
Azaroth Reminisces

She also had a crush on him that didn't seem to have gone away yet and the more he avoided her, the more it turned into a kind of obsession.

'Focus Felicia, focus... You need to get those extra credits you can't be hung up on a boy... arrghh,' She called herself back to order as she turned her face to stare at the Lecturer teaching in front.

After a few more seconds she turned to the side again, 'But he's just so breathtaking, arrghh I can't I can't,' She voiced out while focusing on Azaroth's long hair and well-chiseled jawline along with his lips, nose, and eyes.

Azaroth suddenly turned his face to the side and eye contact was made.

"Is there something on my face?" He asked with a slightly confused expression.

"Ah, no... I mean yes," Felicia answered with a flustered expression and quickly reached out to rub Azaroth's cheek.

"Thank you," Azaroth voiced out before turning to focus on the Lecturer in front again.

"...hmm you're welcome," At this point, Felicia's face had turned beet red as she stiffly focused on the lecturer as well.

'Kiiarrhhh I touched his face... Oh my god, it's so smooth,' Internally she was screaming.

She had to fake cleaning his face to avoid embarrassing herself even though there was nothing there.

Azaroth who currently had eyes on the lecture going on in front like he was focused had something different running through his mind.

These teaching may have been finetuned and modified over the years but generally, they were still the same with only a few differences.

His mind wandered to the past as the lesson continued.

Currently, it was the year 2046


'Over seven hundred years ago I sealed my kind away.

I was an alpha of alphas, presiding over regions and regions where werewolves dominated every supernatural species on the planet.

I was one of the most powerful living supernatural creatures to ever exist and the world of supernaturals feared me and my kind.

My kind was vicious, cruel, and uncaring powerful creatures that mostly ruled the night.

They plundered, slaughtered, and enslaved the mortals. I used to be just like them but eventually, I came to hate their wrongdoings.

I decided to conduct a meeting with the other alphas where I voiced out my opinion about preying on these harmless creatures known as humans and how I wanted them to be stopped.

They all stared at me in disgust and voiced out their displeasure at such an opinion.

some of them said I was going soft and even secretly tried to assassinate me and take over my position as the alpha of alphas.

Seeing as talking wouldn't help I decided to do things the hard way.

As a werewolf who had lived for thousands of years, I had quite a lot of sacred items in my possession so I concocted a powerful magical artifact by combining the sacred items in my possession.

Using this magical artifact I sealed my kind away forever causing fear to spread across the clique of supernaturals.

The other supernatural creatures remained in hiding till the present date after word spread of how I, Azaroth sealed away his kind.

They were most afraid of the power I hold and stayed in hiding to prevent the extinction of their kind as well.

For hundreds of years, I moved from place to place across the world making sure I keep safe the one thing that can unlock the seal, the glowstring.

Centuries have gone by and I still live in an endless cycle of moving around the world and changing my identity after living in a location for a few years.

I have resided in every location on earth during my lifetime.

This is just another cycle, Jonathan is just another identity that will be used and discarded when it's time to move on...

How cursed it is to be an immortal,'

Azaroth still had the face of a young adult who looked no older than eighteen or nineteen even though he was over a thousand years old.

Werewolves usually aged but they could live for thousands of years before coming to the end of their lifespan. It was even worse for him who was more powerful, being alpha of alphas. He looked a little younger than this a thousand years ago and now he looked a bit older but even with that he still didn't look like he had reached the age of twenty.

Living this kind of lifestyle was one of the reasons that prompted him to stay away from people.

He made sure not to have any friends or form any bonds with anyone human because there was no point to it.

He would live to see them die anyway. There were times when he still missed having a werewolf family and friends he could hang out with but he felt the world was better off not having any of them around.

There was a time he tried locking himself in a coffin with the glowstring for all time and having it tossed into the bottom of the ocean.

This didn't go as planned since he was found about two hundred years later by a research team and nearly turned into a lab rat after they found out he was still alive.

For the sake of keeping everything a secret he had to slaughter an entire research group and wasn't proud of committing such deeds so he continued with this cycle.

Knowing he was still a monster of the night regardless of whether he had compassion on humans or not, made him avoid creating bonds with people at all costs.

Throughout the different classes they had today, Azaroth couldn't understand why he kept reminiscing about his past meanwhile Felicia couldn't concentrate in class due to him.

They both had an entirely different train of thoughts appearing in their minds.

Felicia had decided that she would never sit beside Azaroth in class again because she hadn't paid attention to any of the lectures due to his presence.

"Yes Jonathan, what year did President Sebastian Bach declare arms-free nation verdict," The lecturer in front suddenly called out to him.

Although Azaroth wasn't listening in class, all this was knowledge he had acquired before so he stood up and answered the question with ease.

Felicia sighed from her seating position in relief, glad that she wasn't the one who was called.


Later after classes ended for the day, Felicia and Azaroth left the lecture room together.

"So about the project, since I'm your partner how do we go about it?" Felicia asked as they walked out of the Faculty.

"We have to give a full seventy-two pages of Marilyn island history... I don't even think they have enough history to cover seventy-two pages," Azaroth responded causing Felicia to chuckle.

He wasn't even messing around as Felicia thought, he was being serious.

"So... Library or we can meet at my place later to figure it out?" Felicia proposed.

"Library is good, what time?" Azaroth asked.

"Tomorrow after classes... we have a week so we need to start as soon as possible," Felicia said as they arrived outside.

About three girls suddenly approached them.

One was a beautiful-looking eighteen-year-old with brown chestnut-colored hair, the one in the middle was a stunning dark-skinned beauty with long black hair and visible hourglass figure while the third one was a 5'7 tall pale-faced beauty with short red hair.

These were the other three most popular girls in college besides Felicia. Avery, Candice, and Nicole.

"Felicia, are we good to go?" Candice who happened to be the stunning dark-skinned one asked.

"Oou who do we have here?" Avery said with a seductive tone while winking at Azaroth.

"Where did you get this hottie?" Nicole questioned bluntly with a pretty smile.

"...This is Jonathan, my coursemate," A wry smile appeared on Felicia's face as she introduced him to them.

"Jonathan, these are, Avery, Candice, and Nicole," She also introduced them to Azaroth in order.

"Nice to meet you," Avery stretched out her hand in a girly manner.

"Nice to meet you too," Azaroth voiced out bluntly before taking the hand and shaking it gently.

"Maybe we can..." Before Avery could complete her sentence Azaroth was already walking away.

"Bye, we'll work on the project tomorrow," Voiced out from up ahead while walking towards his car.

Avery and the others stood there staring at Azaroth's broad back as he walked away.

They were all captivated by his manner of walking. Every stride felt so powerful to them and they didn't understand why.

"Felicia, can you give me his number?" Avery asked.

"Girl why you so thirsty?" Candice voiced out with a slight look of repression.

"Are you blind? look at him," Avery responded while waving at Azaroth who was already driving away.

"Haha, unfortunately even I don't have his number and we're supposed to work on a project tomorrow... together," A slight shade of red appeared on Felicia's face as she spoke while recalling today's event.

"Let's get a move on girls, y'all are starting to drool," Candice voiced out as she started walking towards Felicia's car parked up ahead.

"Pique's party should be fun," Nicole voiced out with an excited expression.

The gang of girls moved towards Felicia's car together as she moved to the driver's seat.

A few moments later, they were driving out of college.

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