
Chronicles of Forgotten Destiny: Daughter of the Rose

Chronicles of Forgotten Destiny: Daughter of the Rose is a tale of woven fates. Centered around Aurelia and her influential family, who are at the head of the world’s greatest power : the kingdom of Vespeere. During an age of war and great unrest, Aurelia is in search of herself and the life she thinks she wants. Caught in the cusp of adulthood, Aurelia longs for adventure and purpose, to break free of the expectations that have long held her in place. Just as she is presented with the opportunity to break free of the pressures that have bound her for years, she is reunited with her childhood best friend Bastian who is no longer thirteen. Quickly a budding romance ignites between the two former friends, something Aurelia has only ever dreamed of. However things aren’t that simple as the neighboring kingdom’s usurper prince is thrust into her life. Everyone thinks Prince Soren is the enemy, the outsider, a role he seems to take on eagerly. He’s in every way the bad guy and Aurelia knows he’s dangerous but then why can’t she seem to stay away? Soren completely throws her off course and begins to uproot the perfect planned life she expected the one she thought she wanted. Oddly enough, Lia can’t help but feel as though this new fast paced trajectory Soren’s shot her through feels meant to be , … as though it were destined. Could she really play such an important role in the fate of the two kingdoms? What will become or her life now, what path will she choose? Can she really take control of her life if the fates themselves have woven her future? What of her loving family who have been caught up in a lethal game of politics? Lia is about to come into her own as her very destiny unravels before her. Daughter of the Rose is a coming of age story , centered around the unbreakable bonds of family, and of generational trauma, a story of adventure and retaking control. A story of heated romance, choices with heavy consequences , and a tale of defying the fates.

DenmiFlowers · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


Lia awoke suddenly with a feather like shake of her shoulder. A stream of sunlight penetrated through a tiny strip at the edge of the window and a thick curtain opposite the bed. Morning already. She looked up at the servant who had awoken her. "Good morning lady Aurelia I was asked to wake you, his royal highness crowned prince Callum has requested you attend brunch in the gardens of his quarters". Lia sat up on the soft mattress, "yes, very well" she smiled softly and rose from bed, yawning and stretching her way to the bathroom. A porcelain white bathtub which sat in the center of the large room was filled halfway with hot water, steam rising out of it. She sank in and quickly began scrubbing with one of the soap bars sitting on the tiny table by the tub. The maid began brushing Lia's hair which hung down to the floor over the tub's edge , as she sank in deeper and the water covered her shoulders. The room filled with the sent of chamomile and the fresh herbal smell of flowers , the dried kind pressed into the soap. Soon Lia was dry and she stood in the bright room in a large white fluffy towel. she looked out onto the royal palace's riding grounds which eventually met the lakes edge at it's farthest east side way off into the distance beyond rolling hills of green. Off to the corner almost out of the enormous window's view , she saw one of the stables and she wondered if she'd have time for a ride today. Her maid entered the bathroom again carefully stepping around the puddles of water Lia had tracked over the black and white tiled floor. She was holding the small yet heavy rounded suitcase Lia had brought with her from Elandra yesterday evening. Lia instantly felt a ping of distress as the maid opened the cream leather case over the vanity and began pulling out her clothes to dress her. She hadn't bothered to bring much more than one simple overnight case, with just the essentials and had been specific with her lady in waiting about the exact articles of clothing to pack. She'd specified just yesterday morning not to bother with anything more as she wouldn't be needing it or so she'd thought. Now as the maid pulled out Lia's clothes looking quite bewildered , Lia's hairs stood on edge at the back of her neck. She knew she'd leave by this evening and that she'd spend all of today comfortably within the castle's gates , and then be taken straight back to Elandra by another long carriage ride. She also knew she'd spend the day with her brother and cousins surely going out on a hunt, or perhaps riding the perimeter of the grand lake together. For those reasons, she'd only asked her lady in waiting , Mora to pack her best riding outfit which was very casual to say the least and not at all traditional. Normally it wouldn't have ever been an issue, and she'd still be grateful for having chosen comfort had Callum not invited Bastian to spend the night at the palace and join them in their activities today. She hadn't thought much of it last night as Bastian gleefully accepted and had felt anxiously more excited for today at the fact that he'd be joining them. Lia however did not feel comfortable around Bastian as she did her family, and was now incredibly paranoid of her clothing choice. "Shall we dress you now then lady Aurelia"? Asked the maid skeptically. There'd be no time for her to send anyone into the city for a proper dress suitable for the day's activities let alone one that would meet her standards anyhow. "Yes please" she allowed and dropped her towel to the floor. Lia grunted as the maid squeezed her ribs under the hard pulls of her corset's laces and stared out again onto the castle's grounds longingly. She felt she was already leaving although she still had hours left of freedom. Soon Lia was fully dressed , a lilac scarf made of the finest silk was tied in a neat bow around her neck and tucked into the crisp white cotton shirt she wore. It was buttoned all up her midsection but the top opened generously to be filled by the lilac scarf and over that she wore a tweed tan and brown sleeveless vest, the buttons undone and it hung loose. It allowed enough room for view of Lia's slightly indented waist and the large curve that formed at her hips and thick thighs. This attire only heightened those features she was already slightly insecure about. The maid knelt on the floor as Lia sat on the velvet upholstered ottoman of the vanity and she laced Lia's leather riding boots tightly all up her calf, she folded the soft patch at the top over her knees and pulled the boots up on each leg to make sure they were snugly secured. "I had taken the liberty of sending for a hat this morning, as today will be quite hot, the hat shop in town had your measurements" spoke the maid. She placed a large light blue and white stripped rounded hat box on the vanity and Lia flushed. Obviously the imperial staff wasn't used to Lia's quirks the way Mora and the rest of the Elandra Manor staff were. She'd obviously expected Lia to wear a fine gown today as well, an outdoor dress, something proper and reasonably expected of a lady of her house. She felt a twinge of embarrassment as the maid undid the satin ribbon around the box and rummaged through the crisp, flat ironed, white tissue paper. A lovely light tan , wide brimmed straw like hat emerged. It was adorned with a huge white tulle bow which wrapped around at the top of it. The maid placed it over Lia's head and brought the two white ribbons stitched from the inner brim down to the bottom of Lia's chin and made a knot to hold the enormous hat firm onto her small head. Lia looked at herself in the grand gold edged mirror before her, she was satisfied with the radiant reflection that stared back with a gorgeous smirk. "Thank you kindly, please also bring my earrings from last night" and the maid obliged immediately. Two bright citrine oval stones hung from her lobes and sparkled in the early day's rays casting a kaleidoscope affect over the mirrored vanity armoire. Perfect, she thought this will keep attention on her face and not on what she's wearing.

