
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Fifteen: Unplanned Escape

Dayn didn't put up a fight, he knew what the Inquisitors were capable of and if he resisted they would likely turn their blades on the innocent townsfolk. The villagers protested, they weren't about to let their savior be arrested, the nearby inquisitors drew blades and turned on the townsfolk, Lord Walter raised a hand.

"Now, my good townspeople, this is merely an inquiry, if in fact our good friend Dayn here is not worshipping dragons as has been reported, he'll be free to go." The seekers statement calmed the townspeople somewhat, Dayn's reassuring smile allowed them to let it go. Dayn was loaded into a the back of a covered wagon his weapon thrown into the back of a different wagon rolling along behind it.

The procession made decent time, they passed beyond the tree line around noon and stopped for midday meal, the wagon door swung open and Girrem Bassack climbed into the back closing the door behind him. "You think you're clever don't you, you embarrassed me three times you son of a bitch." As it turned out the Paladius caught up with the ruffian who had escaped under Godrick's orders, he wasn't willing to take Girrem at his word that one of their own had slaughtered townsfolk and fled. Only Girrem's family connections kept him from prison he was cast out of the order in disgrace however, only the Seeker branch of the Inquisitors would accept him after that.

Dayn ignored the foolish child's prattling, Girrem knocked on the door and two more Inquisitors entered, they stripped Dayn of his armor. "We'll see how long your arrogance lasts, I won't stop till you beg for mercy." Girrem struck him in the stomach with a gauntleted fist, Dayn coughed a little but kept up the stoic front, the metal had hurt but the weak punch didn't amount to much. He was struck on the jaw next the gauntlet tearing at his skin leaving behind a thin trail of blood, "What are you waiting for?" Girrem said to the other two.

One of the other men delivered a heavy blow to Dayn's side, he felt a rib crack, the next one struck him in the jaw and he spat out a bloody tooth. Dayn was no stranger to pain and this assault amounted to nothing compared to what he had experienced, the door suddenly swung open and Lord Walter looked upon the scene.

"What's going on here?" he demanded of the three men, the other two looked at Girrem who stuttered out an obvious lie, "He tried to escape, I caught him and we hauled him back." The Seeker dismissed the other two, "You're forbidden ration till we return to Kanyra, you'll also be riding at the back shoveling horse shit for my families farm for the remainder of the journey" he ordered. Girrem tried to protest but under the lords withering gaze he quickly complied, "I'm sorry about that, my order isn't given the most savory of initiates so I have to make do with what I get."

Dayn nodded, "Now I happen to know this arrest warrant is rubbish, you're unfortunate involvement with the Royal Family, I can have it dismissed just like that however" the man said snapping his fingers. Dayn looked on with interest, he had always believed the Inquisition hosted the most vile of the city's nobility, Girrem was proof enough. "I've heard word of your swordsmanship and could use a skilled apprentice to some day take my place" he said smiling kindly.

The man produced a document, Dayn read it over and it stated that the captive would be remanded to the custody of Lord Walter Ziriel High Seeker of the second order. Dayn thought about signing the document but it somehow felt wrong to him, it was then a commotion broke out in the camp. Walter had Dayn accompany him outside the wagon to see what was going on.

Several of the Inquisitors had drawn their weapons and were slashing at a black clad figure that seemed to dodge every attack leveled at him, he was rapidly approaching Dayn and Walter. The figure drew a long single edged blade, it was foreign to the company Dayn however recognized it as a katana. Walter laughed and drew his own longsword, "Impertinent knave" he easily blocked the incoming slash however the weapon phased right through his blocking weapon, the figure turned to white smoke and passed through him.

The tip of the cloaked figures blade exploded from the back of Walters chest in the next instant, blood oozed from the wound as it was pulled free, Dayn was face to face with the assailant. The assassin had appeared right behind the Seeker, he shifted unnaturally like some form of phantom, with a single slash the blood flew from his blade and spattered the surrounding grass.

The figure sheathed its weapon and turned to walk away, the Inquisitors charged it but their blades passed through its shifting forms harmlessly, when it reached the edge of camp it vanished without a trace. Girrem looked on in horror "It was him" he yelled pointing at Dayn, "He must have used some manner of heretical magic," weapons drawn the Inquisitors advanced encircling him cutting off any route of escape.

Dark clouds rolled in as they closed the distance and a light rain began to fall almost instantly caught up in their bloodlust the Inquisitors seemed not to notice till a streak of lightning struck the ground throwing three of the men to the wet grass. The Inquisitors fled in all directions in terror as the sudden thunderstorm continued to threaten them, Dayn closed his eyes and kneeled dropped to his knees. A bolt hit the ground nearby showering him in debris, Dayn didn't move, if his god chose this land as his end he would accept it. He heard the storm continue beyond him, a massive crack and the groan of a tree didn't stir him from his quiet contemplation.

He heard the horses whinny and terror and the crashing of the cart and wagon as the animals fled in terror, still he did not rise. The rainfall had slowly departed and Dayn could feel the warm rays of the sun return, it was then he rose and opened his eyes witnessing the carnage around him.

He knew in an instant if any of the Inquisitors had escaped the storm he would be blamed for it, he walked to the capsized cart and retrieved his claymore. He didn't waste the time to retrieve his armor, saying a silent apology to Sieri he headed north, so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't notice the massive shadow pass over him headed in the same direction.