
Chronicles Of Dragon Emperor

This Story Have Biggest Chapters you have ever seen. And yes One chapter needs over two weeks to make. It's Not just Filling up words, but the words have actual emotions in it It's short summarized Version of "Soul Land III" (also known as "Douluo Dalu III: The Legend of the Dragon King") is a Chinese web novel written by Tang Jia San Shao, and it is the third sequel in the "Soul Land" series. The story takes place 10,000 years after the events of the previous two sequels. The Tang Sect, now renamed the Tang Outer Sect, has lost its prestige and is no longer a powerhouse in the world of soul masters. The story follows a young boy named Tang Wulin, who was born with a unique soul power, as he embarks on a journey to become a powerful soul master and revive the Tang Sect. Along the way, Tang Wulin makes new friends and allies, including Gu Yuena, a girl with a mysterious past and powerful soul power, and Xie Xie, a thief who is also a talented soul master. Together, they face various challenges and obstacles, including the threat of the Abyssal Douluo, a powerful enemy that seeks to destroy the world of soul masters. As Tang Wulin and his friends grow stronger and face more challenges, they uncover secrets and conspiracies that threaten not only their own lives but also the fate of the entire world. With determination, courage, and their unique soul powers, they strive to overcome these challenges and protect the world they love.

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Chapter 26-45

Chapter 26.

The cold god watched the fight intently. The mysterious new girl had already shown the ability to control three elements. Xie Xie looked at her with surprise. He wondered how it was possible for someone so young to have three spirit essences. In his eyes, Gu Yue was no ordinary girl.

She stretched out her hand, and the ground beneath Xie Xie instantly sank, trapping his leg. This was yet another of her abilities. Wu Chang Kong was impressed that she could also control the Earth element. Xie Xie found himself in a predicament. His opponent had rendered his speed useless and also mocked him for it.

Gu Yue quickly followed up with a volley of ice blades. Tang Wu Lin shouted about the danger while Wu Chang Kong prepared to announce the victor. Suddenly, the attack was nullified. Xie Xie looked determined as he sliced through the ice blades at lightning speed.

Gu Yue was stunned. Xie Xie received praise from Wu Chang Kong for his skill with the dagger. That last-second counter gave him the confidence to taunt his opponent, saying that she had underestimated him and that her attacks could not touch him.

Gu Yue ignored the blatant provocation and launched her next attack, which glowed brightly and flew toward her opponent. Xie Xie assumed the attack was another ordinary fireball when it exploded mid-flight and released a dazzling light that obscured his vision. The resulting scene was comical, with Xie Xie slashing at empty air and Gu Yue casually striking a victory pose.

The cold god finally announced the victor. Gu Yue had become a member of class 5. She delivered her recommendation letter and explained to Wu Chang Kong that her spirit essence was the 'Elementalist.' It could control light, space, earth, ice, fire, and wind elements. Wu Chang Kong said that her spirit essence was unique. He then asked her whether she had any elemental specialty. She replied that she could only raise her compatibility with them. Afterward, she was asked to join the rest of class 5 in their exercise.

She ran alongside Tang Wu Lin and asked why he wore heavy armor. He replied that, according to their teacher, doing so would increase training efficiency. He then introduced himself and complimented her abilities. She modestly said that she was only good at controlling the elements and would benefit significantly if she understood her spirit essence better.

Xie Xie ran behind the two with a dissatisfied expression. Unable to remain silent, he complained about how casually Gu Yue spoke and said that her spirit essence was strange. The two quickly began bickering while looking at each other with annoyance and disgust.

Director Long sat alone in his office, cursing the cold god. He considered Wu Chang Kong arrogant, supercilious, and uncultured. Earlier that same day, the director had been threatened and humiliated in front of his students. With a fiery expression, he swore to make the cold god apologize to him. He heard a knock on the door, and Wu Chang Kong entered his office. The arrival surprised him, and he nervously asked whether his earlier rant had been audible.

Director Long was taken aback when Wu Chang Kong apologized. The cold god he knew apologized to no one. Furthermore, his teaching style did not follow the school's curriculum. He respected no one at the school, and his good looks made every male teacher envious. Director Long was flattered by the apology and took it as a show of respect. While the director was caught up in his thoughts, Wu Chang Kong went straight to business and delivered Gu Yue's recommendation letter. He asked the director to complete the entry procedures and add Gu Yue to class 5.

Xie Xie was still in a foul mood at lunch from his argument with Gu Yue. He asked Tang Wu Lin to stay away from her to avoid being placed in a group with her during the upcoming class promotion contest. Their roommates, Zhao Changxi and Yun Xiao joined the conversation, with the former asking Xie Xie what he would do if their teacher chose Tang Wu Lin and Gu Yue for the contest. Yun Xiao casually pointed out that Xie Xie had already lost to Tang Wu Lin twice out of the three times they had fought.

Xie Xie was so enraged by that last comment that he released his spirit essence and prepared to attack. Meanwhile, Gu Yue approached Tang Wu Lin and offered a meal. She said she was already full. He quickly accepted the gesture; the infamous 'grassy rice bucket' could never reject a free meal. Gu Yue was pleased and smiled sweetly at him before she left. Xie Xie went on another rant and said that Gu Yue was trying to get close to Tang Wu Lin. Zhao Changxi playfully commented that the situation was fishy.

In the afternoon, class 5 had another intense physical training session. They collapsed after only 15 minutes. Gu Yue, on the other hand, looked relaxed. Because of her spirit essence, the elements naturally cared for her. The wind made her light on her feet. Light helped regain her energy, and fire replenished her power. The earth improved her perseverance, and the ice element allowed her to remain cool-headed. Every element was aiding her with the training.

Wu Chang Kong invited Tang Wu Lin, Xie Xie, and Gu Yue to a special training session. They were the most suitable to represent their class in the upcoming class promotion contest. He said that the trio would receive special training from him every day and that he would base each training session's contents on the previous one's results.

He began analyzing their qualities and suggesting improvements. The first was Tang Wu Lin, who needed better control over his spirit essence. He was also advised to try coordinated attacks using his spirit essence and hammers.

Xie Xie was fast enough for his rank, but his physique needed to be improved. His current abilities could not allow him to endure, let alone win battles of attrition. Gu Yue had exceptional control over the elements. However, her weakness was that she was well-rounded. She needed to specialize her elemental control.

Wu Chang Kong concluded his analysis and declared he would be their opponent during their upcoming sparring session.

Chapter 27.

The three were surprised at their teacher's words and thought they had heard him wrong until he affirmed his words by urging them to use all their strength to fight him. He said that whoever performed poorly would have their right to participate in the class promotion contest revoked.

To his surprise, Gu Yue immediately declined Wu Chang Kong's proposal. She said she did not want to affect anyone's position because she had recently joined the class. The air around the cold god changed as he asked how bold she was to decline his teaching.

Tang Wu Lin immediately tried to ease the tension. He thanked Gu Yue for being considerate of him as he was the weakest of the group. He said their teacher was right about winning being the most important thing. He promised to work harder and would be allowed to compete if his strength were sufficient. Tang Wu Lin's emotional intelligence surprised both his teacher and Gu Yue.

The tension had successfully been defused. They soon started sparring with their teacher. Xie Xie dashed towards the cold god and attacked with his light dragon dagger. Wu Chang Kong used only a wooden sword to block and parry the attacks.

Tang Wu Lin attempted to coordinate their attacks by warning Xie Xie about his intention to throw a hammer. Xie Xie shouted back that their battle tactics should not be said aloud because their enemy would hear them. He also asked what Tang Wu Lin aimed at because the thrown hammer had completely missed its mark.

It was Gu Yue's turn to attack. She sunk the floor beneath their opponent's feet, hoping to trap him as she had previously done to Xie Xie. However, the cold god was too experienced. He used his spirit power to float mid-air with a dignified pose. Gu Yue launched a barrage of fireballs at him, but he held Xie Xie by the scruff of his neck like a kitten and used him as a human shield.

The fireballs exploded on impact. Xie Xie flew out of the flames sporting a new afro, and crashed into Gu Yue. The two were knocked down. Only Tang Wu Lin was still standing. Wu Chang Kong quickly appeared before him and attacked.

Tang Wu Lin realized that his teacher was incomparably faster than Xie Xie. He entered a state of extreme focus as he shut his eyes and imagined that his opponent was a metal that needed to be refined. He concentrated and could feel the movements of the cold god and found a rhythm for using a heavy strike. With his left hand, he gripped the hammer tightly and swung with all his might.

Wu Chang Kong was surprised by the speed with which the hammer descended. He blocked it with the tip of his wooden sword. The collision made a crisp sound as the tremendous recoil knocked back Tang Wu Lin. Xie Xie was surprised by the force of the recoil.

At the collision, Wu Chang Kong felt a strong wave of power passing through his wooden sword. Although Tang Wu Lin's strength could not yet rival his own, Wu Chang Kong had not released his spirit essence and merely used a small portion of his spirit power. He felt the wooden sword shatter, and with that, he ended the sparring session.

