
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Five: Sieri Sprocket

Dayn got back to his feet giving Ziri a sour look, Sieri marched right up to him with purpose and delivered a solid kick directly into his unarmored shin, a feeling of intense pain shot up his leg.

"Six years! six years without coming to see me and then you send some doormat of a guard to summon me instead of coming to talk to me yourself!" she berated him. Dayn started to say something.. "No! you don't get to talk, I don't want to hear any of your excuses" she turned her back on him crossing her arms cursing a few times in what he assumed was gnomish.

Dayn started to say something again.. "Idiot!" she yelled, Dayn tried to get a look at her face so he could hold a proper conversation but she kept turning away from him, she eventually lifted an arm to wipe her eyes. It seemed she had gotten so angry that she had started to cry, Dayn looked around unsure what to do, the two guards were stifling their laughter and Ziri was looking away a scowl clearly visible on her face.

Dayn was feeling at a loss but then remembered something, he took off his pack and sorted through it, after a moment he pulled out a lacquered black wooden box, both Ziri and Sieri observed nonchalantly as he set it on the rock.

When Dayn opened the lid the magic took hold, an illusion displayed what was known as the Tragedy of the Dragon Princess that was set to somber music, the music was all mechanically generated. He found it in the first year he was in Kanyra in a dusty old trinket shop and it had reminded him of Sieri so he earned enough coin and purchased it.

Sieri washed the event play out wide eyed and entranced, once it had finished she blinked a few times, Dayn closed the box and handed it to her, she looked down at it then looked at him then looked down at it again.

"I bought it for you" he said, "Take it," Sieri reached out her hand.. "What you think a simple trinket is going to make me forgive you" she said intending for it to sound angry but most of the edge had left her words. Dayn sighed "Just take it, you don't have to forgive me, I simply thought of you when I saw it and worked hard to be able to afford it," "Now I'll make this up to you at your leisure later, there's simply no time for this right now" He said urgently.

After Sieri had accepted the gift Dayn went into detail about the events that had transpired since he was gone, he introduced Ziri and she filled in the details that she knew about the monster horde which had formed not far from Gizmorock.

"We'll need proof" Sieri said pondering the situation, "I can't just tell my dad, I heard a story from Dayn the man who disappeared for six years and some orc and expect him to mobilize" she said shaking her head. Dayn looked disappointed, Ziri expected as much and gave him a knowing smirk, "Fine," he said "I'll go down there myself and get the proof," Dayn turned and started moving down the corridor, "Wait, you're going by yourself?" she asked in astonishment.

"Your friend Ziri said they have hundreds of goblin's you wouldn't go against that alone" Sieri said thinking Dayn was bluffing. Dayn continued to walk without saying a word or turning around "I already told you its foolhardy to go alone you'll just die" Ziri called after him.

Dayn stopped and both girls felt relieved, "I know this is a suicidal task, but it's the right thing to do, I can't leave the villagers of Sartann to die horrific deaths in the hands of those creatures." "If the gnomes won't mobilize on word alone then I'll go and do this myself, I'll bring back the survivors and that should be proof enough." He said no more and continued on his way, Sieri looked on as he left "You'll die!" she called after him, Dayn kept walking, she looked at Ziri "Stop him" she asked.

Ziri stood up and shrugged before rushing to catch up with him, she wouldn't leave him to die by himself after all, she nudged him in the ribs with her elbow, "Still a softgut" she teased. Sieri looked on as Ziri and Dayn chatted comfortably with each other she couldn't here what they were saying only that they were getting further away.

Sieri bit her lower lip looked down, even with the three of them they'd still just die, she couldn't convince her father she knew that better then anyone she looked back at the gate of Gizmorock, he'd tell her that her responsibility was to her people. She looked back at Dayn and Ziri they were almost out of sight now "Damnit who is she!" she exclaimed stomping on the ground, she made up her mind and started to follow.

One of the guards put his hand on her shoulder, "No princess I..." Sieri turned on him shooting him a scathing look, "But you.." she continued the glare the guard shrunk back feeling quite miserable, Sieri didn't give him another thought as she chased after the two.

"At your leisure?" Ziri asked giving Dayn a look that demanded an answer, Dayn tried his best to look innocent, she continued to stare at him, "What?" he said "Well I guess its none of my business is it" she said sharply looking away.

Dayn could feel the tension building, "We didn't have time, I said what I needed to say" "Oh...." Ziri responded "So you'll say what you need when you want something then?" "No that's not what I meant, why are you being so difficult," "You don't have to try to explain things to me its not like I care what you do with your life" she said her gaze still averted.

Sieri came running up behind them, "Wait, how am I supposed to get a proper apology if you're dead" she said panting "You'll do what I say till I forgive you" she said grinning mischievously, Ziri gave Sieri an adversarial look. The gnome returned the gaze with equal ferocity, Dayn looked from one to the other, this was going to be a long trip.