Lia was escorted out into the courtyard outside the prince's quarters by a royal guard. He guided her past the tall hedges and giant paved paths to the far most garden behind the tallest tower of the castle's north wing quarters. Two giant black wooden French doors were swung open from a sitting room inside and thin curtains flowed vertically into the room in the morning's breeze. In front was a gray iron dining table sitting atop a flat stoned patio made of bright dark blue glassy tiles embedded in giant stones. The gentlemen sat all around chortling , and Callum was even wiping a tear from his eyes which were filled with amusement. Drystan sat at his far end again and Bastian & Carlyn were sitting in the center in between them, their backs to the open doors of the sitting room. A single empty chair sat across from them closest to her. The guard approached a head of her to hold the chair out, and all of them began fumbling to stand. "Don't bother please" Lia breathed out curtly before they could get their feet beneath them. Bastian awkwardly obliged his napkin was already on his plate and no longer on his lap. His hand tightly gripped his chair in preparation to stand his knuckles, pale white. Lia sat and undid her hat , when a maid approached to take it from her. "Well thank you Lady Draven for finally having seen it fit to grace us with your presence" smirked Callum. Two servers dressed in imperial pressed uniform suits emerged seamlessly from the hedges and began pouring tea into the empty saucers. "I apologize your highness, you needn't of waited for me as I was only just awoken in the last hour" she said mildly annoyed, but she bowed her head towards him as she spoke. Drystan scoffed and rolled his eyes while a chuckle escaped his mouth to the far right of her. Callum merely squeezed her shoulder firmly with a smile in lieu of a reply. "Your so beautiful we'd wait forever just to dine in your presence" Carlyn beamed in her direction. "Yes", began Bastian instantly "agreed" he stammered and smiled politely joining Carlyn in sentiment. His smile was not the grand wider one that Lia knew was his natural expression. Though what he said was a perfectly normal and polite sentiment it caused microscopic goosebumps to form on Lia's forearms. "Well probably not forever , a man must eat but perhaps another short while longer had you not arrived now, but thankfully you did" Drystan spoke in a hoarse voice. "Well than I'm grateful we don't have to put your hunger to a test brother" Lia retorted and she sank two brown sugar cubes into her tea with tiny silver tongs. The servers returned now with plates heaping of tiny sunny side up fried eggs , hard boiled ones, sliced honey'd ham, biscuits, butter, and grits. A whicker basket sat at the center of the table lined with a white fabric cloth and erupting with muffins and freshly chopped fruits in an assortment. Three glass sweating pitchers of fruit juices separated her and Bastian's plates. The men began eating instantly , a true testament to the hunger Lia had made them endure. She began buttering a biscuit with the heavy silver knife of her table setting. "Are you wearing trousers"? Bastian looked directly at her eyes unreadable, piercing through her own. Lia's eyes grew twice in size and her body shuddered slightly completely taken aback by his forwardness, she prayed the ground would just swallow her whole. The table momentarily grew silent, not even the clank of silverware grazing their plates or a single breath. It was only for a few seconds but they felt like hours to Lia. Carlyn cut through the silence first with a giggle as he threw back a glass of thick peach juice. "Lia isn't the most traditional sort, or even .. normal for that matter" Drystan attempted to explain on her behalf. "Well , I thought surely my cousins would have us race horseback through the foothills of Egart" she began, referring to Egart Forrest the small woods on the southern shore of the grand lake. "Or around the lakes perimeter, and it's hardly a fair race if I must ride side saddle" she smiled awkwardly, a unfamiliar shame rising inside her stomach. "You ride equine astride?!" He managed through his surprise, he tried to suppress it but the true shock was evident on his face, tensing his soft facial features. "I do , yes ... occasionally" she spoke shakily. "More like always" scoffed Drystan teasing her. Lia narrowed her normally large eyes in his direction , lip slightly twitching in a warning. Drystan shot his hands up in mock defense of her stare and raised his eyebrows at her. Bastian spoke again, "Well that's really amazing, can you keep up with them?" He asked, in awe of her almost as if the other men in question weren't also sitting there beside him. "Sometimes , when she catches a lucky break" said Callum through a sip of his tea. "I'd surely love to witness this myself" he said eyes still glued on Lia's every expression. The corners of her lips lifted up in a timid smile and she nodded "yes I wondered if we'd ride today myself" she now turned to Callum who'd have final say on the day's activities. He looked into her eyes which were silently pleading , and he chuckled softly "well, I can't very well say no to you can I? You're never here anymore and so I won't deny you your fun" her small smile grew into a large grin "thank you Callum!" She tapped his hand softly. "Yes well, it'll be only one quick race , no do overs" he said looking around the table as a whole at all of them narrowing his eyes in a warning still holding up his saucer. "Since I had also planned we do some target practice and go on a hunt!" Callum continued and lilted merrily for the hunt was his favorite. "Sounds like fun!" Lia trilled she felt a happy and satisfied feeling bubbling in her. She was so happy to be back at the palace if not for a