He then picked up Tang Wu Lin's hammer and remarked on how it held many surprises. When Xie Xie asked what surprises a hammer could have, Wu Chang Kong casually handed it to him and asked him to try it. The hammer fell to the floor. Xie Xie could not bear its weight and found it incredibly frustrating. Despite his best effort, he was unworthy to lift the hammer.

Wu Chang Kong estimated that both hammers weighed 300 kilograms. Tang Wu Lin shyly said he was a blacksmith and used the hammers for refining. His teammates gave him weird looks because of his absurd strength.

The cold god extended his arm and asked Tang Wu Lin to use all his strength to move him. Despite his impressive strength, Tang Wu Lin could not make his teacher budge. He released a powerful aura as he exerted himself, changing the airflow in Gu Yue's opinion.

Wu Chang Kong told Tang Wu Lin to give up, but the boy gritted his teeth as he expressed his unwillingness. Wu Chang Kong smiled and called Tang Wu Lin a fool. He said that he liked fools. He finally approved their participation in the class promotion contest.

Chapter 28.

Tang Wu Lin, Xie Xie, and Gu Yue underwent a mental power test. The results were exceptional. Xie Xie's mental power was 29. Tang Wu Lin's mental power was 44. The results placed them in the middle range of the Spirit Origin rank. Xie Xie could not hide his surprise because he thought his score was impressive. Tang Wu Lin kept silent about his previous result, which was 38. His mental power had increased significantly within a short period.

As impressive as the results were for their age, nothing prepared them for Gu Yue's result. Her Mental power was 119, far above their own. While they were still at the Spirit Genesis Stage, Gu Yue was in the Second Stage, Spirit Connection. Xie Xie found the result ridiculous and said it must have been a machine error. Once again, he started bickering with Gu Yue as Tang Wu Lin awkwardly watched.

Spirit Connection was when the mind and heart could communicate. When one reached Spirit Connection, they could control their spirit power at will. They could then fuse with two yellow or a single purple spirit soul.

One of Wu Chang Kong's personality traits was that he was stricter with his students the more he valued them. Therefore, instead of commending the trio for their exceptional mental power test results, he called them a useless disappointment as he walked away. They were completely drained within 10 minutes of that day's training session.

When the boys returned to their dorm room, Xie Xie asked whether Tang Wu Lin was okay. They looked haggard when they returned. Tang Wu Lin's spirit communication device rang, and he reluctantly answered.

The call came from Uncle Mang Tian. He asked why Tang Wu Lin had received job requests and had yet to complete them. The boy replied that he had been occupied with special training from his teacher every day. Mang Tian was surprised by the news considering Tang Wu Lin was only a first-year student. He asked the boy to meet him at his workshop the following day to continue their discussion.

Tang Wu Lin fell back on his bed. Xie Xie stared at him with a puzzled expression. He asked about Tang Wu Lin's spirit communication device, which was the latest model. Tang Wu Lin had previously said that he was poor. When Xie Xie stated the device's price, their roommates called Tang Wu Lin a big spender and wanted to be close friends with him.

Tang Wu Lin explained that it was one of the benefits he had received from the blacksmith association for being a rank 2 blacksmith. His roommates were amazed by his talent. Xie Xie was excited and asked if Tang Wu Lin would be willing to refine metals for him when he reached the rank of a grandmaster.

Tang Wu Lin asked whether Xie Xie wanted to be a mech master. Xie Xie replied affirmatively and revealed that he came from a family of mech masters. He naturally wanted to become one. The idea intrigued Tang Wu Lin, who then asked about the requirements. Xie Xie explained that the development of spirit mechs had recently changed trends. The current trend was small spirit mechs which were no different from armor.

He explained that all divine-ranked mech masters created their spirit mechs. Tang Wu Lin asked whether they were also blacksmiths, to which Xie Xie explained that the spirit mechs were custom-made by divine-ranked blacksmiths to have high compatibility with their owners.

He then asked what level Tang Wu Lin's skill had reached. Tang Wu Lin answered that he could perform the 'thousand refinements.' Xie Xie was overjoyed and asked him to make mech parts for him exclusively at the market price. After some persuasion, Tang Wu Lin promised to do so. Xie Xie called him a good brother and said he would protect him from then onwards.

Tang Wu Lin arrived at Mang Tian's workshop and was excited to see his master.

Mang Tian examined the thousand-refined heavy silver hammers and explained that Tang Wu Lin could no longer rely on training to improve his skill after learning the thousand-refinements technique. It was important for him to increase his spirit power.

When Mang Tian was trying to get Tang Wu Lin's contact information from Cen Yue, the delay caused him to be strongly interested in how the boy was doing. Even the president of the blacksmith association inquired about Tang Wu Lin's situation. President Mu Chen was one of the ten saint blacksmiths and was famous in the blacksmithing world and throughout the continent.

Mang Tian watched as Tang Wu Lin worked, and he thought about how much the blacksmith association valued the boy and had high hopes for him. Mang Tian was happy for his apprentice from the bottom of his heart. However, he felt it was sufficient that he knew about the boy's true skill. That was why he did not allow Tang Wu Lin to show his ability to perform the thousand-refinements technique. Mang Tian was selfish that way. He wanted no one to take his precious apprentice away but still maintained a cold façade with him.

The class promotion contest was East Sea Academy's annual event. The students from the academy's year groups competed against each other. Those who performed exceptionally well would be documented in the school's archives, which later helped them enroll in other advanced academies. The contest had ample rewards. The best performers had their class ranking changed, and their homeroom teacher was rewarded.

The first day of the contest drew the least attention because the weakest classes competed. Naturally, Class 5 was scheduled to compete on that day. Class 4's homeroom teacher, Kong Yiwen, approached Wu Chang Kong and complimented him for having an orderly team. He said that Class 4 was undisciplined in comparison. He asked the cold god to be lenient and at least allow his class to maintain its ranking. Wu Chang Kong felt his false modesty and shot him a glance before turning away and treating him as air.

Director Long asked whether both teachers had completed their preparations. Wu Chang Kong said class 5 would send three students. Kong Yiwen summoned his team and urged them to show their strength as the rest of Class 4 cheered. They were the first to enter the ring.

Wu Chang Kong had a dark expression as he told Tang Wu Lin, Xie Xie, and Gu Yue that their special training would become ten times more difficult if they lost.

Chapter 29.

The trio's fighting spirit was instantly ignited, and they released a fierce aura that intimidated those around them.

The class 4 homeroom teacher was deeply angered by Wu Chang Kong's cold attitude and promised to teach him a lesson. Director Long signaled for the match to begin, and Class 4 took the initiative to release their spirit rings. The one leading their coordinated attack was Jia Long. He shouted as his body transformed.

Gu Yue calmly analyzed their opponents. She said that just like them, their opponents belonged to the assault, agility, and support systems. There was nothing random about their selection. Tang Wu Lin observed their opponents' refined formation, which showed careful training.

Class 4's team wondered why their opponents looked like they did not intend to fight. However, they quickly dismissed the thought and attacked. Jia Long transformed into a giant wolf warrior and charged at class 5. The onlookers were worried that class 5 could be in danger because they appeared not to have made any battle preparations.

Jia Long launched a fierce attack on Tang Wu Lin but was instead sent flying with one punch. He crashed into a nearby building and lost consciousness. His body reverted to its original form. The students in the audience were shocked and wondered whether Jia Long had slipped. Director Long stood with his mouth open. Zhao Changxi unconsciously touched his face as he recalled Tang Wu Lin's formidable fist.

Xie Xie's eyes flashed as he vanished and appeared behind his opponent. He held his light dragon dagger to his opponent's throat and used a joint lock to restrain him. Gu Yue also restrained her opponent by planting him neck-deep into the ground.

Director Long wondered how the match ended when it had barely begun. He declared Class 5 the winner and raised its rank to make it the new Class 4. He could not help but acknowledge that the cold god's teaching ability surpassed his imagination. He regretted placing Xie Xie in class 5. He originally did so to increase the strength of the class and make the promotion contest more exciting. However, Class 5's power had grown too strong to control.

Tang Wu Lin and Xie Xie were elated. Their team exhibited frightening power despite not being under anyone's direct command. Director Long and the whole teaching staff of East Sea Academy began to watch Wu Chang Kong's class closely. Once the match was concluded, Wu Chang Kong confronted Kong Yiwen for being discourteous. He then turned and walked away as Kong Yiwen shed tears in frustration.

The first day of the contest was over, and Tang Wu Lin began to accept rank 2 blacksmithing requests. Each request brought him a salary of up to 30,000 Union coins. After a few months, he had already earned over 10,000 Union coins. He was confident he could afford a second spirit soul with his progress. And unlike the last time, he could choose a spirit soul that suited him.

In the evening, Tang Wu Lin dressed and left the dorm room. He met Xie Xie, who had invited him to the city to visit a fun place. Tang Wu Lin asked to know where they were going but turned to leave when Xie Xie gave him a cryptic answer. Xie Xie quickly offered to buy delicious food, and Tang Wu Lin agreed instantly, making Xie Xie accuse him of only thinking with his stomach.

