
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 32: Human Nature (2)

"Silver Silk Road, Exploding Blood."

The silvery strings suddenly turned blood red. Alexander, dancing between the strings, paused for a moment. He didn't understand what was happening and his body trembled. He tried to run back at full speed. But he failed.

"Too late."


The best thing about Shadow Energy was its ability to disguise itself. The fact that it was undetectable when combined with Qi made it one of the most dangerous forms of energy. Exploding Blood was a special technique found on the Silver Silk Road.

He would charge the blood in the body with high amounts of energy, bring it close to the target through the wires and detonate it. The explosion from the blood and energy of a level five was enough to shake the entire room. If this explosion had happened outside, it would have created a fifty-meter crater.

There was a small crack in the floor, but it was quickly restored.

But Noah couldn't focus on that.

"What a fucking monster you are."

People called Alexander a monster. It was because of his ruthlessness to ignore pain and his willingness to do anything to win. Noah knew these things, but this was the first time he was facing him. Even though he had fought him many times, he knew the difference in power between them. He should not have been able to stand against a level five monster.

But the facts showed otherwise.

The shield covering Alexander's body was torn to shreds, several of his veins had burst and blood was pouring out in rivulets. There were even first-degree burns on his skin, but Alexander stared expressionlessly at Noah. This attack should have killed him in one go, but he was alive.

"Noah, there is something more precious to me in this world than you."

Alexander's eyes grew cold again. His blood-red eyes kept detecting the invisible wires moving around, but every time they did, Noah would stop attacking and look elsewhere.

"I've reached my limits a thousand times over. I'm worse at development than you. You are a genius, you are developing faster than someone like me can imagine. There are things I am better at than you, of course, but they are worthless in the face of your absolute power."

Alexander drew the sword at his waist for the first time against Noah. His Asura Katana glowed blood red, his Sah Chakra stirred like a roaring sea.

"The obstacles that have come my way are endless. Each time I overcame them and achieved the power I have now. Death was my best friend in achieving this power. The slightest mistake I made could destroy my meridians, rupture my blood vessels or destroy my internal organs. I never gave up and eventually overcame them all."

As he raised his sword above his head, Noah used Transform from the Silver Silk Road. He rushed towards Noah with a sword in his hand. There were about ten swords following behind him.

"But I didn't know that you would be the biggest obstacle so far. I hate the idea of fighting you. I hate the idea of hurting you. I hate the idea of killing you. But it was all an excuse. I buried it all in the ground and I stand before you. Noah, come and kill me."

Noah used Shadow Blow, Wind Blow and Shadow Claw at the same time as he paid out his swords. It was something so incredible that even Shadow couldn't do it. It was a skill he had acquired using the Silver Silk Road.

He could divide his mind into multiple parts and do multiple things at the same time. At the moment his limit was three. Alexander had the same ability, but he could only split his mind in two. And he hadn't mastered that yet.

Two buffs and one attack ability put Alexander in a difficult situation. He met every attack with his katana and avoided Noah's attacks by taking appropriate steps. Aside from his speed, his technique was beyond amazing.

It was the first time Noah had encountered this side of Alexander.

Klang! Klang! Klang! Klang! Klang! Klang! Klang!

Sparks created a visual feast as swords clashed. Noah's attacks were really skillful. As he was attacking Noah, he was also attacking in the direction of his movement. so that Alexander didn't even have a chance to catch his breath.

It was like a continuous rain.


Noah attacked from a different angle using Moonlight. Moonlight was a three-step sword dance. The first step of the sword dance strengthened the attack by 200%, the second by 600% and the third by 800%.

It was very difficult to survive an attack with Moonlight. The power of a level five Noah would be equal to that of a level six attack at full power. It was impossible for Alexander to survive this attack.


Swiff! Klang! Klang!

As soon as he started the sword dance, Alexander suddenly changed his direction of movement. Noah had to stop the sword dance because he was on the defensive and suddenly he was on the offensive. Something had happened that normally should not have happened.

"As I expected... His movements are very easy to read."

As soon as Alexander got under Noah's skin, he started attacking with his kicks. In close combat, Noah was no match for him. So fighting him on the ground, where he had the advantage, would increase his chances of winning.

Noah tried to escape Alexander by jumping backwards, but Alexander caught him. He did the same move ten times, but each time Alexander caught him.

"Give up, he can't escape me-"

Alexander was about to swing his sword, but failed. Silver wires wrapped around the hilt of his sword, threatening many critical points, especially his throat. When Noah strengthened the wires, Alexander's limbs would be severed and he would be unable to fight. So no matter what, Alexander must not act impulsively.

Although he pretended to retreat, he was actually pulling him to his death. Alexander had underestimated Noah's tactical acumen.

As Noah retreated, he simultaneously used the third technique of the Silver Silk Road, Silk World. This was a technique he could use when he was level five. It was perfect for dealing with humans. Unfortunately, the person he was facing was Alexander.

He possessed the Asura Katana and had Blood Red Eyes.

Cruelty was in his bones.

Noah didn't get a chance to attack.

As soon as Alexander realized he was trapped, he got out of there in one move. In return he received deep cuts all over his body. Alexander didn't mind, he would have died if he had given Noah the chance to attack.

The fact that he was able to escape from such a trap was important in itself.

It took a ruthless mind to endure the peeling skin, the horrifying pain. His body had already reached its limits, but Alexander was still fighting.

"That disgusting smile on your face... Alexander, you're starting to make me sick."

Alexander was reveling in his mind. His thinking was three times faster than normal. He could act instantly and make ruthless decisions in an instant. That's why Noah couldn't beat him.

Noah attacked again, but this time he was more careful.

The battle was fierce.

The silver wires targeted him relentlessly, but Alexander could barely dodge them. And as he did so, he collided with Noah. Suddenly he paused and used Shadow Claw to deflect every silver wire around him.

He went into Crane Stance with his left leg and stabbed his katana forward.

The sudden transition stunned Noah and forced him to retreat.



Noah used Silver Silk to block the sword, but Alexander kept attacking. Noah retreated, using Smokescreen and Shadow of Darkness at the same time. Alexander retreated, unable to penetrate the fog, but Noah moved in with Shadow Twin and Ghost Step.

"Shadow Claw!"

Noah kept attacking after dozens of cuts with his sword. Kicks and sword attacks flew in the air. For minutes the two tried to lure each other into a trap. Noah had the upper hand until he attacked. Because he could conceal himself with the Smokescreen and gain the advantage of movement.

But he was lagging behind Alexander because he was too obvious in his attacks.

Alexander deflected Noah's sword and kicked with all his might after making a deep cut in his chest.


Noah crashed into a wall meters away.

"The difference between us is obvious. You are far above me in strength and skill, but you don't know how to fight. Your actions are easy to predict. "

Alexander's words were interrupted by a sword slicing through his chest.

"You talk too much."

Noah smiled and stood up.

As a level five, there was no way he could be defeated so easily.