge of the newspaper, I had an employee who, without kidding, opened a pile of letters to read.

I'm a good person sometimes, I've always wanted to be loved, I'm divorced, I've been married, so I have kids, he wanted me to keep writing.

He described, who killed, raped and beat her, until he killed her, Antonia Bertolini, which was strange and called attention.

So the man thought that by instinct he said it was a lie, he confessed to a murder that two people were convicted of, so I published it, then we started calling the Ugly murderer Americans ,

- Let's call the police the newsroom editor said.

When they called...

The investigators went to the broadcaster, someone said that we were deceived, then, they said that accomplices were paid by these two people, which they said should not be taken seriously.

Somewhere else in the middle of sex on top of a couch.

They were having sex, with Kit sticking his cock inside Ragnar's hole...

- I wanted to tell the truth for a long time, I wanted to be sure, being that I would be responsible for this and for the murder, so I took care of publicizing it.

There were countless people who said they still said they believed our story was a lie and nonsense that we were deceived.

I thought then, several times in marrying Rose Marie, that's when he married Rose Marie, I had a certain charm to get a random woman at a time.

Happened on August 11, 2018

Now that I remember Rose Marie, where I knew she was warm and loving, she wasn't a very talkative person back then, which I wasn't either, so we got along well.

So, a few years ago, when I invited Rod, he spoke as a guest when we went to his house for dinner.

- I never thought I'd meet anyone else like that. - He said.

Initially, he was an excellent father, he didn't hit, he didn't hurt, he didn't tell them to stay away, he had a serious problem with cats, it happened that it all started when he entered into partnership with Ragnar, he had and still has a company of transporte, a trucking company, which transports in all states, but because of a crisis, the fleet decreased, I had to start driving and making deliveries.

- My company is going through a financial crisis, so I needed to go on long trips...

In the midst of sex, when he was having fun with Ragnar. - Even so, I found on all roads, always a woman willing to relieve me, even if it was occasional sex, even so, I didn't want just sex, I wanted more than that, I wanted to kill, the stress was relieved with the death of women on the road, I spent more time on the road, with that collecting inputs, supplies, raw materials for construction, I had to fire clotheslines to reduce costs, I was going through a difficult period.

Even after the difficult moment passed, I went from being a psychologist to being a driver, a delivery man most of the time, because I got a taste for the thing, I like to kill. – He said in his letters.

Kit still spent his dates and business meetings with Ragnar and Loki who were always having discussions about making out.

- Your occasional lover doesn't seem like a normal man. - Loki said, seeing the wife in question who had more apprehension than simply affection for the man in question.

- He's a killer with a crisis of conscience. Ragnar said.

- Does it exist? – Loki questioned.

- He is the first of his kind, it seems a mix of lack of attention, with others taking credit for his actions, he wants attention, he doesn't have it at home, his wife doesn't do her part, so he looks outside.

- Yeah, like being your occasional lover. - Loki said.

- What do you propose? Ragnar questioned.

- Let's convince him to turn himself in. - Loki said.

- Would it be that easy? Ragnar questioned.

- He wants credit for the deaths he causes, he wants attention, so why not? - Loki said. “After all, I'd be happy not to pay that batch of policies if I insure neither the supposedly missing cars nor trucks. - Loki said.

Loki, when visiting the unfortunate giant's house, who, when observing his conviviality, felt a little nervous in Rosy when he returned on the day, she had to make sure that everything was in order, the food on the table and the house clean.

A friend of theirs, named Rody , said one day that Kit fired some employees.

In conversation with Loki, he took on a few deliveries west to midwest, dropped it then, he upon dismissing half the fleet, began travelling, following far enough from his wife, hired Amasteus's lawyers, left the divorce in their charge , took his belongings, left, traveling to other states.

He had left for Canada, that's where he came back, whereupon they had marital problems with another wife, then divorced again, moved the fleet to the American West, whereupon he became a truck driver, so, he had four divorces in a row, each time he got divorced, he fled somewhere else on the truck delivery route.

He was sexually active, he wasn't always able to when he was in the city, meet Ragnar, what Loki said, that he wasn't, approaching him before letting them meet, when he wasn't chasing anyone, he always got along well with the opposite sex, but it was hard to start something on the road, he was sexually active.

Emergency, someone called in the city of Washington to Loki, who intercepted this man's calls regarding Ragnar.

I found a body, I was on the side of the road, I saw a mannequin approaching I saw it in the ravine, a state highway goes through there, but it's not busy, but in 1995, I was in charge of the crime scene investigation.

They hadn't found it and that year's crime had been archived, they never found the culprit, which was my specialty, every now and then there was an overdose and a body rolled over.

That used to be a state highway goes through there, but it's not busy.

So even so, you found Yog- Sothoth county and made up of 90% forests, it is a rural area close to another densely populated city which is Hastur in Chtulhu .

They were able to investigate upon reaching Scamina County , when he was analyzing whether it was suicide, murder, dead.

At this crime scene we had nothing. - A policeman said.

That's Highway 14, that's the forensics pickup, the roadside crime scene difficult, what's evidence and what's someone's trash, access wasn't easy.

There was an anonymous tip...

Almost everything else is dark and green, in the midst of seeing about it all, where even it was easy, there were nothing witnesses, her skin was not damaged, from decomposition, she had not been there for a long time.

The policewoman who arrived there, together with some experts and the scientific police.