Gu Yue found them and asked to accompany them. Tang Wu Lin was surprised to see her. Xie Xie and Gu Yue exchanged glares and began bickering again. Xie Xie lost the confrontation, and Gu Yue said he would buy everyone food. Xie Xie protested to no avail as they left together for the city. He said that their destination was a place close to his heart.

Chapter 30.

The trio arrived at East Sea City's street-food avenue. Their view overlooked the brightly lit street. The atmosphere was exciting, and the night sky bloomed with fireworks. Tang Wu Lin commented on how crowded the street appeared and how hungry he felt. Xie Xie teased by calling him 'Young Master' and said he would treat his two companions to all the food they could eat.

The offer surprised Tang Wu Lin, but Xie Xie assured him that because it was only street food, he could afford to pay for however much he could eat. Gu Yue looked annoyed as she pulled Tang Wu Lin to leave with her. Xie Xie protested her actions as Tang Wu Lin asked whether they should wait for him.

Gu Yue was annoyed by Xie Xie's arrogance and accused him of showing off his wealth. She sighed because it was difficult for her not to hit him whenever he spoke. She argued with him over who would have Tang Wu Lin accompany them. They pulled each of Tang Wu Lin's arms in a tug of war.

Tang Wu Lin was in a dilemma when the sound of their rumbling tummies interrupted them. They finally stopped and followed Xie Xie to a street food shop. The owner of the shop joyfully greeted Xie Xie. His eyes teared up as he hugged Xie Xie. It was a touching reunion. Xie Xie called him Uncle Li. The emotional scene surprised Tang Wu Lin and Gu Yue. They never thought Xie Xie had such a tender side. Gu Yue awkwardly sighed and commented on how Xie Xie became energized when he saw Uncle Li. Uncle Li turned toward the kitchen and promised to return with his best dish.

Tang Wu Lin was amazed by Xie Xie's expression. It was serene as if nothing could go wrong in the world. It was the first time he saw Xie Xie in that state. The food finally arrived. Its enticing aroma made the trio salivate with anticipation. Tang Wu Lin spared no time and ate a piece of beef. The rich flavor overtook his taste buds, and he froze in place. Xie Xie took a bite and was mesmerized. Gu Yue thought the boys were fussing over nothing until she tried the food. She, too, was sent to a new flavor-filled world that was previously unknown. She felt like her body was bathing in a hot spring of beef stew, making her feel relaxed, happy, and fulfilled.

The trio ate their fill. Xie Xie admitted that it had been many years since he last ate so happily. Tang Wu Lin expressed curiosity about Xie Xie's name. Xie Xie had a distant look in his eyes, and his expression gradually turned sad. Uncle Li appeared and patted his head, reminding him not to let his smile become a hurt expression whenever he visited the shop. Xie Xie was brought to tears by the comforting words as his companions looked at him with deep concern.

Chapter 31.

His mother named him. She said the reason was that she was grateful for the encounter that allowed her to meet his father. They had met years ago, fallen in love, married, had children, and were very happy. However, their happy days gradually changed. Xie Xie's father worked all day and did not even have time to see his wife when she was ill.

Xie Xie wished his father had been present before his mother passed away. His father returned when it was too late. Xie Xie resented his father for allowing her to die with regrets. With tears in his eyes, he recalled how his mother often brought him to Uncle Li's shop.

He began to express his dislike for his name when Tang Wu Lin interrupted by asking him not to be sad anymore. Gu Yue, however, had her way of comforting him. She pulled his cat-eared beret over his head and chided him for crying, saying she would let him treat her some more.

She then said she wanted to see the night market in the city, which would be Xie Xie's treat. Xie Xie was once again baited into another bout of bickering as he was too angry to remember his sadness. The duo stared daggers at each other as Tang Wu Lin bade goodbye to Uncle Li. Xie Xie alternated between doing the same and glaring at Gu Yue. Uncle Li promised to prepare special side dishes for the kids the next time they visited his shop. Once they were gone, he felt relieved that Xie Xie had made two great friends.

Gu Yue indiscriminately bought from a street food vendor and pointed at Xie Xie to pay. Tang Wu Lin jumped cheerfully in the background with a bowl of dragon balls. The delicious stuffed beef brought warmth and satisfaction to Tang Wu Lin and his companions, making them grow closer to each other.

Tang Wu Lin also showed the demeanor of the God of Cuisine and led Gu Yue and Xie Xie to eat from one end of the street to the other.

The trio strolled around, bought, ate, played, and forgot about their troubles. They soon returned through the street as Xie Xie bitterly complained that his wallet had been emptied. They saw a small crowd gathered outside Uncle Li's shop and wondered whether it was a performance.

Xie Xie squeezed through the crowd and saw Uncle Li accosted by a thug. The thug's boss, Guang Long, extorted businesses on the street for protection money. Uncle Li explained that he was willing to pay. However, his wife was extremely ill. Guang Long was a spirit master, emboldening his goons to act as they pleased. The thug raised his fist to Uncle Li when Xie Xie caught his hand with fierce eyes and called him human trash. Uncle Li pleaded with him to run away, but Xie Xie stood his ground.

The boss finally appeared. He seemed to wear an iconic costume as a gimmick. He was powerful but self-obsessed. He turned serious when he saw the trio in front of him. Tang Wu Lin was perceptive and noticed the sudden change in Guang Long. He worried for Xie Xie's safety.

Guang Long's demeanor had completely changed. An intimidating aura surrounded him as he stepped forward and extended a hand to grab Xie Xie. Before Xie Xie could react, Tang Wu Lin charged with a clenched fist and threw a punch. Guang Long was surprised by the sudden attack but managed to block it.

Xie Xie and Gu Yue quickly acted as Tang Wu Lin bound Guang Long with his blue-silver grass. Xie Xie held his dagger at their opponent's throat and threatened to kill him if he did not apologize to Uncle Li and compensate for his losses. Tang Wu Lin and Gu Yue relaxed while Guang Long's thugs worriedly called to their boss. Guang Long smiled calmly and said that he would show his true abilities.

Chapter 32.

Xie Xie was thrown off the man's back. He was shocked that his light dragon dagger could not pierce his opponent's skin. Guang Long released a powerful aura along with two yellow spirit rings. He was a spirit grandmaster, allowing him to suppress the trio with his spirit power. He asked them whether they thought they could be arrogant because they were spirit masters.

As Tang Wu Lin attacked, Gu Yue instantly sunk the ground at Guang Long's feet. Xie Xie delivered a cross slash with his dagger, leaving a red 'X' shape on the opponent's chest. Guang Long grinned at the weak attack and tore his shirt. Xie Xie was once again disappointed by the ineffectiveness of his attack. While he was distracted by the thought, his opponent sent him crashing to the ground.

Tang Wu Lin swung his hammer and struck his opponent on the head. Guang long defended himself with his spirit power and sent Tang Wu Lin flying because of the recoil. He followed up with a punch that sent Tang Wu Lin flying.

Guang Long freed his foot from the ground and walked toward Gu Yue. Tang Wu Lin stood between them, blocking their opponent's advance. He encouraged Gu Yue that she had no reason to fear because he was there. Guang Long had to go through him to get to her. He promised to protect her. His selflessness touched Gu Yue. Guang Long grabbed his head and shouted that he would teach him a lesson before throwing him with great strength. Xie Xie jumped into Tang Wu Lin's path and broke his fall.

Tang Wu Lin felt like he had crashed into a meat wall and opened his eyes to find Xie Xie behind him. Xie Xie asked whether he would be thanked for the save when Tang Wu Lin winced in pain and said that the light dragon dagger had pricked him. Xie Xie apologized and withdrew it as a familiar golden aura erupted from Tang Wu Lin's body, surprising everyone around him. His eyes radiated golden light as golden scales appeared on his right arm. This time he was conscious of the changes happening to his body.

Guang Long wondered about the strange golden aura that made his body tremble and disturbed his spirit essence. He gritted his teeth, determined to shake off the intimidation. His body size increased as he threw a punch. Tang Wu Lin caught the punch with his right hand. He glared at Guang Long as a golden light flashed in his eye. Guang Long froze in place, and Xie Xie's mouth was wide open. Tang Wu Lin clenched his left fist and threw a heavy punch that drove his opponent's face into the ground.

The onlookers were stunned by the terrifying display of power that they had just witnessed. Tang Wu Lin's fierce eyes had a faint golden glow as he stared at his defeated foe.

Chapter 33.

Uncle Li's shop had been destroyed during the fight. He was quite magnanimous and thanked them for eliminating his oppressor. When they returned to the academy, Tang Wu Lin and Xie Xie planned to ask Wu Chang Kong to help them understand the secret behind the golden light and scales. They went straight to his door and knocked. Wu Chang Kong answered and asked what had brought the boys to his room at that late hour. They had stood there silently, unable to look at his teddy bear pajamas directly.

After the explanation, the teacher requested that because the golden light and golden scales appeared after the light dragon dagger stabbed Tang Wu Lin, they should recreate the conditions for him to see. Xie Xie was required to stab Tang Wu Lin with his light dragon dagger.

