
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 20

"You look like me in the past."

He heard Herald's muffled voice as Graham tried to control his anguished body. He raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man who no longer looked like a human.

"Some people say that ambition and the desire for power lead one to madness and eternal emptiness. If you've noticed, those who say this are always at the top; people with infinite power and wealth. Don't you think there's something odd about that?"

Herald did not take his eyes off Graham. In appearance, Graham resembled his youth. He wanted to give him a few pieces of advice so that he wouldn't walk the same path as him. Then he would kill the other young people and flee.

Graham's eyeballs were shaking. It was impossible to tell if it was fear or something else.

"I don't intend to give you a boring speech. If you're jealous of that kid, all you have to do is kill him. Then there will be no obstacles in front of him. What do you think?"

"Alexander... I'm not skilled enough to kill him."

"Hm... I understand. How about joining me? With this power, I will soon be one of the leading forces of Elysium. After meeting Him, I was reborn. Controlling my powers... Hm?"

Herald suddenly paused and turned around, startled.


As soon as he turned his head, a kick that came with lightning speed hit him right in the face.

Blood from his nose covered his face. His feet were off the ground and he slammed into the castle wall ten meters away at a speed of one hundred and thirty kilometers per hour.

Alexander used the Ghost Step as soon as he landed cleanly. Black smoke began to seep from under his feet. The Shadow Energy in his body had increased to such an extent that it was now leaking out of his body.

As Alexander approached Herald on the wall, he turned his body and dodged the arms that were thrown out like harpoons. At the same time, he grabbed one of the arms and pulled him to him with all his might. A man jumped out of the wall. Stained with dust and blood, he looked like a demon.

Herald did not expect to be pulled by Alexander like this, but he managed to react quickly. He tried to save himself by using his other arm as a whip. However, Alexander managed to hold that arm successfully.

Herald who had lost both arms, felt Alexander's kick in his organs. Alexander had attracted him and, aided by kinetic energy, multiplied the impact of the blow to him.

Herald finally rescued himself and landed hard. He had a bit of a hard time keeping his body upright as he had broken a few ribs.

"How? How did you suddenly become so powerful?"


Alexander swirled his Qi around his body without answering. There were so many ways for him to accomplish his goal that he didn't know which one to choose. His eyes were constantly turning, and different thoughts were pouring into his brain.

He was experiencing a burst of energy.

"Did you level up? Something is wrong! No matter how much you level up, it's illogical for you to be so strong!"

As Herald pulled his body together, he tried to understand this absurd situation. But no matter what he did, he couldn't come to a logical conclusion. Alexander took a step and disappeared. Herald turned his arms into human beings and deflected the fist that was about to land in his throat.

The two began a full-contact fight.

With his elbows and palm attacks, Herald revealed that he was a martial artist who was sharpened by battle. His movements were quite careful and determined. Every punch he threw had the strength to bring a person down.

Compared to him, Alexander was a little different. His movements were very ornate, moving non-stop, moving from one position to another. He was moving so fast that the Herald was beginning to spin. His fists were descending at lightning speed, leaving Herald in a difficult position.

Eight of his ten movements were fake. Herald was able to distinguish them at first, but after being trapped a few times, he began not to notice.

Although he performed dance-like movements, each of them was deadly. Herald's face darkened. He began to feel the cold breath of death on his neck. He stepped firmly on the ground and suddenly released the Qi from his body to the outside.

The dust lifted and formed a curtain. Alexander's feet were separated by a few centimeters when Herald was thrown in another direction. Alexander followed him like a shadow. He kicked the daggers on the ground and sent them to Herald.

He finally understood where he was going.

The daggers fiercely broke through the gap between Herald and Noah. But Herald managed to get through it and catch Noah.

He grabbed Noah by the neck and arm and lifted him in the air.

Alexander's wave of attacks suddenly came to a halt.


Taking the opportunity to stop him, Herald kicked Alexander in the jaw. Alexander couldn't see it coming. He was stunned by the kick and staggered a few steps.

"The people next to you are hindering you. It must be painful."

"Don't empty."

Alexander spat out blood and assessed the situation with calm eyes. As long as he discarded Noah, victory was guaranteed. But he couldn't afford to hurt Noah. He didn't want to lose the only person in this world who could make him feel the love of family.

No matter how he attacked, Herald would continue to use Noah as a shield.

Since there wasn't many angles of attack either, he could do only one thing.

"Just light has lost its importance. The glittering hopes vanished, and the dark shadows took over the body. Noah, I'm sorry for that."

He looked into Noah's eyes and took a step back. The shadows that rose from under his feet and swallowed his body destroyed all light. When his claw plunged with lightning speed, Noah sprang into action at the same time. The silver wires wrapped around his finger sprang into action.

"Shadow Twin."

"Shadow of Darkness."

Two different high-level talents were used at the same time.

Herald's eyes widened.

Noah, who had just been in front of his fingers, suddenly appeared behind him.

The claw was uncovered.


Herald collapsed to the ground, holding his chest. A bucket of blood washed the ground. There was no limit to the blood loss.

Dump! Dump! Dump!

Alexander was holding a dark red substance in his hand and loosening. This was the heart of Herald. It was the heart of an expert who had reached the pinnacle of the fourth level.

"Give me... Please... My... Heart.."

Herald tried to reach his heart, but Alexander senselessly crushed him. This was the final blow to Herald. Herald mumbled something in despair before collapsing to the ground.

"Mo... ns... ter..."

Hey, hey! I am the nine-tailed fox, Sage Gumiho. As of now, we have reached twenty chapters. Your comments and reviews are important to my development. If there is a mistake you notice or a suggestion you want to give, I ask you.

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