summer, or even a month, or a short week she would still find contempt in the hours left of the bright late spring day. At that moment she decided she'd postpone leaving til the absolute last minute possible. Even if it meant keeping the coach driver awaiting with horses tied ready to go. Even if she'd tire-fully have to ride all the way back through the dark, late, after hours in the uncomfortable coach ride. Although it meant her mom would scold her for not leaving the capitol at a decent time, and that she'd have a tiresome day tomorrow during her lessons. She'd soak up all of the day ahead for she didn't know when she'd return or when again she'd have a short reprieve of her studies and her monotonous daily activities in Elandra again. Lia had earned today. She had been working so hard to please her parents. Studying fine literature, history, and never missing a single lesson. She always aimed to please everyone. Always aimed to be the absolute very best version of herself possible. A lady at all times. A person befitting her family's name and one who would only bring about it even more honor. A deserving one. Someone no one could refute. Without fault, and perfectly proper. For years it all but entirely consumed her waking hours aside from the afternoons off in which she could indulge just a couple hours a day in a fascinating novel or archery practice, perhaps a ride on Saoirse her mare. Lia was hardly ever the type to complain about her responsibilities or the duties encased in the role of a member of her prominent family. She knew they had a privileged life, but it wasn't only that, more than a feeling of gratitude, she was also hubristic in her position in life. She'd always taken on her tasks and indulged in shaping herself into the family's jewel. Occasionally though everyone needed a break and Lia was no exception. "What of Caleb and Caspian?" She pondered aloud, "not to be disturbed at these early hours" laughed Callum "but they shall join in the hunt no doubt". A sun warmed breeze flowed through the garden lifting the curtains and the edges of the table cloth up into the crisp air as they continued chatting and devouring their delicious brunch. The gust of air rushed past their table and into prince's quarters and Bastian found it carried Lia's feminine floral scent with it. As it flew past him he felt he could taste it in the plain flavor of the water he was sipping. He found it delicious, and he looked subconsciously at Lia's glowing skin shimmering in the sunlight before him it was like the honey of her eyes had fallen over down to her face. He was sure her skin would taste just as it smelled and he wished not just that he could drink it up but maybe bathe in it. Hell he would gladly drown within it as he gulped it up whole ,for it smelled sweeter than anything he'd ever known.


Lia's heart pounded harshly and rapidly inside her chest. She felt the powerful thumps of the ground with each stomp of the horse's hooves on the dirt path beneath them. An endless evergreen canopy of pine and aspen towered over her, densely denying the crisp blue of sky any attention. Her face burned with the heat of her exertion , she hated the feeling but the fresh cool air was rushing fast onto her skin in an addictive cooling sensation. Her breath uneven and loud, she tightened her sweaty grip of the reins and kept her eyes on the path ahead. The white gray horse beneath her jumped over every small boulder , and fallen branch on the path per Lia's urgency in speed and she squeezed her thighs and calves over its throbbing body as they flew ahead. Bastian rode atop his caramel colored stallion , who resided in the royal stables. He was purposely keeping at a steady pace right by Carlyn and Callum was galloping close behind them. Bastian stared ahead to see Lia who's hat looked as though it would unfasten at any second and fly off into the wind tunnel she was creating with her speed. Leaves levitated off the Forrest ground in a twirling dance like a vortex before falling back down scattering about. The ground shook beneath the riders, and he saw entire tree branches sway and shake as Lia thundered past, her head in that enormous puffy white bow bobbled up and down ridiculously. She was about a hundred feet ahead and showed no signs of slowing down. Then suddenly Carlyn picked up speed as his dark brown horse, in his imperial saddle galloped past him a few yards ahead down the path which was forming into a small clearing in the woods. They were almost out of the Forrest and Bastian and Prince Callum, who were now neck a neck,side by side, and in last place looked ahead to see Lia pass Drystan and ruthlessly steal the lead. Her feet were practically standing on its toes stepping on the stirrup irons and she was almost standing, before she leaned over laying her head on the horse's neck. The rest of her body floating several inches above the equine. It was a clear vision of the speed she was maintaining down the slope of the grassy knoll, her gloved white hands were grasping the reins and she stared ahead to the goal. Her hat to no surprise finally came undone and her dark hair stood up behind her in the wind and waved like a flag leaving her bare face vulnerable. Bastian saw her squinting eyes against the force of the wind and her glowing complexion, he was so taken aback by her. She was not only beautiful she was incredible. Carlyn passed Drystan now too who had slowed down significantly after seeing Lia sweep past. Nearing the edge of the grand lake as they all gained speed down the slope, they saw Lia reach the long wooden boardwalk on the shore, and secured the win. Her horse slowed to a sprint through the tall flows of feathery plum grass that grew at the edge. The wind raced down the lake lifting a dew to brush against her skin with the heavy wind.

