
Chronicles Of Azaroth

Several centuries back, Azaroth the Alpha of Alpha werewolves, sealed his kind away for their cruel and bloodthirsty deeds on the human race. He walked the earth for over five hundred years constantly changing locations and taking the key to the seal with him due to his inability to age. He constantly fell into depression and loneliness feeling like his life didn't have any other purpose beyond protecting the key to the seal to make sure humanity remains free from the terrors of the creatures of the night. Even though he interacted with humans, he never allowed himself to form bonds with anyone... Until she came along. Felicia was a charismatic and popular girl on campus. Her life was perfect, with influential parents and two little brothers. She lacked nothing. Attention, power, wealth, beauty, everything was hers for the taking as a young adult. She had goals and dreams of traveling across the world, touring different kinds of places with popular ancient history quite different from what people would expect from someone who could have anything. Her first encounter with Azaroth was when he saved her from an accident and since then she had tried to make friends with him. She was a classmate in the college Azaroth attended in the present time, 2046. She slowly pushed her way into his life trying to know him better since she felt attracted to him. Azaroth remained hardheaded and kept trying to push her away. However as circumstances would have it, both of them would be pulled to each other by situations beyond their control. Azaroth would eventually find himself falling uncontrollably for this young, smart, caring, and charismatic girl. Just as their love story was starting to play out a disastrous situation occurred... ----- "The seal... It's broken," Azaroth's heart rate went up just as he sensed this. Felicia happened to have just finished sharing a passionate kiss with him under the basking glow of the moonlight. Her eyes widened as she witnessed Azaroth transform into a beast that was read to her as bedtime stories when she was younger. "Go home!" Azaroth's words boomed loudly in her ears as he bolted into the distance leaving her standing underneath a tree. She was filled with so much confusion and unanswered questions at the time. What she didn't know was, the creatures that once terrorized the nights shall walk the earth once again. Follow Felicia on a journey of discovery as she struggles to keep Azaroth in her life while also dealing with the newfound craziness of the world. Disclaimer: Mature contents will be displayed from time to time. POV also changes constantly between the MC and ML.

TimVic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Regaining Consciousness

"Did I mention that I will spare you? I lied," Azaroth voiced out before jumping forward.


Azaroth landed on the ground without any expression of discomfort after falling thirty feet across the air.

He slowly walked towards Pique who was crawling on the ground with a frightful expression, trying to get away from Azaroth.

"Hewp! Samwone hewp!" Pique tried calling for help but couldn't speak properly due to all of his teeth falling out after receiving the punch from Azaroth earlier.

His legs dragged on the ground as he kept pulling himself backward, trying to get away from Azaroth.

Azaroth arrived before him and crouched while reaching out to grab his leg.

He pulled Pique's entire body back,

"Maybe breaking a few more things will make you think twice before trying such disgusting acts next time," The instant Azaroth said this he twisted Pique's left leg.


Bone cracking sounds rang out as Pique's entire left leg twisted towards the back.


Pique screamed out in terror as the immense wave of pain from his lower body hit him.

Now both his left arm and leg were broken. Tears and thick snot covered his face as he kept screaming out, however, due to the loud music playing from the party up ahead, his voice couldn't travel very far.

Azaroth moved closer to him and reached out to grab his neck before lifting him.

"Now listen to me..." Azaroth spoke with a deep voice as his eyes turned red.

The terror on Pique's face increased as he witnessed this.

"Stay away from Felicia, and never try to do this to anyone ever again... If choose not to listen..."

Thick three inches long fangs grew out of Azaroth's mouth as he got to this point.

"I will hunt you down and you shall cease to exist when I get hold of you," The instant Azaroth finished saying this he slammed Pique against the ground causing him to pass out instantly.


Azaroth had used one of his abilities as a werewolf to induce fear into Pique. This was why from the moment Pique saw him, he got extremely scared and only got more frightened as time went by.

Just now, Pique shat his pants listening to Azaroth's threat due to the increased fear.

This power affected not only humans but even werewolves and other alphas as well and he only used a little because if he used it at full force, it could trigger a seizure and then heart attack which may lead to the victim's death.

Azaroth turned around at this point and leaped upwards towards the treehouse.

Felicia was still completely passed out with only a little clothing left. He reached out to pick her clothes which were thrown to the side and moved towards her.

Gently raising her, Azaroth began to cloth her. Seeing her nearly naked enticingly smooth and attractive skin with the two melons positioned on her chest didn't have any effect on Azaroth.

It was no big deal to him because he only saw her as a kid.

In no time he was done clothing her. He proceeded to lift her princess style and walked towards the door area.

Opening the other side, he looked down at the ladder that extended towards the ground.


He leaped forward and landed on the grass ground along with Felicia in his bosom.

It was as if she weighed nothing to him as he moved forward with a stress free expression after landing with her

Due to the little vibration from the jump, Felicia's eyelashes flickered a bit and her eyes partly opened.

For a few moments light blinded her vision but she could feel her body jerking upwards and downwards. Her sight cleared a little and she noticed the handsome-looking face right above her like she was being lifted. She could feel his muscular chest rubbing against her shoulder and the thickness of his body pressed against hers.