When he did so, a brilliant golden light shone around Tang Wu Lin's hand, and golden scales partly covered his arm. Wu Chang Kong was astonished. He had never seen anything like it. He stretched out his hand again and asked Tang Wu Lin to try and move him again. When the boy did so, Wu Chang Kong mentioned that his power had more than tripled.

The cold god finally gave his verdict. He said that Tang Wu Lin did not possess a twin spirit essence, nor was it a mutation or spirit fusion skill. He admitted that he was completely clueless about the boy's situation. He admitted his ignorance so confidently that he surprised the boys. He advised Tang Wu Lin to increase his spirit power quickly because his strange skill used much of it. He also warned them that if they lost a match in their class promotion contest the following day, the difficulty of their special training would be increased 15 times.

Wu Chang Kong's class was the dark horse of the competition. A considerable number of the teaching staff at the academy had taken notice of them, including Director Long. Class 3's homeroom teacher, Ye Yingrong, approached the cold god. She was popular among male students because of her beauty. As expected, Wu Chang Kong ignored her and threatened his team with tougher training sessions if they lost.

Class 3's team was a set of identical triplets. Tang Wu Lin wondered why they made him nauseous. The match began. The triplets jumped high into the air, and a pair of wings appeared on each of their backs as they took flight. Their spirit essences were identical. They each had the 'skyscraping battle eagle.' One of them declared that the entire sky was their territory. Tang Wu Lin was annoyed by his words and retorted.

In anger, he launched Xie Xie at the airborne triplets. Xie Xie flew as he shouted in protest. The Eagle Triplets mocked him by saying he was seeking death by going up there and that he had been thrown off the mark. To their surprise, he did not fall back down. An icicle appeared mid-air and supported him. With it, he dashed and used the 'light dragon cross slash' against one of the eagle triplets, instantly defeating him.

Many more icicles appeared, and Xie Xie used them as footholds to hunt his airborne prey. With a vicious expression, he dual-wielded his daggers and eliminated another opponent. The last foe realized Gu Yue's role in his brothers' defeat and rushed to attack her.

Gu Yue calmly asked Tang Wu Lin whether she should counter the opponent, but he volunteered to do it instead. Zhao Changxi was on the sidelines with a dreadful expression. He knew what was about to happen. Tang Wu Lin took a moment to warm up because his opponent's speed could not compare to that of the cold god. Once again, he defeated his opponent with one punch. The victory made their class the new class 3.

Ye Yingrong and Director Long were completely speechless. They wondered about the kind of magic Wu Chang Kong had used. After the match, Tang Wu Lin ran around with a grumpy Xie Xie on his back. Gu Yue giggled as she watched them goofing around.

Chapter 34.

Wu Chang Kong dismissed his class in an aloof manner. He left the trio to discuss their experiences from the previous match. Xie Xie began by saying that Tang Wu Lin had been impulsive. Tang Wu Lin had an innocent expression. Xie Xie asked how he could not know his strength. Tang Wu Lin apologized for his impulsiveness. Gu Yue asked whether Tang Wu Lin knew about her icicle skills. He admitted that he did not.

Ye Yingrong walked nearby and overheard their bickering. She was surprised that they had not formed any plan of attack and had instead been winging it the entire time. They won their match despite having communication problems. She thought that their strength was frightening. She then called her sister to report what had transpired in the match. She said she was certain that her sister's class would be the only one capable of defeating Wu Chang Kong's Class. Her sister replied that she would have her revenge against the cold god.

Tang Wu Lin and Xie Xie were meditating in their dorm room when Yun Xiao suddenly rushed in with a look of panic. He reported that a large gang waited outside the school's gate with photos of the trio and demanded they be brought out. Xie Xie was furious when he remembered Guang Long from their night out in the city. Tang Wu Lin asked him to calm down. He said the gang had gathered at the academy's gate, knowing it was a spirit master academy. Therefore, they could not be taken lightly.

They informed Wu Chang Kong about the events of their night out. Meanwhile, Director Long and a few staff members confronted the gang at the gate. The gangsters were armed with illegal spirit tools that reduced the gap between ordinary people and spirit masters. Director Long was instead worried about the man who stood before him.

He was the East Sea City's Mech Brigade Captain, Guang Biao. The Mech Brigade was an elite force stationed at East Sea City by the Union. Moreover, Guang Biao was a Spirit Emperor with six spirit rings. He said that because the trio hurt his younger brother, they should be handed over to him for an investigation that would be done at his place. Failure to which the gang would force their way in and capture them.

Director Long stood his ground and rejected the unreasonable demands. Guang Biao was enraged and released a terrifying aura along with his spirit rings and spirit essence, the 'armored dragon.' Director Long was intimidated by the terrifying man before him, whose massive spirit power scorched the ground. Guang Biao shouted that he would rush into the academy if the trio were not handed over at the count of three.

At that moment, a chilling voice was heard. Along with it came a cold gust of wind. It was the cold god, Wu Chang Kong. The cold completely froze the blazing hot air in an instant. Wu Chang Kong held a sword in his right hand. Its tip was like an autumn spring. Its light flowed like a waterfall. His white clothes and blue sword floated in the air like an immortal. The sword was Wu Chang Kong's spirit essence, the 'Skyfrost Sword.'

Guang Biao said that the cold god was only showing off and demanded to know who he was. Wu Chang Kong released his spirit rings and a great wave of his cold aura. He, too, had six spirit rings; however, two were black. The two were ten-thousand-year spirit rings. His eyes emitted a mysterious purple glow as he said there was no need to fear because it was too late.

Chapter 35.

Guang Biao was determined to shake off Wu Chang Kong's intimidation. Dark scales appeared on his arm as the aura around him became stronger. His power shook the ground. He was determined not to lose to the cold god, who possessed a 10,000 year spirit ring. Guang Biao felt there was nothing to fear, and he would show his true colors.

He shouted at Wu Chang Kong and threw a powerful punch. As he attacked, he was shocked to see the mysterious purple glow in his opponent's eyes. He wondered whether the cold god came from a certain place. Wu Chang Kong immediately countered with his Skyfrost sword. Guang Biao was sent flying by the heavy blow, which shattered his armor. He felt as if the cold energy from the sword was drilling into his bones.

Guang Biao planted his feet on the ground as he struggled to regain his balance. With an indignant look, he chose to drag out the fight. Suddenly, a tyrannical sword aura descended upon him. His eyes widened in shock. When he regained his composure, he found the cold tip of a sword had stopped inches from his face. He was on his knees and had been thoroughly defeated. Wu Chang Kong looked at him with cold indifference as he held the sword.

Director Long saw the purple glow in Wu Chang Kong's eyes. He, too, was shocked and had the same thought as Guang Biao. A lackey came forward and asked Guang Biao whether they should return with spirit mechs. He denied the request and asked them to return. He did not think the East Sea Academy would have such a strong spirit master. He knew that even if he tried spirit mechs, he would still be unable to defeat the cold god, hence his decision to retreat.

The academy had not yet settled down at midnight, and everyone was chatting excitedly about the day's events. Tang Wu Lin had already entered into a state of meditation. Instead of being excited like everyone else, he had a complicated feeling in his heart. A part of it was because he had witnessed his teacher's power. And the other was the pain coming from inside his body.

Guang Biao released a dragon's cry when Wu Chang Kong defeated him in one blow. The cry caused a huge wave of emotion to emerge from Tang Wu Lin. He could only interpret the feeling as sympathy or even rage. One thing was clear. Those feelings made him very uneasy. He struggled to meditate and found it difficult to calm down.

When he drifted into a deep state of meditation, he found himself in a pitch-black world. A brilliant golden light suddenly appeared in the distance and caught his attention. The golden light drew closer as a disembodied voice called to him. When his eyes adjusted to the light, he was shocked to see a gigantic golden dragon with blue rings of light around it.

He asked for the identity of the voice that spoke to him. The disembodied voice replied that it had been waiting for him for a long time. Tang Wu Lin then asked whether he was dreaming. The voice replied that maybe it was a dream, and although it did not know its identity, it was certain that it was a thread of divine consciousness that had been left behind specifically to guide him. The voice said that itself and the golden dragon were a part of his body.

Tang Wu Lin asked whether the dragon was living in his body. The voice said it was not just any dragon but a dragon king. More precisely, it was the Golden Dragon King! He then asked whether the dragon king was his spirit essence, and the voice replied that it wasn't, but rather, it was, in a sense, a disaster for him.

The voice explained that the energy of the Golden Dragon King was too great for Tang Wu Lin's body to bear. And if the power were unleashed fully, the boy would die. When Tang Wu Lin heard the explanation, his face was filled with dread.

Chapter 36.

He asked whether it was a definite possibility that he would die. The voice replied that it would not be there if it were the case. And only by following its instructions would he have a chance at life. However, things would not be easy for him.

Tang Wu Lin asked what he needed to do to survive. The voice said that his presence in that space was proof that he could already feel the dragon king's power and was qualified to assimilate the energy of the first seal.

If he wanted to live, he could only open the seals individually and gradually assimilate the Dragon King's Power. The voice explained further that he needed to be physically strong and obtain external aid. Tang Wu Lin needed to gather three items to strengthen his body before his tenth birthday. A hundred-year Ice Crystal Fruit, hundred-year Scarlet Flame Fruit, and ten drops of blood from a hundred-year spirit beast with a dragon bloodline.