Lia jumped down off her sattle, a sharp pain tore through her stomach as she gasped desperately for air to fill her lungs. She tried to steady her breathing , and was doubled over dragging in oxygen. She laid a steady hand on the horse's mane and down its long neck to steady it. Carlyn was next to arrive jumping down and tearing off his leather riding gloves. He paced quickly over to Lia who looked a bit distressed, face cherry colored. He laid a hand on her back and asked, "Lia are you alright?". Drystan ran up to them looking rather cross and yelled "are you okay?". At that she finally allowed herself to rise , and threw her hair back and away from the heat of her face which she could no longer stand. She held it all up with her two hands behind her head and allowed the cool breeze to hit the back of her neck. Small strands of baby hairs stuck to her face with sweat all around the edges. "I'm quite alright , just a little out of breath" she managed between breaths and gulps of air just as Bastian and Callum walked up to them. "You can barley breath! You over exerted yourself Aurelia"! Thundered Drystan. The group fell silent, surprised to see him so irate. "You were riding way too fast in the woods, you know the terrain there is not suited for that! Just what were you trying to prove?" Drystan demanded. What had she been trying to prove? She wasn't sure exactly, she'd known early in she'd more than likely finish in second after Drystan who had managed an impressive lead that he'd maintained well through the race. But when she saw how fast he'd exited the clearing, she knew she'd arrive after him but a good deal of time after, therefore making his win all the more impressive. She knew she wasn't out of the Forrest yet, but she'd picked up her speed so as not to loose to Drystan by too much. However when she saw it was possible to overtake him , she felt it was too good of an opportunity to let slip by, albeit she knew she'd suffer the consequences. She'd thought curiously, in that moment that if Bastian should have to see her sweaty, red faced, trouser wearing self , that she should at least take first place while she was at it. He'd wanted to know if she could beat her older brother and cousins after all, he'd stated he'd love to witness it for himself and for some odd reason she couldn't explain, she'd wanted to grant him his wish.Lia's face burned so hot she thought she'd turn to ash. She knew perhaps a part of her brother's anger came from a place of worry but she knew Drystan so well, and she had an inkling suspicion that another part of his anger was begotten of embarrassment and shame over Lia being more skilled than he at riding. Carlyn's hand smoothed down her back over her vest as Lia finally steadied her breath. "...That I could beat you" she finally answered honestly and with a devilish smirk. Drystan rolled his eyes dramatically "you're never to do that again" he said with a lower register than just seconds ago . With a somewhat gentler tone but still firm, he asked again "are you sure you're alright?" His eyes held a slight glare, and Lia sighed deeply "I said I was!". "Don't be a sore loser Drystan you almost always win" advised Callum taunting an already angry Drystan who scoffed in turn. "What of you Raelyn? You're way faster than that , I've seen it" attested Carlyn. "Yeah! You were beat by not just Lia who's a lady, but you were just vanquished by my entire family you sad pillock" laughed Callum so hard he was clutching his belly "last place suits you for a change mate". Bastian stared at the ground , "don't get used to it your highness" he said softly smiling just a bit. "What happened to you?" Asked Carlyn , "I was, .. distracted" he admitted and by their own accord his eyes floated over to Lia instinctively. He suddenly pulled his hand out from behind him where it had been holding something. "Here's your hat , by the way Lia" he said stretching out his arm in her direction. Lia looked down at his fist crumpling the bent straw hat carelessly. A bubbling giggle rose involuntarily from her throat before she could suppress it. She didn't know why but his rough manner in holding the hat felt as though it was the funniest thing she'd ever seen at that moment. He looked at her in bemusement and with a slight trepidation in his spearmint eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but she was unsure of what , and the words caught in her throat. His eyes widened at her mystified expression as her lips parted and her mouth moved but no words came out. He simpered, mouth lifting up and open in sheer and pure amusement of her. Standing beneath his gaze, her face red and damp with the thinnest sheer layer of sweat, and her thick hair behind her out of her face she looked like a precious weary angel he thought. "It flew back near my horse, I scooped it up when I rode past it" he said and his pearly white teeth and crooked lips made Lia feel suddenly dizzy and she gasped out loud, her breath escaping before she could suppress her surprise. He had bent that low and grabbed her hat in one fell swoop as he raced down a slope on horseback? He was obviously a skilled rider, how had he ended up in last place? Had he let them all win? "Thank you my lord, you shouldn't have troubled yourself" She gently reached for the hat to take it from his hand but she found it didn't budge for he wouldn't release his grasp and so she tugged lightly to no avail. "I hope you're all better at hunting than you are riding" said Carlyn buttoning his gloves back on. "It matters little since I'll be securing the victory as per usual" invited Callum in challenge to the group. He lifted up onto his saddle as Drystan turned to walk back to his horse as well. Lia still held onto her hat which Bastian hadn't released. He pulled it out from her fingers and gently straightened out the straw brim and dusted off the bow and draping edges of the tulle. He softly placed it on her head and came closer to adjust it, he looked at her face with a soft tenderness in his eyes , as he stretched out the bow so it would line up right at the center. He then took the ribbon pieces in his long fingers and tied them into a secure knot below her chin. His fingers grazing the soft sensitive skin there as he moved. Lia didn't let out a breath until he'd finished and he took a couple steps backward , he gazed at her lips for a second and turned back to his horse without another word. Lia mounted hers as well and she followed the four gentlemen as the horses calmly trotted around the lakes edge back to the palace. Her skin tingled in the areas of skin on and below her chin where Bastian had grazed her with his soft fingertips.

