

The sky had started to darken and the trees were set ablaze. Suddenly a voice that emitted pure evil and hatred spoke. "Do you think your Lords can keep you safe at night? Do you think they can protect you from darkness that reaches further everyday? Not even your Gods have control over such a thing."

       A man growled in response, the very ground shaking violently. "You won't harm my children. If one hair on their heads is touched I will kill you!"

       The voice only laughed and continued. "Your Lord Tezoth gave you light, your Lord Carinth gave you land. Your Lord Corinth even has the audacity to call the creatures that roam his own.

"But there is something deep down that is their reckoning! It is a being, it is a force, it is the destruction of all, not even the Gods can withstand it!

       "Do you wonder why your Lords have become so scarce? Do you wonder why they remain so few? It is because I've caught up to them. I am Roslarb and the the shadows are my domain, where nothing can escape me!

       "I am the reaper of purity and happiness, I am the bringer of destruction and misery, heed my warning! In due time I will call upon you Minus and you Drexel, I will offer my dark blessing. I can give you power, fortune, and so much more. I can make you into what your Lords or even your Gods could never be. Defy me and pay! I am the everlasting void that consumes! Defy and and I will be your death!"


Xavier's POV

I just woken up from my dream, soaked in sweat, it was the second time this week this has happened.

I looked down at my dragon shaped pendant that was forever on my neck, every hour the black gem that made the eye seemed to be growing stronger.

There were times that I could feel it threatening to use it's powers. 'Why won't it end' I thought to myself.

Suddenly the door to my room opened and a tall man nearing 6'7" with a silver beard almost touching the floor walked in. "Xavier, why aren't you asleep? You have training tomorrow."

I hung my head in shame. "I woke up from a bad dream. I'm sorry Sir, It won't happen again." He said.

"Make sure it doesn't." The man said as he walked out of my dorm and shut the door. Laying my head down, I tried to recall my dream.

I sighed, not getting anywhere. 'It's too late for this. I need to sleep anyway.'

After a few more sleepless moments I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that led me here.

The Headmaster here apparently found me abandoned near the edge of the Academy when I was an infant with a note and a dagger made from an oversized snake fang.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the note I was left with all those years ago. My fingers traced over the fading letters as I read the note once again.

'In eighteen years time I will return for him. Care for and train him. His name is Xavier.'

Those eighteen years will be up in a month. But who exactly wrote the note and why was I left here? Was it my parents, a sibling? I sighed 'I guess only time will tell'. I closed my eyes, soon drifting to sleep.