The following day Tang Wu Lin asked Xie Xie about the price of the items he had been asked to gather. Xie Xie said the items could be found in auctions, costing between 10 and 20 thousand Union coins, depending on their quality. He said that the hundred-year quality cost more. Xie Xie offered to take him to the auction house to look for the items and promised to help his best friend.

Director Long had a disheveled appearance as he announced the next match of the class promotion contest. Wu Chang Kong's new class 3 would face class 2 of the first years. The class 2 homeroom teacher shouted to his team to take down their opponents instantly using their strongest attacks. The match barely began when the cold god's trio sent the class 2 fighters flying. The onlookers complained that they did not have a chance to see the spirit essence of anyone from class 2. Wu Chang Kong had become the academy's main attraction. Everyone had started discussing whether the first year's Class 1 could withstand his class-crushing streak.

Xie Xie and Tang Wu Lin were dressed up for their trip to the auction house when Gu Yue appeared and asked to accompany them. Naturally, she began bickering with Xie Xie about the matter. Xie Xie finally relented when she threatened to ask the cold god for extra special training for the weekend.

They arrived at the auction house and found an elegant layout with glass display cases everywhere.

Tang Wu Lin looked around excitedly and commented that everything looked luxurious and high-end. Xie Xie smugly remarked that the auction house sold the world's highest-graded treasures. He led them to the elixir section, where Tang Wu Lin would find the items that he needed.

Tang Wu Lin was excited to find a display with an ice crystal fruit and a scarlet flame fruit. Xie Xie explained that both fruits were only of thirty-year quality. Those of hundred-year quality could be found on the second floor of the auction house. Tang Wu Lin was disappointed because the prices on the first floor were significantly higher than those that Xie Xie had quoted. Xie Xie speculated that perhaps the prices of elixirs had recently increased. He suggested that they should go to the second floor.

At the auction house, the higher the floor, the greater the value of the displayed items. People could not freely move between floors because the treasures within were extremely valuable, and the auction house had to guarantee the sellers' safety.

Xie Xie explained they needed to pay 100,000 Union coins to go to the second floor. Tang Wu Lin assumed it was a cash deposit; however, Xie Xie corrected that it wasn't a refundable fee. He added that the security fee for going to the third floor was one million Union coins. The East Sea Auction House had a few hundred floors; not even Xie Xie's dad knew what was at the top.

Later that evening, as Tang Wu Lin bade his companions goodbye to leave for Mang Tian's workshop, the trio heard a mocking voice calling to them. A student with long dark hair and a patronizing look stood before them. He said he had come specifically to see them since he had not paid much attention to them before. Xie Xie knew it was an obvious intimidation tactic before the match with class 1 the following day.

The Class 1 student laughed off Xie Xie's hostility and turned to walk away, reminding them to use all their strength and to avoid being nervous. Xie Xie gave a daring reply to him. He sneered as he said that Class 1 should take a class photo by the end of the day because they would be known as Class 2 after the upcoming match.

Chapter 37.

Xie Xie's taunt angered him. He turned to face the trio with a menacing expression and introduced himself. His name was Wei Xiao Feng. He promised to teach them a lesson the following day and released his spirit rings. Xie Xie was surprised to see two spirit rings. Wei Xiao Feng was a spirit grandmaster despite being only a first-year student. His power was equivalent to Guang Long. Xie Xie realized the young man before them could not be messed with. They had a difficult fight ahead of them.

Tang Wu Lin left for the workshop after the trio agreed to scout the Class 1 team they would face. He did not have time to harbor fear in his heart. He had to obtain the three specified items before his next birthday. He thought to himself how he wanted to live and grow stronger. His parents would never find his death acceptable.

He arrived at the workshop and found Mang Tian inspecting the quality of his most recent work. Mang Tian observed that the quality had improved. He then glanced at Tang Wu Lin, who laughed nervously in response. He then asked the boy to tell him what had happened to him recently. Tang Wu Lin's hesitation to speak was met with Mang Tian's unwillingness to drop the matter. He said that he had watched Tang Wu Lin grow and knew when something was wrong.

Tang Wu Lin finally disclosed that he intended to take the rank 3 blacksmithing exam. When asked why, he explained that he needed money to improve himself. He needed more money to buy himself spirit souls, to obtain more thousand-refinement practice techniques, and to eat better food at school.

Mang Tian informed him that he was already at the level of a rank 3 blacksmith because he could perform the thousand-refinements technique. He explained further that he did not allow Tang Wu Lin to take the rank 3 exam because he feared the boy would attract much envy and likely grow arrogant because of his talent.

He then patted Tang Wu Lin's head and encouraged him to take the exam. He said the boy's status would increase after becoming a rank 3 blacksmith. He also promised to request the Blacksmith Association to hide Tang Wu Lin's identity and finally asked the boy to keep a low profile in the association.

Uncle Mang Tian disclosed that he had been stuck as a rank 6 blacksmith and could not enter the 'Saint Blacksmith' realm for a long time. It was because his spirit power was insufficient. He explained that Divine ranked mech masters were required to have the power of eight or more spirit rings. They needed to have reached the Spirit Douluo rank to qualify. He said he fully supported Tang Wu Lin's ambition to improve himself. He then delivered an envelope to Tang Wu Lin.

It contained a letter from his dad. In it, Tang Zi Ran apologized to his son for letting him endure many hardships. He blamed it on his desire to live a peaceful life and his inability to help his son. He revealed that his true occupation was Mech Designer. Years ago, he went into hiding because one of his designs drew the attention of powerful people who wanted to control everything he did. Tang Zi Ran said he would return to his old trade for his son's sake. He enclosed two cards within the letter. One was Tang Wu Lin's identity card, and the other was a bank card, useable across the continent. The bank card contained one million union coins, which Tang ZI Ran obtained as a downpayment for being a powerful figure's mech designer. The amount was enough for Tang Wu Lin to buy a hundred-year spirit soul. Tang Zi Ran promised to add more money to the card once he earned it.

He encouraged Tang Wu Lin to aim for the apex of power with his talent and not to look back, only move forward. He asked the boy not to look for them. They would find him once they could do so. Tears ran down Tang Wu Lin's face as he finished reading the letter. Mang Tian comforted him by saying their absence was only temporary. He said Tang Zi Ran was an excellent Mech designer, and the powerful figure who took him was not ordinary. If Tang Wu Lin wanted to find his parents, he had to become strong.

Tang Wu Lin had a downcast expression when he returned to the academy. He met Xie Xie and Gu Yue and asked what they had learned about their opponent's team. Xie Xie reported that Wei Xiao Feng was not the strongest fighter in class 1's team. Moreover, every team member was a spirit grandmaster with two spirit rings. He likened it to fighting three Guang Longs simultaneously. Xie Xie admitted that he felt overwhelmed.

Tang Wu Lin grew frustrated. Even the ever-confident Xie Xie looked troubled. Tang Wu Lin knew he had to do something if he wanted the fight to go in their favor. Just then, there was an emergency announcement from the academy speakers about a massive typhoon that would hit East Sea City for a week. Class activities would be halted, and all students were required to wait in the safety of their dorms until the typhoon ended.

For Tang Wu Lin, the announcement was music to his ears. He had a golden opportunity to find the three items he needed to release the first seal of the dragon king. He knew that if he begged the blacksmith association, he would be able to find them. He spun on his heel and ran out after asking his friends to pass his regards to their teacher.

He ran with teary eyes as he thought about how those he cared about left because he was not strong enough. His teammates would undoubtedly be burdened if he still lacked enough strength.

Chapter 38.

Cen Yue was having a meal at a restaurant in the city when he received a call from Tang Wu Lin. After a brief moment, he suddenly rose from his seat in shock and sent a bowl flying when he heard the boy's request. Tang Wu Lin had requested an impromptu rank 3 blacksmith exam. President Mu Chen and his daughter Mu Xi sat across the table from Cen Yue. They were the unwilling victims of his outburst and looked like they had lost a food fight.

Mu Chen asked for the cause of the excitement. Cen Yue reported that Tang Wu Lin wanted to take the rank 3 blacksmith exam. Mu Chen approved the request with a look of anticipation. Mu Xi asked who was being given the special privilege. When her dad gave an evasive answer, she angrily said it sounded like Tang Wu Lin. Mu Chen, Mu Xi, and Cen Yue left to meet Tang Wu Lin for the late exam.

Tang Wu Lin arrived at the association headquarters and apologized for his late arrival. Cen Yue said that he, too, had just arrived. He let Tang Wu Lin catch his breath before leading him to the examination room. Tang Wu Lin was surprised that President Mu Chen and Mu Xi were already waiting for him. Mu Chen greeted him as Mu Xi stayed back with a dissatisfied look. She was annoyed that it had only been a few days since he was at the association to receive a rank 2 medal.

Mu Chen asked Tang Wu Lin whether he wanted to rest before taking the exam, to which the boy replied affirmatively. Tang Wu Lin meditated to recover his energy while the president and Cen Yue waited and anticipated his performance. Like his previous exam, he was asked to choose the ore he would use. Once again, he chose heavy silver.