Lia , emerged from the guarded doors of Callum's apartments after having freshened up from their horse-riding. Her hair falling all around her face and over her shoulders once again. They had returned to the prince's quarters where they'd have a small outdoor luncheon before going hunting. Royal servants rushed about the green expanse of land just beyond the tall hedges of Callum's gardens. They laid out a beautiful spread picnic style with giant fluffy cream pillows adorned in hanging tassels. There were three large umbrellas which secluded the area in a blanket of perfect shade and cool breeze. Lengthy low rise wooden tables ran across a huge cotton blanket adorned with vases of daisies and sunflowers. The tables held large silver trays packed with delicate tiny tea sandwiches in an assortment, some made of creamed cheese and cucumbers others thick ham and cheese, and Lia's favorite ones with fluffy sweet cream and thick wedges of strawberries. There were thick cardboard boxes stamped in black ink imprinting a local bakery's name and they were opened to reveal large cookies and colorful crunchy macrons. Lia was happy to see Caleb and young Caspian had joined in the celebrations and were finding a cushion to plop on as she approached. Even then she thought all seven of them would never finish all the food laid out before them. Though she knew they wouldn't go to waste, as the servants of the palace were allowed to help themselves to any extras. The royal palace's staff was of the most talented in all the kingdom and seldom their positions were passed on through generations and entire families were employed in some position or other at the palace and those members of the family that were still too young would surely grow up to work at the palace as well in time. It was a comforting thought Lia had always felt. She'd grown up with the faces of the staff and the royal servants always treated her family and her just as well as the King's. She'd assumed they were obligated to as they also carried royal blood and were an extension of Vespeere's royalty, however she could tell they did it with pleasure and felt pride in doing so. Lia loved life in the palace , the food was always grand not just in portions but it was the most delicious she'd ever ate, the castle of course contracting the best chefs in the empire. Everything was in excess like this giant picnic for no good reason at all but Lia loved that. The simple , practical , no fuss policy at Elandra Manor paled in comparison and that's why Lia always felt she was on vacation at the grand palace. She'd always preferred it even to their family's annual getaway to their home on the coast. Lia walked over and bent down to place two light kisses onto her younger cousins' heads, they smelled like the woods and also lavender. Caleb and Caspian were sixteen and thirteen years old respectively and Lia loved having them around for she hated being the youngest of the group when they weren't. Her and Davy were the family's middle children wedged right in between the rest in the group. They were younger than Drystan, Callum, and Carlyn but older than Caleb, Caspian, and Finn who were like kids to them. It was a comfortable place they'd learned to embrace as they were usually forgotten, and in their at times suffocating family, that could be a good thing. A great thing.

"I miss Davy and Finn" she said and gave voice to her thoughts. "Me too" said Caleb through a mouthful of sandwich. "Are you and Davy still as close as when you were kids?" Wondered Bastian aloud. Before Lia could answer Callum spoke, "as ever!" He said smiling wide, then Drystan scoffed "Davy is Lia's preferred and best loved brother". "Is not!" Corrected Lia then, said "its truly an even tie between Davy and Finn". Young Caspian nearly spat his tea from laughter , and everyone giggled more at him then at Lia's jest. They usually spent all day long laughing when all her cousins were gathered together, even without Davy's sarcasm it seemed they were all still having a good time. "Well surely that adds up seeing as your twins , you're more connected in that way I assume" piped up Bastian not allowing the conversation to die. "What do you know of twins Raelyn?" Callum raised a brow mockingly, "yeah, do you know many?" Chuckled Drystan sipping a tall glass of cold icy tea. They mocked Bastian for twins hadn't been born in Vespeere since Lia and Davy nineteen years ago and before them over eighty seven years had passed since the previous birth of twins known in the empire. This was well known as a days long festival had erupted in the streets of the capitol when word reached the citizens of Vespeere of their birth. In part because a female was born to the royal bloodline and in part due to the fact that twins were considered a omen of great prosperity and good fortune. As children of the royal bloodline the kingdom rejoiced as a whole, for they were sure the gods had blessed the whole of the empire with their birth and they celebrated for days just as they had at Callum's birth five years prior as the crowned prince had been born. The rest of the family's births and the announcements of the remaining children born either to King Lorcan or Duke Leander weren't welcomed with nearly as much festive spirit. To this day the two festivals were still celebrated annually through the city streets and at the grand palace for a week each just as long the original ones had lasted. They consisted of grand parades and carnivals with special seasonal foods and celebrations. Lia hadn't attended a festival during the anniversary of her and Davy's birth week be it at the castle or in the city in over two years or those of Callum's birth week either. "I just meant people believe twins have a special connection beyond that of regular siblings , I've read it somewhere" Bastian said rather defensively. Lia noticed his slight frustrated tone and sympathized for she knew Drystan and Callum could make a deadly obnoxious concoction when joined together in jests of teasing. "We are very close my lord, and we do spend the most time together of our siblings, but we like to think it's only that we truly enjoy each other's company and not so much because we are twins". Lia spoke up staring directly at him, hoping she was conveying that unlike her cousin and brother she was interested in having a real conversation with him. "We too have read about lore and legends surrounding twins" she nodded "but Davy says we are just close because we've known each other nine months longer than our other siblings" she giggled softly covering her mouth, Davy said some of the strangest things. "Also Drystan lives here in the capitol, and Finn is often occupied in his schooling , ... or prefers chasing frogs by the pond than spending much time with us" she shrugged. She began feeling a bit nervous as she'd been babbling on and wondered if it had been improper or annoying. It was the most she'd ever said to him or the longest she'd talked since last night even while they'd danced, Lia had hardly spoken to him. Bastian just looked at Lia from across the table and had the most endearing and softest smile glued to his face, it seemed it would not budge perhaps ever as he stared on , his eyes reflected want. Finally he spoke again "that's .. that's great" he said sentiment shining through the words "you know I meant it when I said I'd really love to see Davy again , maybe I could pay a visit to you back in Elandra , ... once you return and settle back in of course". Lia froze , a crumbly lemon short cake cookie