
Chronicles of the Otherworld Investigator

In the bustling metropolis of Busan, Nathan McNeill, a cocky and blonde Otherworld Investigator, is renowned for his unparalleled prowess in combating ghosts and spirits. With his steadfast partner, Mars, a no-nonsense feline with a mysterious past, Nathan navigates the supernatural underbelly of the city with confidence and arrogance. When a series of inexplicable hauntings plague the city, Nathan and Mars are thrust into their most challenging case yet. As they delve deeper into the sinister forces at play, Nathan's overconfidence is put to the test, forcing him to confront his own vulnerabilities and limitations. As the lines between the living and the dead blur, Nathan McNeill must confront the ultimate truth: in a world where the supernatural reigns supreme, even the strongest of egos can be shattered by the darkness that lurks in the shadows.

Wicked_AnimeGirl · Fantasy
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63 Chs


Two months ago.

Mars was fed up with Nathan's tantrum. He tossed a diamond given to him by Gumiho, a very famous spirit, onto the floor and stormed off to sulk. Even though it couldn't fetch a high price on the market, it was priceless in the Otherworld. 

Mars jumped off the couch and picked it up with a paw. This could provide them with services if ever needed. The diamond disappeared as he sent it to his extra dimension, where he stored his luggage.

He sighed as Nathan thumped around in his room. He sent a message to Jason, Nathan's father, to inform of Nathan's unruly behaviour through his private phone. He has yet to tell Nathan about it. 

"That damn kid. He needs a wife to help him settle down," Jason complained. Mars smiled, "She'll have to be very patient with someone like him. I'll send the diamond to you later, okay?"

"Sure, Sorry about all the hassle."

"It's fine. Good day, and send my regards to Amelia."

As time passed he contemplated leaving for a while when the air shimmered. Seeing a figure emerge, he hissed and laid back his ears. It was a large, stocky male with long, shimmery red hair, dark skin, and shining gold eyes.

Coldly he observed his environment. "Tiny. I can't even fit a pony in here," he sneered. Then he focused on Mars. "I finally found you, Prince. Why have you lowered yourself to such—people?"

Mars sat on his haunches as he licked his paw. "It has nothing to do with you. What do you want?" The man kneeled down and said respectfully, "Your mother, the Queen, sent me. She wants you to return, your highness."

"Tell her I can't. Mars objected, "I'm a little busy.". The man looked uncomfortable. "I understand. But the Queen said that if you refuse, she will drag you here by the hair if forced. And the person you're with will be whipped."

Mars paused. His mother might just do what she threatened.

Mars groaned and whipped a paw. In Nathan's room, there was a bump as he got knocked out. "Let's go then. Mother might throw a tantrum if we take too much time."

Mars stood up and flickered. A few moments later, a giant, naked, muscular man stood in his place. 

His long, dark red hair shone in the light, and his eyes glittered gold. The man stared in awe as he followed Mars into the golden portal.

Mars strode shamelessly on an ancient stone path under a starry sky. Yet it lacked the moon that lit up the world each night. He walked urgently on the Way Between the Worlds, a portal created by the Fae for the Fae. 

No humans were allowed, as the moment they set foot in the portal, they would age instantly. Time in the Fae world differs greatly from that in the human world. One hour here could be a week there. It depends on the royal family. 

He reached a giant stone gate between two graceful elven statues. A female Fae waited for him with clothes. Both politely faced away as he was dressed in a white robe with golden breastplate armour and sandals, a torque, and gold bracelets. 

He hesitated before slipping on his circlet. "Lead me to my parents," he ordered. The two Fae bowed as the giant gate opened. Nathan, please wait for me, he thought privately.

"Darling! Welcome home. I miss you so much!" a female voice cried out. Mars felt a bundle crash into him in a hug. It was his mother, Queen Nicneven. She sniffed as she mumbled, "We had a hard time, you know? Everyone is so mean to us. No respect, none at all!"

He patted her back as she complained. She hasn't changed a bit since he left.

"Hello, Mother. I'm here now. Please stop. Let go, please. Where's Father?" said Mars in a long-suffering tone. As she released him, she pouted, "Just a 'hello'?" I see your manners haven't improved. Come with me. He's waiting for you."

She linked their elbows and dismissed the other Fae. They strolled down the palace corridors, his mother chatting enthusiastically.

"I'm glad you came. Your father is in a good mood, so please mind your manners," she warned as she kissed his cheek before opening a massive red door. 

The room was beautifully decorated and filled with a floral scent. Standing against the wall, the royal guards wore impressive armour. The Queen sat beside her King on her throne. Her beauty radiates throughout the room.

Both had deep red hair and dark skin with golden eyes. While she had long, flowing hair, the King, Finvarra, had short hair. Mars and Nicneven wore royal white, while Finvarra wore royal purple.

"Welcome home, my son. Are you enjoying yourself in the human realm?" the King inquired gently.

Mars bowed, "Thank you, Father. I suppose I am," he grated. Finvarra raised an eyebrow. "You sound dissatisfied. Is it because we summoned your presence?" he said, amused.

"I dare not! I just wonder why I'm here," Mars replied quickly. His father was extremely powerful and hot-tempered. One of his half-sisters broke a simple law in their realm. Before she could properly defend herself, their father exiled her. 

He didn't want to end up in her shoes. Finvarra laughed. "Good, good. First, tell us what you've been doing with humans, and then we'll inform you why you're here. I'm dead curious about what is happening over there."

Mars relaxed and described his life for the last few decades. His mother sat wide-eyed as she listened. When he came to Nathan, she looked very interested, especially when he mentioned the hot springs. His father, on the other hand, didn't look very invested in the story. 

At last, Mars went silent. "Oh, honey. Let's go to a hot spring for our next anniversary. It sounds like so much fun!" Nicneven pleaded with her husband. He rolled his eyes. "Since when do we celebrate anniversaries? It's something only humans do."

Then he turned his attention to Mars. "Ailbhe, you have lived a thrilling life. You also kept your promise and never revealed your true identity to those around you. We also kept our promise not to interfere with your work. 

I'm surprised that you taught the 'Feile Maor' to an ordinary human. More so that his descendants could learn it as well. I'm impressed," he complimented.

Mars had a bad feeling. His father never complimented his children unless he wanted something.

"We had quite a hard time finding you," the king continued. "My guards searched for you for months. It was only because of the ruckus your student made that he tracked you down. As far as I know, you still enjoy transforming into a ginger cat. 

In the past, I would scold you for that bad habit, but in this regard, I commend you. It keeps your identity a secret, so I will let it pass." He rose from his throne and spread his arms.

"Now for the reason why I called you here. My son, the crown prince Ailbhe, you will marry the daughter of the Duke of Donnachaidh, Catriona Donnachaidh, and become the new King of the Sith, King of Álfheimr," he declared proudly.

The legend of the Fae originates from Ireland and Finvarra and Nicneven are the original names of the King and Queen of the Fairies. Oberon and Titania are made-up names from Shakespeare.

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