
Chronicles Of Azaroth

Several centuries back, Azaroth the Alpha of Alpha werewolves, sealed his kind away for their cruel and bloodthirsty deeds on the human race. He walked the earth for over five hundred years constantly changing locations and taking the key to the seal with him due to his inability to age. He constantly fell into depression and loneliness feeling like his life didn't have any other purpose beyond protecting the key to the seal to make sure humanity remains free from the terrors of the creatures of the night. Even though he interacted with humans, he never allowed himself to form bonds with anyone... Until she came along. Felicia was a charismatic and popular girl on campus. Her life was perfect, with influential parents and two little brothers. She lacked nothing. Attention, power, wealth, beauty, everything was hers for the taking as a young adult. She had goals and dreams of traveling across the world, touring different kinds of places with popular ancient history quite different from what people would expect from someone who could have anything. Her first encounter with Azaroth was when he saved her from an accident and since then she had tried to make friends with him. She was a classmate in the college Azaroth attended in the present time, 2046. She slowly pushed her way into his life trying to know him better since she felt attracted to him. Azaroth remained hardheaded and kept trying to push her away. However as circumstances would have it, both of them would be pulled to each other by situations beyond their control. Azaroth would eventually find himself falling uncontrollably for this young, smart, caring, and charismatic girl. Just as their love story was starting to play out a disastrous situation occurred... ----- "The seal... It's broken," Azaroth's heart rate went up just as he sensed this. Felicia happened to have just finished sharing a passionate kiss with him under the basking glow of the moonlight. Her eyes widened as she witnessed Azaroth transform into a beast that was read to her as bedtime stories when she was younger. "Go home!" Azaroth's words boomed loudly in her ears as he bolted into the distance leaving her standing underneath a tree. She was filled with so much confusion and unanswered questions at the time. What she didn't know was, the creatures that once terrorized the nights shall walk the earth once again. Follow Felicia on a journey of discovery as she struggles to keep Azaroth in her life while also dealing with the newfound craziness of the world. Disclaimer: Mature contents will be displayed from time to time. POV also changes constantly between the MC and ML.

TimVic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

How I Met Him

"Running through the forest with raging red eyes and lust for flesh of living creatures were memories that I wish I could forget… atrocities committed under the premise of uncontrollable anger... Innocents sent to the afterlife, corpses left with incomplete body parts… my kind was truly a menace.

Good thing I was able to seal them away but I will forever be burdened with the task of keeping things that way while being on the move. My life is one without a true purpose beyond this,"

A middle-aged-looking man clad in a medical outfit had been listening to the young man who had been ranting away in his office with a confused look.

"You're only nineteen, Jonathan… What are you talking about? Did all these occur in your dream?" He inquired calmly.

"You know what… Never mind, it was all just a long and scary dream. I feel better now thank you," The one referred to as Jonathan stood up and moved towards the door to take his leave.

'Also it isn't Jonathan, it's Azaroth,' He said internally before opening the door and leaving.

The middle-aged man stared in the direction of the door once again with a confused expression.

"He might be suffering from a state of paranoid delusion… this kid definitely needs medical attention," He said while jotting down on a small note.

"I'll call his family…"

Azaroth who was already walking through the corridors of the small clinic could hear the words of the consultant ringing in his ears.

"If only I had one," He mumbled underneath his breath with a slightly crestfallen expression.

Azaroth was a devilishly handsome looking young stud, around 6'4 in height with a mixture of gold and black colored long hair with parts of it tied in a bun behind. A few strands of his hair fell in front of his face giving him a more attractive facial feature.

His especially profound look with a mixture of sharp but aloof gaze gave him a kind of aura that automatically made people stay away even with his looks.

The moment he arrived outside the clinic he walked towards an old school Volkswagen parked by the side and brought out the key before opening it.

He zoomed off into the distance after starting the engine.

This was a small town in the south of Merilyn island which was situated in the eastern part of the earth.

Merilyn island was almost a quarter of a continent in size which was why it had several towns and a community high school named Merilyn high along with a college.

Azaroth attended this particular college however no one knew he wasn't your average student.

As he drove through the streets of this small town, the sights of small houses, tall coconut trees, and small cell towers greeted him. It was quite peaceful and calming here.

A charming and lively view with both young and old moving around with happy faces which were quite opposite to the vibe Azaroth himself exuded.

Azaroth drove past several more streets with his usual dead look before arriving in front of a massive school gate entrance. Above the sign, "Marilyn College," Could be seen well designed.

Azaroth was let through and drove till he arrived in front of a blue-colored three-story structure.

There were also several other well-structured buildings in the vicinity.

Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!

It gave off the usual school vibe with lots of young adults moving about the place and chatting with their friends, lovers, or skateboarding and parking their exotic cars.

Azaroth was like wind here, no one noticed his arrival just as he preferred.

The first time he arrived here he garnered a lot of attention due to his charming appearance but his weirdness and how he liked to stay on his own while pushing people away slowly made him fade into the background as any other unpopular student would.

He parked by the side of the main school building and walked out with his bag.

-"Hey did you hear, Matt and Angela just broke up,"

-"Woah what?"

-"This gives peasants like us the chance to go after her,"

-"Matt will certainly break your legs if he sees you around her though,"

"Aww, that loser wouldn't want anyone to have her since he can't,"

-"Hey guys there's a party at Pique place today, y'all coming?"

The voices of students speaking to each other all across the school drifted into Azaroth's hearing as he walked through the school corridors.

Even when some of them were hundreds of feet away, it sounded like they were speaking right beside him.

Azaroth walked towards his locker on the left and stood in front of it.