an inch from her mouth, she forged a cough to set the cookie down and turned her gaze as she covered her mouth and entered a false coughing fit allowing her hair to hide her entire face as she turned. She tried to buy time as she thought of how to respond and flames crept to her face from the sweat of her shaky palms , it traveled up her arms past her neck. Why was she suddenly so nervous? There'd been nothing outwardly forward about Bastian's words , they were mostly about Davy and his desire to see his old friend and had nothing to do with Lia , right? So why did she feel vibrations surging up her spine one vertebrae at a time as he'd said the word 'you'. She shook the thoughts loose , obviously someone had to deliver news of his upcoming calling card and itinerary back to Elandra Manor who else if not her. She was merely one piece of the childhood trio and he'd already reconnected with her. Now he wished to see Davy and play chess with him once again , tease him about whatever book he'd currently have placed on top of his most recent stack at his bedside table. They'd race horses from Elandra Manor's stable to the rocky canyon in the forest behind the manor and swim in the river til dark and Davy would surely invite her for he knew Lia loved collecting fireflies there. Lia suddenly realized scenes of his visit were already unfolding in her mind and it hadn't even happened yet. She cleared her throat "excuse me , my apologies." She stuttered "house Draven would be most honored to host you lord Raelyn , and Davy will be delighted I assure you". Bastian nodded in satisfaction eyes slightly narrowed though and tracing her up and down again as if looking for something. "I will send you a calling card just as soon as your returned" he winked at her for the second time in the last twenty four hours and Lia's breath hitched. There was that word again. 'You'.


The group found themselves sprawled on comfortable whicker loungers and soft navy colored squared cushions lying in the sun under the wooden awning of an armory shed conveniently located by the castle's largest training grounds. They weren't far off from the fields surrounding Calum's quarters where they'd had lunch. The awning merely covered their faces from the sun high in the sky overhead. The heat warmed their bodies in the cool breeze that swept by. Lia thought the day was perfect and she was pleased to bask in the fresh air of the outdoors before the scorching heat of summer arrived in a couple of weeks. Carlyn and Drystan stood and approached the table where the armory personnel had just laid out a variety of firearms over a clean white table cloth. They inspected and cleaned their respective chosen muskets and revolvers. The rest of the gentlemen stood and joined them around the table as more servants approached, some with wooden trays holding even more guns and a couple maids carrying shining silver trays with mint lemonades. Lia stood too taking a drink and squeezed in between Caleb and Drystan to observe the different gold and silver mahogany and walnut crafted weapons. All had carefully stamped and beautifully crafted emblems welded into them either near the trigger or on the barrels. The emblems were the crests of the royal family and of the Draven House , those that were Drystan's. He had amassed quite a large collection of his own firearms here at the palace's armory apart from his already vast collection that he kept back at Elandra Manor in his private study on the ground floor.

The royal family's crest was of a golden yellow lion with a dark brown mane and its tail had the same spurt of dark brown fur at its tip the lion stood on its hind legs, front paws high above its head with long claws. Lia always thought it looked like it was in the middle of some vicious brawl. Encasing the lion was a green garland composed of ten chestnut tree leafs representing the original ten kings of Vespeere. The chestnut trees stood for the vast forest that once stood millennia ago where the palace grounds and the capitol city rested now, where the grand palace would eventually be erected. A red orb sat at the top of the emblem just above the lion's face and though it looked nothing like one Lia knew it represented a Bradult Ruby, the hallmark of the royal family which stood for the Bradult mines which produced the stunning carmine rubies in the Northern Territory of the empire. No other known place in the world held so many of the precious stone let alone in the same quality and the mines still produced them naturally centuries later. The money from the production of the ruby mines had funded the establishment of Vespeere's empire and paved its way into history forging it into the kingdom they knew it as today. Rich in knowledge , culture , architecture, arts, and of course wealth which Lia had been taught all her life, equaled unrivaled power. House Draven's crest was much simpler, it boasted a coat of arms and was made up of two black horses also on their back legs standing in reverence and majesty and a blue shield was encased at their center. The shield depicted a symbol of a silver deer with huge antlers and wings spread out wide. A white sword leaned behind it and a dark emerald thorny vine wrapped around the insignia a single white rose partially bloomed at it's end. The horses represented the wild stallions and mustangs prominent of the Elandra lands. The deer represented the powers in nature that could not be easily subdued like the vast rivers of Elandra which once flowed so strong they created canyons in the valley and magnificent rock formations in the surrounding cliffs and still ever continuously flowed strongly and emptied into lakes and great waterfalls in the area. The throned rose represented the beauty and yet the strength among the people of Elandra. The sword , independence as it's own land and jurisdiction under house Draven separate from the imperial power and a promise of defense and protection for all the land's citizens. The Draven House's emblem was not nearly as old as that of the original royal family which was of course reserved only for the eldest son of the previous king and his direct family which would of course contain the next king like his father before him and his father before him in an endless succession going back thousands of years. The bloodline of Vespeere's royalty could never be rebuffed for every single first queen of every single generation bore a son and almost always as it's first born. Had the first son died every single king had at least two or more sons onto which the thrown would fall to. Every single Vespeerian king and each royal birth was documented since the aristocracy's birth and the ancient scrolls contained every last detail. Lia's grandfather was the previous king and his name was King Ivan and Lia's uncle King Lorcan was the last king's firstborn followed by her uncle Lewin who had no children, and then Lia's father Leander born last and her grandmother , queen Adeena died giving birth to him. Now Prince Callum, Carlyn, Caleb, and Caspian's names were all written in the archives too and they would be remembered and revered for centuries to come just like all of Lia's ancestors born to the first sons of the first sons or the second and third sons when first and second sons passed. That happened more often in the empire's early years when famine and desease were still common in the lands of the kingdom. It was also Vespeerian royal tradition to name all sons of the first born son by names beginning of the same first letter. No one really knew why.

