
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Ten: Dwarven Bigotry

Ragnar wore a grim expression on his face "Ye best be followin me to the city, the orc'll have to wait outside" Dayn stared down the dwarf, Ragnar returned his look. "If she can't come in then neither will I." "Then off wit ye" the dwarf said stubbornly, Dayn turned and walked down the tunnel Ambrose watched Dayn leave Ziri quickly following behind, Sieri bounced from foot to foot unsure what to do. "That was rude boy, that man saved me life from a slaver gang," "No Orcs" Ragnar replied. Sieri shot Ragnar an angry scowl and hurried off after her friends.

Dayn stopped at the intersection of tunnels, "Sorry, if we didn't need the help we could march down right now and take care of this without subjecting you to their racism." Ziri's expression didn't show any disappointment or sadness, there was no anger there either, she expected this kind of treatment. "You don't need to worry so much, this is normal when we decided to head there I expected this would be the result."

Sieri caught up with them shortly after they finished their conversation panting slightly, "You don't have to be so difficult Dayn, I'm sure we could have worked something out if you didn't provoke him." "I won't stand for bigotry" he replied stubbornly "I won't curb my words and negotiate with a scoundrel who treats my friends that way."

While arguing they hadn't noticed the approach of an armed Dwarf patrol... "What've we got ere" the lead dwarf said to his companions, "Monsters should no better'n to wander our tunnels." Dayn scowled at the dwarf, It was the same one that had turned them away at the gate six years ago. "Looks like the big lad wants a fight" one of the soldiers interrupted, Sieri got between them trying to calm the dwarves down, the leader slapped her aside knocking her hard to the cave floor.

Dayn had had enough of these damned dwarves and socked the man hard on the jaw sending him reeling, the members of his patrol drew their weapons on him, Dayn pulled his claymore. "No!" Sieri shouted, "No fighting" she gave Dayn a look, "You're only making things worse" she mouthed. Dayn didn't want to kill anyone who just couldn't forgive the fool for slapping Sieri, he lowered his blade however the dwarves kept up their approach.

Dayn chanted a silent prayer, the first dwarf to charge was thrown back by a silver blue light and deposited on his rear uninjured. Dayn kept up the prayer as he moved himself and Ziri to the northern tunnel entrance. The dwarves kept coming at him only to be thrown back, by the time they thought to move around him he made the tunnel and stood behind a wall of energy as his prayer picked up volume.

"Oh wise and mighty Selvarthrallax, lord of the frozen kingdom of Darkonys hear my prayer and shield us from harm, let all who look upon us with ill intent be thrown aside that they may think upon their actions and repent." The dwarves beat at the wall with hammer and axe but as they did their weapons were thrown from their hands, "Enough!" came a booming voice above the din of battle.

A regal looking dwarf stepped from the western tunnel, he had long black hair and fierce brown eyes, despite wearing a stately robe he still managed to exude an aura of power beyond that of any of the others. His beard was neatly trimmed with iron bands affixed at the right and left sides which reminded Dayn of tusks.

The dwarf looked down on the patrol leader who was still rubbing his jaw, "You and your men are to be severely punished, not only did you harm the princess of Gizmorock our allies" he dragged out the word to impart the severity of the action. "You've assaulted honored guests who rescued one of our own from orcish imprisonment!" The dwarves threw themselves at his feet and begged forgiveness. Dayn ended his chant and the silver blue barrier dissipated, he snorted in derision at the quick attitude change of the vile men.

After ordering the dwarves to return to their barrack and await their punishment he walked slowly to Dayn, "I apologize for the bigotry of my men" the man said politely, Dayn couldn't help but notice the lack of a rough dwarven accent. The Dwarf eyed Dayn with a burning curiosity "You were calling out to Selvarthrallax" his tone wasn't questioning or accusatory, he said it as a fact. "That shouldn't be possible, of the clerics the Dragon worshippers were the first to vanish" Dayn didn't respond but gave him a look that said make your point already.

"I'm not looking to trap you, I'm Lord Ferric Ironbeard, Foreign Affairs advisor to the king, he sent me here after hearing the story from Ambrose to make note of the Orc Maiden's tale." Ziri was astonished to hear that any dwarf wished to hear what an orc had to say, Dayn scowled, "You're not just going to dismiss her because of her race are you?" "Of course not, the lords of Ferricrag are aware of the differences in orc breeds, she is clearly of Wild Orc stock, were she Iron or normal orc we'd be having this discussion in the dungeon."

Lord Ferric recorded every word as she spoke, "Have you returned to your former home to find out where they came from?" he asked after she finished, Ziri looked at him incredulously, "Would you return to a site where your father was butchered?" The dwarf nodded knowingly, "Well we have a general idea of where these orcs are coming from but haven't managed to locate their home yet, there are many intertwining tunnels."

"A large war party will be heading to what we're calling Ardor's Knot, we'll be funneling troops down every tunnel till the location of their stronghold is found, It was suggested your group accompany Harald." Dayn frowned, Ferric raised a hand to stop any incoming argument, "He's acknowledged his mistaken judgement already, don't expect him to be overly friendly but his troops are elites and will help defend you in the event of ambush."