Cen Yue was concerned while Mu Xi sneered. President Mu Chen, however, was intrigued. Tang Wu Lin was asked if he was certain about his choice. He took out his pair of thousand-refined heavy silver hammers in response and declared his readiness. Cen Yue wondered when Mang Tian had given the hammers to Tang Wu Lin. Mu Chen knew that the hammers were heavy and grinned excitedly as he signaled for the exam to begin.

Tang Wu Lin concentrated and swung his hammers. His thousand-refined hammer's special effect manifested. The stacked hammers effect increased the refinement efficiency by reducing the required time. Everyone was surprised. Cen Yue wondered how Mang Tian had taught Tang Wu Lin. The president stared, amazed that the hammers were a product of Tang Wu Lin's thousand refinements.

The boy was like a howling wind and torrential rain, steady as a mountain as he forged. His three months of accumulated knowledge and preparation, cultivating spirit power and growth, all vented in this one forging task. Once Tang Wu Lin completed the task, Mu Chen congratulated him for his blood-sacrificed thousand-refined heavy silver hammers. His thoughts turned to his daughter. He wanted her to witness true strength.

President Mu Chen declared that Tang Wu Lin was officially a rank 3 blacksmith from that moment onward. Tang Wu Lin bowed respectfully and thanked Mu Chen. He then raised his head and made his request. Cen Yue later asked the president whether giving Tang Wu Lin the three requested items was all right. Mu Chen answered affirmatively, speculating that the boy must have encountered a bottleneck.

Cen Yue then ranted about his jealousy of Mang Tian for having such a talented apprentice. He admitted that even with his spirit power and experience, he would have found it challenging to replicate Tang Wu Lin's performance. Mu Chen was in high spirits and called the boy a genius. He reminded Cen Yue to hide Tang Wu Lin's identity from other association branches.

His tone turned serious as he said that Tang Wu Lin's ability to reach a thousand refinements was not simple. He said that Mang Tian deliberately held Tang Wu Lin back for no other reason but to hope for the boy to become a saint-ranked blacksmith, enter the realm of spirit forging, and amaze the world with a single brilliant feat. Mu Chen revealed that Tang Wu Lin's talent was what he had been seeking for 30 years. He would be the only person capable of challenging heavenly refinements and becoming their generation's divine-ranked blacksmith.

Tang Wu Lin rushed to Mang Tian's workshop through the heavy downpour. He arrived and dried off his clothes before settling down. Mu Chen told Tang Wu Lin that using the ice crystal and scarlet flame fruits simultaneously could strengthen the body. The blood from the dragon bloodline spirit beast was related to spirit essence. Tang Wu Lin wondered whether he was required to eat them directly. He turned his thoughts inwardly to ask the voice in his head, who had previously asked to be addressed as Old Tang.

Old Tang asked whether all the items had been gathered.

Chapter 39.

He asked if everything else was ready apart from the three items. Tang Wu Lin was puzzled by the question. Old Tang said he needed endurance, strength, courage, and perseverance. He warned that Tang Wu Lin would suffer tremendous pain when unlocking the first seal, and if he did not possess the mentioned qualities, he would not be able to complete the process. If Tang Wu Lin gave up halfway through, he would lose his mind irreversibly.

Tang Wu Lin complained to Old Tang for withholding the information. However, he admitted that he had no choice but to get through it. Old Tang concurred. Tang Wu Lin had no choice in the matter. Old Tang said that the process was the equivalent of transforming the body. The boy had to endure the pain and allow the golden dragon king's soul within the seal to fuse with his body.

Old Tang asked once more if Tang Wu Lin was ready. The boy thought about the fact that he no longer had a choice. He had to become stronger. Na'er, his dad, and his mom had already left him. His companions were also facing a difficult situation. He had to become stronger for things to take a turn for the better. Once he found his resolve, he said he was ready and asked Old Tang to begin.

Old Tang was pleased. He asked the boy to lock every door and window and ensure quiet surroundings. Tang Wu Lin followed Old Tang's instructions and poured the three items into a cup. Powerful energy was released from the cup, making it tremble. Afterward, the cup alternated between hot and cold states and made a cracking sound with occasional bursts of dragon cries.

Looking at the liquid in the glass, Tang Wu Lin knew he had no time to hesitate. He quickly emptied the glass into his mouth. He experienced the hot and cold sensations. There was also a strange sweetness. He sat in a meditative pose as he felt his body heat up.

He began meditating to adjust the state of his body. He could only get through the process with strength and persistence.

His eyes flew open as he felt overwhelming power erupt from his body uncontrollably. He screamed as his body contorted from the intense pain. His body felt so hot, as if it was about to burn. The pain was unbearable, and he felt like his head was about to explode. His body suddenly froze over. He was so cold that he found it difficult to breathe. He felt as if he was about to freeze to death.

He gritted his teeth with determination. He knew that all would be lost if he gave up. He wailed in agony as another unbearable sensation overtook his body. He felt like thousands of insects were burrowing deep into his bone marrow. His body felt like it was getting bitten by countless insects.

Sometime later, the workshop was quiet. Old Tang called the boy to ask whether he was okay. Tang Wu Lin responded weakly and said he almost couldn't endure any longer. He asked Old Tang whether it was finally over. Old Tang said it was only the beginning, and the three unbearable sensations would occur together next. If Tang Wu Lin could not endure, he would surely die. Tang Wu Lin had a strong will to live. He screamed as the next wave of pain flooded his body.

A few days passed, and the typhoon ended. It was finally the day of the match with Class 1. Xie Xie wondered about Tang Wu Lin's whereabouts. Gu Yue asked why he had not gone to the blacksmith association to ask for the address of Tang Wu Lin's workshop.

Xie Xie replied that the association had very strict rules to ensure the safety of its blacksmiths. It kept the address of the blacksmith private. When Wu Chang Kong arrived, Xie Xie explained the situation to him. He promised to visit the blacksmith association later that night. However, Xie Xie and Gu Yue had to step up and face the challenge of Class 1 without Tang Wu Lin.

The ring-side crowd was excited for Wu Chang Kong's team to face Class 1. They wondered whether the cold god could create another miracle. Xie Xie wondered why Tang Wu Lin was not yet back after all the time that had passed. Both teams were asked to enter the stage. Xie Xie resigned himself to fighting without Tang Wu Lin beside him.

A beautiful woman stood before Wu Chang Kong and commended the strength of his students. She was the Class 1 homeroom teacher, Ye Yingluo. The older sister of the former Class 3's homeroom teacher, Ye Yingrong. She said the cold god had made her wait, but she finally had the chance to humiliate him.

Ye Yingrong giggled when she saw that her older sister had dressed up especially well despite claiming she did not care about Wu Chang Kong. The cold god ignored the provocation and turned away without uttering a word. He told Director Long his two remaining students would proceed with the match.

He had barely finished those words when Tang Wu Lin called to him, Gu Yue and Xie Xie, to announce his arrival. He apologized for making them worry and promised to explain everything later.

Chapter 40.

Before the match began, the commentator covered the basic rules for the fight. It would only end when there was one clear winner and a loser. The fighters were warned against deliberately hurting their opponents. If they did, they would be punished by the academy. Xie Xie playfully told Tang Wu Lin that their strongest opponent was Zhang Fengzi. Of course, the name was entirely made up, and Wei Xiao Feng protested the same.

The signal was then given for the start of the match. Wei Xiao Feng took the initiative and charged toward Xie Xie. Like the latter, he belonged to the agility attack system. His spirit soul was a hundred-year green shadow snake, which fit him perfectly. He had spent a considerable amount of money to find it.

He flitted around and warned that Xie Xie would die if he could not keep up with his speed. Zhao Changxi and Yun Xiao were shocked by Wei Xiao Feng's movements, which imitated Xie Xie's fighting style but was much faster. Xie Xie calmly shut his eyes. When he opened them, a light flashed as he released two spirit rings.

This revelation surprised the onlookers as well as his opponent. Xie Xie had become a spirit grandmaster! His expression was confident as he asked why everyone was fussing over nothing. However, Wei Xiao Feng was not impressed and moved to attack with a few clones. Xie Xie used the light dragon blade to send a wave of energy toward his opponent. Wei Xiao Feng jumped to avoid the attack making Xie Xie realize it was his opponent's true body.

The opponent before Tang Wu Lin and Gu Yue was Wang Jinxi. He had a top-notch darkness-type spirit essence. The Bone Dragon. There weren't many spirit grandmasters who could compete with his strength. He rushed to attack as Gu Yue asked whether she should use her light element to bind him. She said their opponent had a top melee-type spirit essence and was probably very strong.

Tang Wu Lin assured her she would be fine and that there was no reason to worry. She wondered whether he intended to confront their enemy head-on. He suddenly threw a powerful punch. Tang Wu Lin's fist was covered with a brilliant golden aura that surprised Wu Chang Kong.

Wang Jinxi was blown away by the overwhelming power as a wave of golden aura was released on impact. The crowd of onlookers flew into a frenzy. What they had just witnessed should not have been possible. Despite having a ten-year spirit ring, Tang Wu Lin had just overpowered a spirit grandmaster.