An attendant who worked the armory shed , an older gentleman with white hairs and a matching curvy mustache approached with a wide black leather case resting over his extended forearms and approached Callum bowing his head. "Your highness, we've had this brought over for the rose" he said politely. Lia's gaze shifted to him instantly, and Callum opened the box , took a swift peak and nodded before letting the heavy lid fall again. The attendant walked past and came before Lia in a bow and opened the large case to her. Inside burrowed in a plush satin lined bedding was a beautiful walnut and gold plated cross bow , the metallic framing at it's edges shone brightly in the sun and was so polished Lia could see a distorted reflection of the surroundings in them. She smiled gratefully "thank you sir" she lifted the cross bow and held it tightly in her hand. Soon another servant emerged from the armory and after helping her out of the vest, he began strapping a finely crafted smoothed camel colored leather quiver around her chest and back measuring it around her and securing the clasps comfortably. He laid several different arrows before her on the corner of the large table nearest her. Circular wooden painted targets were lined up in front of them in varying sizes, angles, and distances. Each member of the group took a spot and they all stood in a vertical line facing the targets , practicing their shots. Lia tried not to pay too much attention to Bastian who chose to stand next to her , though she was all the way on the far end. She could see him in her peripheral vision every time he'd turn to clean his rifle or reload bullets. She could see he was staring at her as she'd line up her shot and lift her elbow to the height of her chin before pulling back and grazing her face with the feather haired arrow tips before releasing and meeting the center every time. "Nice one!" He'd say over her shoulder "you're amazing Lia" he'd smile just inches from her in between his own perfect shooting and mastery over the firearms. Each time Lia felt the tickles of a thousand butterfly wings flapping in her lower abdomen.Normally she'd feel belittled or overly and unnecessarily praised merely for being a woman or the only woman around, this usually by either Drystan or any of her cousins but when he'd compliment her in his warm genuine tone she rather enjoyed it. Lia knew she was good , she'd had the best archery trainers in the empire and was often told she'd mastered her art or was the most skilled they'd ever seen but Lia was good at everything she studied or trained in, she had to be it wasn't a matter of choice. Normally she'd never care too much about praise or ever felt pride in what she felt was just her responsibility being fulfilled , to be great , to bring honor. However , Bastian made her feel giddy with pride and she kept thinking she was actually pretty amazing wasn't she? It was an alien feeling to her but she liked it and the tickles it sparked in her stomach stirring around her emotions. Once they'd been practicing for a while a few servants from the main palace were approaching via horseback through the fields in their royal uniforms no less. As they came close enough they halted covering their ears as they waited for the group to finish their round of firing. Callum was the last to set his musket down on the table behind him. He signed combining his long chocolate hair back with his hand and unbuttoning his leather gloves. He took a long sip of lemonade nearly gulping down the whole glass and chewing on ice cubes as he waived them over. The two servants dismounted and approached them , they bowed once they stood before the group. "Sorry to interrupt your highness" one of them began directing his gaze to Callum "we have come with important news from his royal majesty the emperor , King Lorcan and a message from the most honorable Grand Duke Leander for the heirs of House Draven as well". "Spit it out already" Callum rolled his eyes. Lia did feel the preamble was a bit unnecessary herself. What could her father need to relay to her and Drystan? "Your highness, his majesty the King wishes to inform you a royal visitor from the lands of Evren is currently making their way to the capitol, a last minute formal invitation was extended on behalf of Vespeere". what? Lia couldn't prevent her mouth from falling open as she gaped at the servant who had just spoken. Callum didn't look so taken aback unlike the rest of them almost as though he knew what it was regarding. The servant's words just didn't compute for Lia however, they were at war with the northern nation of Evren , how could an Evren royal be invited to the palace on behalf of her uncle? How could they already be on their way, why was this visit so rushed? Were they planning an amnesty to be bestowed on evren's royal house or their government? There was no way, not after they'd sparked this war that had raged on for the last six years , could it finally be coming to an end? The servant continued as Callum hadn't responded "His majesty requires you to begin preparations for the visit as an official invitation has been extended, and the visitor is a royal, the entire royal family in it's full extent shall be required to receive the visit in full hospitality and his majesty wishes you to be head of the preparations my prince". Lia had to hold in her gasp, for her family was part of that extension of the royal family, of course they'd be required to attend in receiving this visit and attending to this important diplomatic affair as the servant had stated. In reality only Lia's father had any real business in this affair perhaps Drystan as well, being first heir of Elandra. But of course their family as a whole was their father's house and they all had to be present as they were all scions of Vespeere's highest aristocracy. Callum crunched on more ice and Lia saw his jaw was clamped tight , "I see the time has come, yes of course tell father I shall make haste and take charge of all the preparations", "as you command your majesty". Drystan