
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 40: Academy of Heroes

Alexander finally breathed a sigh of relief after an escape that resembled a fly caught in a spider's web. Although he had the perception of Dark Soul and the knowledge he had learned in the camp, he was up against dozens of highly skilled martial artists.

It was not easy to escape without leaving a trace.

Alexander closed his eyes and remembered the massacre in the camp. He remembered killing Noah with his own hands, Cloud Demon's last wish. Anger and hatred burned inside him. The desire for revenge increased his will to live.

"Dark Soul, do you have any information about the identity of the Shadow Dragon?"

Through their time together, Alexander realized that Dark Soul was more than just a piece of soul. Not only did he possess immense soul power, but he also possessed a wealth of knowledge.

Alexander needed Dark Soul to move forward on the path of destiny. Because he did not know his enemy.

The one who created the test that killed Noah... the Shadow Dragon!

"The Shadow Dragon... I've heard about him. He was quite a famous assassin even in our time. Normally assassins don't engage in close combat. But Shadow Dragon specialized in close combat, just like you. Not only could he finish his opponent in one move, but he was also good at long fights."

"Where can I find him?"

"He could be anywhere. But you are too weak to face him. Alexander, listen to me carefully. Right now, his minions, let alone the Shadow Dragon, can kill you in one move. Instead of confronting him directly, you should use this as an opportunity. You must thrive in the darkness until you are strong enough, and when the time comes, you must take revenge."

Alexander was nothing more than a second-rate brat. Even though he was a great genius, he was still immature. The other side, however, was a fully matured great genius. He was the most feared figure in Elysium, having reached the realm above the ninth level. He was also the head of Alexander's education.

Was he going to use what he learned from her against her?

Alexander gritted his teeth and tried to calm down. The ordeal was bringing his repressed emotions to the surface.

"What do you suggest I do?"

"As I said until the time comes, you must disguise yourself and not reveal your intentions. You are not dealing with a simple man. You are dealing with a killer who will eliminate a potential threat without mercy. And a very powerful one at that. You must avoid his radar and get out of the Icarus Federation sphere of influence."

Alexander was being hunted by the Icarus Federation's task force. Even if he escaped, the search warrant would continue. The moment Elysium revealed itself, he would have fallen into the Icarus Federation's net.

And the Shadow Dragon's territory was Elysium. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't reach the other territory.

"Should I go there?

"Yes, you must go to Earth."


It wasn't long after Alexander had moved again that three swordsmen who had reached level five stepped into the dense forest. The forest was a dark shade of dark green. Only a second later it was blood red.

Jumping down from the tree and cutting down a swordsman, the youth simultaneously made his next move. He raised his sword and took a step forward as he cut down: The man meters away could do almost nothing, even though he was suddenly at his feet.


The sword cleanly pierced the man's heart.

The man looked at the young man in shock. He could not even comprehend what was happening.

The youth pulled his sword out of the man's chest and kicked him hard. He exhaled a deep breath and time slowed down. The last remaining swordsman was trembling with fear. It only took a second for the young man to kill his two friends.

"Silent Offense!"

The wind roared as the youth uttered these words. The last remaining swordsman released the Qi from his sword and all the Qi within fifty meters gathered into a single area.


The wind split, and the youth disappeared and appeared in front of the swordsman.

"What?! Fuck!"

He swung his sword in shock. Qi took the form of a snake and tried to swallow the young man's sword but in vain. Because his sword had already started to move, leaving afterimages.

"Evil Sword Dance!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The many sword thrusts happening simultaneously had the force of an ocean tide. The swordsman was able to withstand the first attack, but he was knocked off his feet and all his sword Qi dissipated. The second attack was more brutal, severing his legs from his torso in a single thrust.

The third move split his torso down the middle.

The fourth move separated his head from his body.

The fifth move split him from top to bottom.

The remaining twenty-eight sword thrusts sliced the man like a carrot.


When the youth stopped attacking, the pieces of flesh left by the swordsman fell to the ground. The youth turned his sword around and gently sheathed it. Blood flowed from his right hand, twisted at a strange angle, and split like fault lines broken by an earthquake.

He looked into the void.

"My body is not enough to handle the skills. When I used the third technique, the Evil Sword Dance, my right hand lost its function. Was that really necessary?"

The youth stared into space for a while, shook his head, and disappeared into the trees. An hour after he left, a swordsman who had reached the seventh level arrived at the scene. Seeing the scene, he grimaced and picked up the swordsman's shattered sword.

"I'll pass this on to your family."

The man shook his head and looked at the spot where Alexander had disappeared.

"The fact that a 16-year-old boy is manipulating us. Tyrant's honor is in tatters. Will the Icarus family punish us?"

They had been tracking this young man for days, but he had never fallen into their hands. So they had created a network of small units, but he would attack the weakest point of the network and completely disrupt the formation.

So they had to send reinforcements there. When they did that, another part of the formation was weakened.

They threw many baits at him. For example, they had deliberately left a hole in the formation to lure him. But the young man did not even attempt to attack it. For three days he hid and focused on replenishing his energy.

He reminded this man of the wise strategists of Earth.

'When you want to fight, we don't want to fight; but when we want to fight, you have to fight.'

They were now being controlled by the youth.

"This is annoying."


Alexander sat down on a hillside miles away, pulled out the bags he had buried in the ground, and gave himself first aid. Then he popped a pill into his mouth to restore his blood energy and inner energy. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at the Dark Soul sticking out of his gun.

"What do we do now? If they have the documents as I think they do, they must be familiar with my techniques. I don't plan to stay in the Shadow Cathedral, but the Icarus Federation is my archenemy. What do you suggest I do, live as a mercenary and visit the ancient ruins of Elysium?"

Dark Soul chuckled.

"Remember that this realm has two powers! While the Icarus League may rule Elysium, the same is not true for Earth."

"Earth? There's nothing there. No ancient ruins, no suitable environment for development..."

"This is true for other places, but one place is unique even in Elysium. It was so successful that the two federations decided to partner just for this project."

"What are you talking about?"

Dark Soul was silent for a moment and smiled broadly.

"Academy of Heroes, Circle."

We have come to the end of the volume. We will continue with the next volume as soon as possible.

SageGumihocreators' thoughts