Zhao Changxi and Yun Xiao were once again shocked by the overwhelming display of strength. Director Long was in awe as he contemplated what he had just witnessed. How unreasonable it was. The cold god narrowed his eyes, deep in thought. The Class 1 homeroom teacher, Ye Yingluo, speechlessly wondered how such a feat was possible. Tang Wu Lin had disappeared for a few days and had undergone a great transformation.

He retrieved one of his thousand-refined silver hammers and threw it at his next opponent, the commander of Class 1's team, Zhang Yangzi. Gu Yue supported the attack by binding their opponent using wind chains. Zhang Yangzi glared at the duo for underestimating him, then released his spirit essence.

A dark pair of wings shot from his back. They broke the wind chains and deflected the incoming hammer. The opponent released a dark fog that covered the ring. He had a determined expression as he declared his intention to use all his strength to oppose Tang Wu Lin's team. As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yangzi hid with his teammates in the billowing dark fog.

Tang Wu Lin wondered about their next move as their opponents initiated a new attack. The dark fog rushed toward Xie Xie and covered him as the Class 1 team rushed in to attack. Gu Yue realized that they were being targeted one at a time. Tang Wu Lin called to his besieged companion, ready to rescue him, when a wave of golden light tore through the dark fog. It was Xie Xie's spirit skill, 'Light Dragon Storm.' The sudden counterattack amazed everyone.

Chapter 41.

Xie Xie confidently said that his opponents, too, had underestimated him.

He quickly switched to dual wielding his light dragon daggers and dared his opponents to attack together. The Class 1 team was enraged. Tang Wu Lin charged in with his right fist clenched. Once more, a dazzling golden aura covered it, making his teammates wonder what it was.

Class 1's Wang Jingxi retreated. Zhang Yangzi asked why he did so. He explained that Tang Wu Lin's golden aura interfered with his control over his spirit essence. Zhang Yangzi grew anxious as he recalled having a similar experience. He then asked Wang Jingxi and Wei Xiao Feng to stay behind him as he released the dark fog. He intended to deprive their opponents of sight and prevent them from winning.

Gu Yue was quick to counter the move. She formed a sphere of light so dazzling that it looked like the sun. Its light cut through the dark fog, completely nullifying it. Director Long was amazed by Gu Yue's ability to fuse the light and fire elements. In his eyes, she was a genius.

Wang Jingxi furiously called for his teammates to attack Gu Yue as he used his spirit skill, 'Bone Dragon Disorder Dance.' Gu Yue was stunned by the sudden attack when Tang Wu Lin released his spirit ring and essence. His blue-silver grass instantly bound the incoming bone dragons. Ye Yingluo exclaimed in surprise. She found it unbelievable that Tang Wu Lin's blue-silver grass and ten-year spirit ring could restrain the bone dragon's hundred-year spirit ring.

During the commotion, a dark silhouette suddenly appeared behind Gu Yue. Zhang Yangzi had made a move. Gu Yue could barely react when Tang Wu Lin once again shielded her. Zhang Yangzi attacked with his spirit skill, 'Eroding Shadow Claws.' Tang Wu Lin used his body to block the attack and suffered its eroding effect. He screamed as he fell to the ground with his body trembling. Gu Yue called to him with a concerned expression.

Zhang Yangzi sneered and said his attack would completely erode Tang Wu Lin's spirit power. Gu Yue glared at the Class 1 team. Her eyes filled with rage as a cold wind gathered around her. Director Long once again witnessed a fusion of elements. Ice and wind combined to form… He spoke as a terrifying blizzard covered the fighting ring.

Zhang Yangzi, Wang Jingxi, and Wei Xiao Feng stood helplessly as the blizzard intensified. Director Long was terrified by Gu Yue's power. She screamed as her anger fueled the blizzard. The cold spread outside the ring, affecting the spectators. Wu Chang Kong was unfazed. His spirit essence, the 'Skyfrost Sword,' made him resistant to the cold.

Director Long found the cold unbearable. He finally announced that the fight was over, saying it made no sense to keep fighting. He declared Wu Chang Kong's Class 2 the winner. Ye Yingluo protested, but the Director pointed out that Gu Yue's spirit power had not decreased despite performing such a large-scale attack. Ye Yingluo's students would not be able to endure it if the blizzard continued.

Director Long declared the winner. Tang Wu Lin was helped to his feet by Xie Xie as Gu Yue smiled contentedly. Zhao Changxi and Yun Xiao started celebrating when a shout was heard from the ring. Zhang Yangzi shouted that his team had yet to lose. His dark wings appeared as he asked Wang Jinxi to help him perform their special move.

They held hands and vanished into a brilliant light that covered the ring. A figure with a draconic mask, a long reptilian tail, and a large pair of dark wings stood in their place. It resulted from their spirit fusion technique, 'Dark Bone Dragon King.' The figure spoke with an eerie voice and said it would repay the humiliation of losing.

Xie Xie called his companions to be cautious, but it was too late. The draconic figure had already closed the distance and struck him. Xie Xie flew back and crashed on the ground. His arm broke in an attempt to block the powerful attack. Director Long shouted that the contest was already over. However, his words fell on deaf ears. The draconic fusion between Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi mocked the Tang trio for their inability to beat class 1 with their meager might. Tang Wu Lin stood his ground and declared he would repay the draconic figure for injuring Xie Xie with its heavy-handedness. He had a berserk and murderous expression as he faced his opponent.

Chapter 42.

The Golden Dragon King's aura erupted from Tang Wu Lin's body, and scales rapidly covered his right arm like a gauntlet to form a golden claw. The aura was so strong it tore his sleeve. Director Long asked in confusion whether it was an ability of blue-silver grass. The cold god silently watched in shock as the boy clutched his right arm with a severe expression.

The fused draconic figure saw Tang Wu Lin's sudden increase in power and called it a bluff as it leaped to attack with its 'Shadow Dragon Bone Claw.' Tang Wu Lin hissed and let out a deafening roar as his eyes radiated the fierce golden light. Director Long recognized the roar as a dragon cry.

The fused figure was overwhelmed and suppressed. The combined might of the golden aura and the dragon's cry caused it to lose control of its body. It was defenseless against Tang Wu Lin's mighty blow. The situation was almost indescribable. The power of one hand exceeded that of a spirit fusion.

Director Long panicked when he sensed the impending massacre. The fused figure lay helplessly on the ground as Tang Wu Lin leaped for a follow-up attack. His body emitted a bloodthirsty aura and a strong killing intent. His last conscious thought was the desire to make the creature regret hurting his best friend. He wanted his opponent to experience pure terror.

Tang Wu Lin lost his mind. His rationality was replaced with uncontrollable rage as he attacked. The fused figure screamed in terror as the fighting ring erupted with strong pressure. The dust cleared, and Wu Chang Kong appeared holding Tang Wu Lin by his uniform. He spoke calmly to the boy and said there was no longer a reason to keep fighting. Tang Wu Lin was shaken back to his senses at that moment.

The fighting ring had a large crater, and in it lay Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi. Director Long trembled at the scene before him. Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi were unconscious, and their spirit fusion had been undone. They were also severely injured. The director ordered the injured boys to be rushed to the infirmary.

It dawned on Tang Wu Lin that something was amiss, and he asked what had happened to him. Ye Yingluo protested Tang Wu Lin's use of excessive force despite it being a simple tournament. Wu Chang Kong remained in silent contemplation. He turned away and said Xie Xie should be taken to the infirmary.

Chapter 43.

Tang Wu Lin's face sank. He was filled with remorse when he realized what he had done. He wondered how he could have lost control. His thoughts were interrupted by Old Tang's voice. Old Tang asked him whether he felt the change in his body. It was the power of the Golden Dragon King!

Wu Chang Kong carried Xie Xie in his arms and started walking to the infirmary. Xie Xie reminded him about the injury. It wasn't a broken leg but rather a broken arm. He was still able to walk. The cold god told him to shut up instead. The conversation made Gu Yue and Tang Wu Lin feel awkward.

Wu Chang Kong delivered the news that Xie Xie's arm would fully recover without a problem. Tang Wu Lin and Gu Yue walked together and discussed the outcome of the competition. She said it had been forcibly ended, and the results were unknown. Tang Wu Lin felt it was wrong for the Director to have attempted to end the match prematurely. He complained that Class 1's attack on Xie Xie was excessive.

Gu Yue teased by reminding him that he, too, had been heavy-handed with his attacks. He had broken his opponents' hands and feet. Tang Wu Lin was flustered. He tried to explain that he was irrational then and did not notice. The memory was still vague to him.

Gu Yue then asked about the origin of the great power he used at the match. She was certain it was not a mutation of blue-silver grass. Tang Wu Lin was momentarily silent and said he did not want to lie. However, he could not discuss the matter because of special reasons. Gu Yue paused briefly before accepting his answer.

Old Tang warned him against discussing the matter with others. He recalled his situation and the fear that lingered in his heart. Absorbing the golden dragon king's power from the first seal alone had taken a great toll on his body. If he hadn't used the three items recommended by Old Tang to enhance his body, he would have died.