Multiple rays of light shot towards his left eye and scanned it for a few seconds before it opened up.

He took the necessary tools and placed his bag in before moving towards the intersection that led to his first-class.

-"Hey Clam!"

Someone suddenly came running through the corridor just as he was about to turn to the side.


His shoulder bumped into Azaroth's and he was sent tumbling down as he slid a few centimeters backward across the corridor floors.

Azaroth didn't move an inch backward even though the student bumped into him with a lot of force due to his speed.

However, the materials in his hand fell to the ground due to the collision causing pieces of paper to be scattered all across the place.

"Hey watch where you're going!" The student yelled out as he slowly picked himself back up.

He didn't bother to help Azaroth pick up the scattered materials, instead, he even kicked one farther away after standing to his feet.

Azaroth squatted with an unbothered expression and began to pick his materials one after the other.

The students around avoided that area by moving around the sides.

"Jonathan, let me help you with that," A soft feminine voice was heard from behind.

Azaroth didn't even need to look back before he knew who was speaking.

"Don't worry about it, I'm okay," He responded while turning around to pick one piece of paper behind him.


Both of them seem to have stretched their hand towards the same paper at the same time and ended up making contact.

Due to Azaroth being faster his palm was already on the paper while hers rested on his.

Azaroth slowly lifted his head to stare at her and their eyes connected as she stared back into his.

It was a beautiful and young teenage girl no older than eighteen years of age. She had beautiful slanted-shaped eyes with electric blue irises, a set of pink full lips, and a gentle-looking expression.

Her long hair was blue with a few golden stripes. This girl was a coursemate of Azaroth who went by the name, Felicia.

She was among the most attractive female students in the school but unlike the others way nicer. However, Azaroth always made sure to avoid her and everyone else because he didn't want any form of attention.

"Erm, thanks Felicia," Azaroth broke the silence after noticing that her hand was still placed on his.

"...Oh right, sorry," She voiced out with an embarrassed chuckle while lifting her hand from his.

Azaroth turned to the side to pick up the rest before standing to his feet.

"Here you go," Felicia said while passing the papers that she had picked up over to Azaroth.

"Hmm, thanks," Azaroth voiced out with his usual poker face before turning around and heading for the other direction.

'...He's looking breathtaking as usual but he's still not letting me in,'

Felicia sucked in breath as she stood in place for a few seconds staring at his back while he got more distant and distant before quickly running after him.

"Jonathan..." She called out to him causing Azaroth to pause his footsteps.

"You erm, wanna hang out later," She proposed with slightly flushed cheeks.

"No, I'll be busy later," Azaroth replied before turning around to leave once again.

"How about tomorrow?" She asked again before he could move too far away.

"No I'll be busy tomorrow as well," Azaroth responded again.


"And for the rest of the week too sorry," He cut her off before she could propose another one and moved quickly towards his class.

"Wait we're in the same class, let's go toge..." Azaroth had already disappeared into the crowd of students before she could complete her sentence.

She sighed in a low tone before she started moving in the same direction.

"Hello, Felicia,"

"Hey, Felicia,"

Students greeted her warmly as she moved across the corridor.

"Felicia let's meet up later," A buff male student with a brown face and black hair voiced out from the side.

"You already know what my response is to that, Kyle," Felicia responded as she continued walking.

Kyle raised his hands in defeat and yelled something out but Felicia was speedily walking across the corridor so she acted like she didn't hear a thing after disappearing into the crowd as well.


Minutes later Azaroth was in a science class sitting and listening to the teacher talk about topics he had heard over a thousand times.

Felicia sat right beside him also listening as well but she would occasionally steal glances at Azaroth and noticed that his eyes were sorely focused on the teacher in front without breaking eye contact for even a second.

'...Sigh,' Felicia sighed internally. This was the first time she would share a seat with Azaroth in class and he didn't even turn at least once to stare in her direction.

Felicia had to admit that Jonathan was just an entirely different breed from the rest of the other students. The vibe he gave off was different as well. She couldn't go anywhere without garnering attention from students.

Any male student she sat beside would be focused more on her than on the teaching of the Lecturer yet Azaroth hadn't even spared her a glance once.

Felicia was a campus belle and her beauty along with her charismatic but nice character mesmerized everyone, male and female included.

Her father was a councilman and her mother worked in the best research lab on the island. She had two little brothers who were currently in high school. Her whole life, she had the power to get whatever she wanted, she didn't lack anything and everyone was always giving her attention which she was already used to even though she wasn't like the other mean girls who turned prideful due to that.

Her whole life was literally perfect and going the way she wanted till she met Jonathan.

Jonathan was a freshman like her, about to enter their second year.

She was driving through the island one night after having too many drinks due to a party she attended and she was a bit tipsy.

She didn't know when she lost control of her steering, causing her car to swerve towards the side as it headed for a tree.

She was just about to crash into the tree when the door beside her opened up and a pair of strong arms pulled her out of it.

Her car was wrecked but she was saved by Jonathan and till now she couldn't quite figure out how he was fast enough to pull her out of the car before she crashed.

A normal person saving her would use this opportunity to get closer to her either for her beauty or her influential household, however, Jonathan just dropped her by the side and muttered a single word.

"Be careful next time," He walked away after saying this.

Since then she had been trying to get closer to him but he wasn't giving her the chance to.

She initially had no idea that they were coursemates until she made her research.

It's been four months now but she still hadn't given up. She could sense a kind of weird and lonely vibe from him like there was just a lot hidden underneath so she couldn't get the weird feeling out of her mind that he needed a friend.

Story pacing will be slow for the first five to ten chapters. With time it will pick up.

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