looked stunned , Callum had just received a very important job and a key responsibility not to be taken lightly. Like never before Lia analyzed Callum under a different light, he looked almost foreign to her standing a few feet away , broad shoulders, formidable and elegant posture, and a purely regal demeanor. He'd transformed into a man at some point in the years she was away from the capitol and though she knew this , the little time she'd spent with the future king hardly ever permitted her to see him now as he was. Not just a young, laughing, jest loving, older cousin but as a man who Lia now understood clearly had his own hefty load of responsibilities securely strapped on his shoulders. Lia felt nervous for him as a chill slid down her shoulders and she shuddered visibly, which grabbed Bastian's attention as he glanced over at her looking slightly perturbed himself at the news. "When is our guest to arrive?" Demanded Callum as the servants rose from their kneeled positions on the grass. "By nightfall tomorrow your highness". The immediate tension enveloped around them like a dense fog. Carlyn stroked his own arm squeezing his elbow tightly while Caleb and Bastian shifted in their stances, even young Caspian softly but audibly gulped. The servants walked over to Drystan and he took a step toward Lia clasping her shoulder in a firm grip and tugging her to his side. She shuffled past Bastian who took a step back and allowed them room. The servants knelt again, one cleared his throat "Duke of house Draven , Vespeere's rose" he began addressing them in their formal titles. "Honorable Duke Leander wishes to inform the lord and lady of the remaining House Draven's arrival in the capitol by tomorrow." He looked directly at her brother now, "Lord Drystan, Duke Leander advises you oversee preparation of Draven Townhouse in the capitol and its staff, the palace has already began preparing the House Draven quarters for their arrival as well my lord" he continued referring to the separate apartments within a lofty and enormous tower on the east most wing of the palace reserved specifically for those of House Draven. The other attendant finally spoke now calling Lia's attention, "lady Aurelia , your mother, Duchess Draven wishes you to provide a list of any necessary accommodations to be made, and any necessary belongings to bring before departing Elandra manor as House Draven's stay in the capitol is set for a undetermined length of time". She nodded , bitting her lip. She understood perfectly they were to stay in the capitol indefinitely and until further notice. She could not believe it. A twinge of excitement coursed through her veins but also a unrecognizable sense of distress considering the circumstances behind the last minute change of plans. Normally she'd be elated but after this news, she just didn't know what to think much less how to feel about it all. "I shall send word immediately upon returning to the palace" she replied. "If you please our rose, we may relay your message immediately as the duchess has requested haste in the matter", Lia felt under pressure she had to think quickly. "My lady in waiting shall know of what to pack from my wardrobe" she began "have them bring Saoirse my mare hitched to one of the carriages , my current curriculum's study books and reference pages as well as my journals and the research notes in my desk." "Is that all my lady?" He asked surprise hidden somewhere in his proper tone. "Also my bow and quiver with all of my archery gear" she finished. She decided Davy would probably think to bring her awaiting novel she'd left on her reading chair in the drawing room, the one she'd been eager to get back to since setting it down yesterday evening to get ready for the ball. The only thing besides her family and Saoirse that she'd care to return to in all of Elandra. "Is there anything you need ordered to the palace from here in the capitol?" Inquired the servant quite thoughtfully. Lia thought for a few seconds "gowns" she said finally "have the dressmaker send a few of their latest designs in House Draven's colors she will have my measurements stored, and send for several new hats as well". She'd need a few more proper dresses and fresh attire in Vespeere's latest trends now that she'd be semi-permanently installed in the palace again , the capitol and the royal palace no less were not Elandra or Elandra manor after all. "As you wish Lady Aurelia" he nodded and the servants retreated the same way they came. Callum wasted no time picking up a brand new pistol and shooting at the targets nearest him without warning. The group flinched and covered their ears in surprise, they all stood glancing at one another then turned to face Callum with puzzled glares and in utter bemusement. "What?" Callum demanded, "I'll clearly have no time to hunt tomorrow or in the days that follow , I've had enough practice are we going or not?" He implored , his eyes softly and silently pleading in a beg of their own despite his words ringing so matter of factly and sounding more like the command of the prince he was. The corners of Lia's mouth slowly lifted up to her cheeks and she grinned wide , flashing her teeth. "Let's go then" she trilled , "lead the way your majesty". Callum beamed and they all reached for their firearms. Lia pulled on the leather strap of the quiver, arrows rustling against each other, and let the bow hang over her shoulders. Her tall leather riding boots swished over the blades of grass as she strutted over to follow Callum back to the horses meandering in the pasture a few yards ahead, she tugged a bit at her trousers and threw her hair back catching in the breeze. Anxious swirls danced in her stomach's pit for unknown reasons but she also detected within her a unfamiliar feeling of pure thrill, her whole face and body shone with the live animation. She wouldn't be leaving the palace or the capitol tonight. She wouldn't even be leaving by week's end and she sincerely doubted that she would sleep in her own bed or see Elandra Manor within a fortnight.