
Chronicles of a Holy Knight

We follow the story of our reincarnated and transmigrated hero Dayn Kanara as he grows up in the mystical world of Thallia. A world that had been abandoned by the gods following the heretical Dragon Wars some hundred years in the past finds new hope when the divines return following the awakening brought on by The Dragon God's chosen champion. However with new light comes new darkness....

Yamashita_Kaito · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter Eight: Vicious Battle

Dayn was in a bad mood the next morning, he set up his own tent away from the girls following the incident. Never expected Sieri to turn out like that he thought to himself as they made their way down the long corridor. They had a choice to make coming up, it had been six years so the rubble from the cave in was likely long gone however they had two routes to choose from, this one would take longer to reach the orc caves below.

"I said I was sorry" Sieri pouted as they stopped at the first choice, Dayn continued to ignore her, although Ziri liked this new change Dayn had barely spoken to her either "I tried to stop her not that I care what happens to you" she said coldly.

"We'll take the south route" Dayn finally decided without listening to any arguments he headed back towards the Sartann mining area.

As they made the wide cavern Dayn motioned for them to stop, up ahead he could barely see several forms heading in the same direction as them, as he was pondering whether or not to attack them the glow of his light spell was noticed.

"More slaves" a cruel voice sounded from the darkness, the enemies reacted faster goblins stepping into the light, an arrow soared through the dark cavern embedding itself in Sieri's shoulder. Ziri lets out a low growl and knocks an arrow to her bow, she shoots the arrow with such force it severs its way cleanly through the goblins eye socket and back out the other side of its head.

Heavy boots fall as one an orc stomps its way into the light a large spear held in one hand, seeing its minion fall so easily it hurls the weapon at Ziri, she tries to jump aside but the weapon comes in at an unnatural speed slashing deep into her left side. Another arrow sails through the air lodging into Ziri's right shoulder, bleeding profusely from the spear wound she begins to feel faint and unsteady on her feet. As she begins to sink to the ground she's enveloped by a silver light, the wound stitches itself back up and she regains her senses.

Dayn levels a dangerous glare at the orc and charges while chanting a prayer, another arrow whips passed his left shoulder firmly striking Sieri in her right knee. Sieri sinks to the ground under the weight of her injuries falling to the cold stone floor, the goblin who fired the projectile whoops in victory, its cry of success is quickly replaced by a scream of terror as Dayn brings his claymore down in a vicious overhead chop. The blade cleanly severs the beasts blocking axe and slices through his armor as though it were paper cleaving from his shoulder down to his mid-section before grinding to a halt.

The two goblins begin to shrink away in fear, a loud yell from the rear bolsters the morale of one but the other was having none of it and begins to run. A massive axe cleaves through the beasts head splitting it down with the force of the blow spilling viscera in every direction.

Ziri still reeling from her injury raises her bow while kneeling on the ground she fires off an arrow at the second orc now making its presence known, the beast blocks the area using the other goblin as a shield. The arrow strikes the little creature cleanly in the chest the arrow head finding its way into the beasts lung.

The orc smiled cruelly at Ziri "Little savage, you won't escape us a second time" it was only then that Ziri recognized the axe the creature was wielding as her fathers, she roared in anger. "Look after Sieri, I'll kill the bastard" Dayn shouted back moving towards the monster, the orc sneered at him dropping the bleeding goblin to the floor.

Dayn and the creature slashed away at each other leaving small nicks and bruises, Dayn would perform a masterful parry only to find the creature had backpedaled out of his reach, the orc would get a blow through Dayn's defenses only to have it be repelled on his armor.

Dayn finally found his chance, turning aside a fairly aggressive blow aimed for his ribs he delivered a powerful kick driving the orcs armor into its muscled stomach and throwing it off balance. His follow through severed the monsters neck cleanly from its shoulders making a sickening thud as it hit the floor.

Dayn rushed to Sieri's side, "She's barely breathing" Ziri told him when he got there, blood was still pouring from her wounds, Ziri had removed the arrows as carefully as she could but lacked the skill to properly bandage. Dayn called out to Selvarthrallax as he worked one of his miracles, a silver blue mist began to form around his shoulder and knee. The energy formed a connection between him and Sieri slowly closing her wounds while opening injuries in the same location on his body. Ziri looked at him with worry, he smiled "Don't worry, I'm a lot more sturdy then Sieri I can take it."

Sieri blinked twice before slowly opening her eyes, she felt embarrassed, the monsters had taken her out before she had even managed to pull her weapons free of their sheathes, seeing she was alright Dayn sat back against the wall. Ziri gave him a serious look "You should bind your wounds before you collapse as well" Dayn looked up at her, "No need to worry they've already closed."

A sudden scuff on the floor in the direction the slaver party had come from brought the three back on the alert, they could hear slight clumsy movement coming towards them very slowly and carefully.