He sat and examined the essence of the golden dragon king on his hands. When he absorbed it, he received incredible power. However, Old Tang already told him there was no guarantee that the fusion would work, and he had to open the second seal before his fifteenth birthday. And like before, he would have to gather specific items in preparation.

When he returned to the dorm room, Zhao Changxi and Yun Xiao were already waiting. They praised his power and asked what the dragon claw was. Tang Wu Lin chose to lie and said it was a mutation of his spirit essence. He quickly said that he needed to go and meditate.

A man sat in his office at the academy. His hands interlocked in a serious posture as he asked for an explanation for the events of the class promotion contest. He was the Academy's President, Yu Zhen. Director Long sat across his desk with a weary expression. He began explaining the spirit fusion when the president slammed the table in shock that first-year students could use the technique.

Yu Zhen's beverage burnt his hand because of his sudden outburst. Director Long helped clean up the mess before proceeding with his report. The president poured himself a fresh cup as he asked whether the spirit fusion injured the three students. Director Long corrected by explaining that another with a ten-year spirit ring and blue-silver grass had injured the two students who performed spirit fusion.

President Yu Zhen broke his cup with another outburst and again burnt his hand. The report was unbelievable. With a newly bandaged hand, he admitted that there were many talented people. Director Long proceeded to list the exceptional first-years. A multi-element user, a miraculous variation of blue-silver grass, four two-ringed spirit grandmasters.

He suggested to the president that a new first-year class should be made especially for them. Year 1 Class Zero. Regular classes would only delay their growth. Director Long's recommendation was concluded by suggesting the appointment of Wu Chang Kong to oversee the new class and lead the super geniuses.

Tang Wu Lin woke up the next morning and noticed that Xie Xie had not returned. He examined his right hand's appearance as he thought about how it violently consumed his spirit power when it turned into a dragon claw. He also noticed that he gained fairer skin after absorbing the Golden Dragon King's essence, apart from the increased spirit power. He stared at his reflection, hoping it was only an illusion.

He ran laps in the academy's track as he mulled over his situation. He needed to train well, improve his spirit power and be prepared to break the second seal before his fifteenth birthday. He needed to be careful the next time he used the golden dragon king's power. It heavily consumed his spirit power and seemed to be influencing his personality.

Chapter 44.

He felt that he became irritable and violent when he used it. He could also feel a little of the tyrannical aura that dwelt in his right hand. He thought deeply as he ran into a girl on the track. She avoided the collision and let him tumble to the ground. The girl teased him by saying he threw himself on a girl in broad daylight. Tang Wu Lin apologized and said he was distracted. The girl said she admired his ability to run while distracted.

She teased him by calling him 'little brother' and said he should be careful while running. She suddenly drew closer while looking into his eyes. She smiled pleasantly while pinching his cheek and said he was quite good-looking. She asked for his name, and he gave it without hesitation.

When it was his turn to ask, the girl challenged him to a ten-lap race around the track and promised to give her name if she lost. She started running as soon as she finished speaking. Tang Wu Lin was momentarily distracted by the girl's graceful movement before catching up. The girl looked back and admired his movement.

They were both determined to win the race and drew the attention of onlookers. They sped along the track keeping up with each other's pace, until Tang Wu Lin started sprinting when he realized that there were 50 meters left to the finish line. His sudden speed surprised the girl, and she let out a yelp as if something had happened to her. Tang Wu Lin fell for the trick. When he looked back, the girl leaped over his head and won the race.

Tang Wu Lin lay face-down on the track as the girl asked him if he had conceded. She commended him for his physical strength when he admitted defeat. She finally introduced herself. Her name was Ouyang Zixin. He watched her leave in quiet fascination. Xie Xie walked up to him and noticed his gaze. He teased Tang Wu Lin for talking to the intermediate academy's beauty. He referred to a saying that every boy had an unforgettable senior sister in his heart. Tang Wu Lin protested that he had had enough of Xie Xie's nonsense.

He changed the subject to Xie Xie's hand. Xie Xie claimed that with his excellent talent, he needed only 10 days to recover. Gu Yue overheard the conversation as she walked toward them. She mocked Xie Xie's boasting and asked whether he was referring to the shameful talent of passing out in the competition. Once again, the conversation devolved into a bickering contest between the two.

The students of East Sea Academy gathered at the sports ground as Director Long addressed them. He announced that the first-year rankings had changed from the recently concluded class promotion competition. The original class 5 had become the new class 1. The academy rewarded them with one free meal every day for a semester. Naturally, Tang Wu Lin was excited about the news.

The director continued to announce that the academy's board had also decided to establish a new grade. Year one, Class Zero. The class would have six students. Gu Yue, Tang Wu Lin, Xie Xie, Wei Xiao Feng, Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi. He said the power of the six exceeded the level of first-year students. They would neglect their talents if they continued to have no difference in education. Other students were encouraged to work hard and strive to join Class 0.

At President Yu Zhen's office, Director Long chided the six for their poor shape, with broken hands and feet. The president held a confidentiality agreement for them to sign. He explained that signing it meant they agreed to receive East Sea Academy's best training and would not transfer to another institution before completing the intermediate and advanced divisions.

Xie Xie asked whether they could discuss it with their families first. Director Long warned that Xie Xie would not be a part of class Zero if he did so. Tang Wu Lin had already signed it, making Xie Xie feel left out. So, he, too, signed the agreement. Wei Xiao Feng refused to sign, saying his family might have a better school for him later at the advanced level. Director Long allowed him to leave. The remaining five had odd expressions because of how easily their number had reduced.

Director Long informed them that they had become the core elite of the Academy, and as such, the Academy would spare no expense to nurture them. He also said that although the academy respected Wei Xiao Feng's choice, he would surely regret it.

He then declared that although the academy's ranking was not high, they would work together to create a bright future. And after the academy had done everything possible to train them, even the legendary Shrek Academy may not be as capable as East Sea Academy.

Chapter 45.

East Sea Academy's year one class zero was officially established. Not only did Class Zero have a dedicated classroom, but also the dorm rooms were the same as the teachers. Each person had a separate room. Class Zero's homeroom teacher was Wu Chang Kong.

The classroom was divided into two factions on the first official day. The relationship between the two groups was awful. Xie Xie was quick to antagonize Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi, calling them shameless and self-centered show-offs. Zhang Yangzi retorted by calling Xie Xie a weakling and dared him to fight after class.

The cold god walked into the classroom and silenced them with a look. Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi were in awe of his oppressive aura. The Tang trio had grown accustomed to Wu Chang Kong's temperament and maintained their composure.

Wu Chang Kong casually pulled a chair and sat. He said the lesson plan had changed because of their physical condition, and they would discuss spirit mechs instead. Zhang Yangzi expressed his concern about the advanced subject. Wu Chang Kong coldly asked him to raise his hand before speaking. Zhang Yangzi was embarrassed and annoyed by Xie Xie's mockery. However, Wu Chang Kong shut it down with a well-aimed chalk stick between Xie Xie's eyes.

Wu Chang Kong explained that in the current era, the spirit mech master was synonymous with the strong, and the sooner the students understood it, the better. He also said that Class Zero's mech class was just for them to learn basic theoretical knowledge.

Tang Wu Lin showed great interest in the subject of mechs. Unlike him, Gu Yue looked indifferent. Tens of thousands of years ago, spirit masters were the main occupation. Gradually, their numbers declined, and those that remained were of a much lower rank than their predecessors. The emergence of spirit guidance tools was responsible for the change in structure.

Wu Chang Kong described the history of spirit mechs from their origin and applications until the modern era. After a lengthy explanation, he dismissed regular spirit mechs because they were only for military use. For the sake of the class, whose target was to become the most powerful, they would study what fits a combat spirit master. Battle armor.

His words piqued everyone's interest, including Gu Yue. He explained that large spirit mechs only made someone an easy target. Spirit mechs above the purple rank were made as small as armor, and because of their small size, they were known as battle armor. He said that only the spirit masters who used their battle armor and spirit essence together perfectly could be called the strongest fighters.

He then mentioned the different mech-related occupations. Mech designers, Mech manufacturers, and Mech repairers. He told the students they would have to choose a second career from the three options. Gu Yue asked why a second career was required.

Wu Chang Kong explained that it was necessary if one wanted a powerful battle armor suited to them. If they did not study the second profession, they would never be able to integrate with their battle armor. Neither would they be able to climb the god altar. The goal of class Zero was to reach the god altar.

Tang Wu Lin asked whether they could see genuine battle armor, and the cold god said they would once they completed the first phase of their combat training. Wu Chang Kong told them about their shortcomings in the class promotion contest. They all needed battle experience and skills; their basic combat abilities, aside from their use of spirit essence, were terrible.

Gu Yue interjected by saying that because her ability was elemental control, all she needed to improve was her spirit power and mental power. She asked whether basic combat ability was necessary. In response, Wu Chang Kong proposed a test. He asked Tang Wu Lin and Gu Yue to team up and attack him. He assured them he would not use any spirit skill and would lower his spirit power to their level. He would allow them to use their spirit skills freely to attack. He dared them to try and defeat him.