


Sunshine greets every living being as a new dawn arrives. The birds flying in search of food, the animals waking up and doing their deeds, and the insects as they began their usual lives.

The forest began vibrant and lovely as time passed. The rustling of leaves here, the sound of animals there, everywhere is full of life. As usual, animals going on and minding their own business come and go.

In the midst of this activity came a very disturbing noise. A noise which may resemble the shattering of glass. But instead of glass being shattered, it seems like something, like the very fabric of reality is being shattered. The air distorted as cracks appeared out of thin air and if one will look closely on it, one will feel like the very fabric of reality is breaking down.

Meanwhile as the disturbance is happening, the animals around it started to flee from all directions. They may not know what's happening but their instincts tells them to flee as danger may lurk around the corner. A sound of something being dropped echoed as the crack disappeared. it may look like nothing has happened as the whole forest resumed its usual activities after awhile.

The start of the journey.

UnluckyMongrelcreators' thoughts