His jawline was the first that appeared in her vision before he slightly lowered his head to stare at her face.

'Jonathan?' Before she could complete her thought process a wave of fatigue hit her again.

Causing her to slowly close her half-opened eyes as she passed out once again.

Azaroth carried Felicia to the east side of the shore where none of the youngsters partying could be seen. He slowly dropped her on the sandy shore and remained in a crouching position as he reached out to grab a stone.

Looking around, he spotted Avery up ahead seating beside a tree, exchanging intense smooches with a guy.


He flung the stone out and it hit Avery's back, causing her to jump up after feeling the prick on her back.

"Hey who threw that!" She voiced out with an annoyed tone while turning in the direction where the stone came from.

The guy she was kissing also stood to his feet while squinting his eyes in confusion.

"Huh, what's that?" Avery mumbled with a look of confusion after noticing the outline of a body shape on the sands.

She moved forward to go check it out and the guy also followed her.

Her eyes widened as she arrived in front of the body, "Felicia!" She shouted out with a look of terror while quickly reaching out to check her pulse.

"I'll go get help," The guy voiced out and moved away to get his phone.


Minutes later the party had been stopped and an ambulance had arrived on the scene.

Although Felicia seemed to be okay from her pulse they had tried waking her several times but to no avail so the ambulance had to take her away.

No one had seen Pique during this time but they were much more concerned with Felicia so no one really bothered or even thought to go check deep inside the forest.

They had already checked for him in the house and they assumed he went somewhere after not finding him within the premises. It was a party so most of them felt he might be having action somewhere secluded with someone.

They had no idea that he needed the ambulance way more than Felicia did.

Avery, Candice, and Nicole were even cursing him for leaving her alone.

At this time Azaroth had returned to his abode without any worries. He knew Felicia woke up for a few seconds while he was lifting her and saw his face but he wasn't worried because according to what Pique said about the drug, she would forget everything that had happened prior to this.

He also wasn't worried about Pique divulging what he had seen or how he beat him up because the fear induction ability he used will always haunt Pique for the rest of his days to the point that he'd have hallucinations of Azaroth viciously murdering him in different ways possible whenever he harbored any thoughts of making out with a girl.

He felt this was better than calling the cops and leaving the case to them because Pique's family was also influential. Pique wouldn't be locked up for his deeds since there was no proof of any crime being committed.

Although Felicia's parents too were one of the most powerful people on the island, they couldn't lock Pique up without any strong evidence especially since he also had his family backing him.

This situation also wouldn't change anything and Pique might try it on another girl when he gets the chance again so Azaroth preferred his methods of doing things.


Hours later Felicia opened her eyes wearily.

"huh..." The first thing she spotted was the clean white ceiling with fluorescent lighting.

"Where am I?" She muttered weakly while looking around. She noticed she was in a small room laying on a bed and by the sides was seats.

Before she could analyze any further...


She suddenly heard shrieks from the sides.

Avery, Candice, and Nicole sprang to their feet and moved towards her bedside.

Felicia's vision hadn't cleared up completely so she didn't notice them but as it did, she finally figured that she was in a room within a hospital.

"You're awake,"

"How are you feeling?"

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

All three of them voiced out concerns.

"Girls calm down I'm fine," A sweet smile appeared on Felicia's face as she voiced out.

A lady dressed in a butter-colored female suit who looked no older than thirty walked towards the front and stood at the edge of Felicia's bed.

She had long blue hair and similar facial features to Felicia.

"Oh sweetie what happened?" She asked with a caring voice.

"Mum, you're here too?" Felicia stated with a surprised look.

"Of course I'm here... I came down here the instant I heard. Your father also wanted to skip a meeting but I told him not to worry that I would make it down here and take care of you," She said while moving towards the left side and placing her hand on Felicia's head.

"Oh sweetie why did you take that drug? This isn't like you," Felicia's mum voiced out.

"What drug?" Felicia asked with a confused expression.

"There's no need to lie to me sweetie, the doctor's report said you were induced with a drug that left you in a sleepy and intoxicated state..." Felicia's mum's tone sounded sad as she spoke.

She remembered the doctor mentioning that they could barely find traces of it so they couldn't conduct a proper test to find out what exactly the effect of the drugs was but so far there wasn't any damage to her body.

"But I didn't take any drug mum, I wouldn't lie about this," Felicia stood her ground while also trying to remember what happened.

"Mrs. Botch it's true, she declined to take any intoxicating substance during the party," Candice was the first to voice out followed by Avery who seconded it.

"We were there when she was offered a drink... we should be the ones in this state not her since we all drank so we don't understand what happened," Nicole added.

"Oh girls stop trying to stick up for her," Mrs. Botch stated.

"It's the truth ma, we don't understand why Pique didn't watch over her properly,"

The instant Avery said that Felicia's eyes widened slightly

A wave of headache suddenly hit her causing her to feel dizzy again.

-"Pique! Pique! Pique! Pique! Pique!"

The name kept ringing in her head as her mind was suddenly transported back to the past.