
Christmas Romance Lasts Forever

After she found her fiance in bed with her stepsister, she ends up at a bar where his brother is hanging out with friends. Confiding in him she shows him the video she took, explaining her reason for the engagement. Their journey starts at that moment as he agrees to help her avoid getting married to his cheating brother.

Sabry_Singh · Urban
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78 Chs



Cole and I left the guesthouse, ready to make our journey back home to plan our upcoming nuptials. I wasn't excited before but now I can't wait to walk down the isle even though, technically I'm already married.

Turning to look at Cole, I see him leaning forward looking to the sky through the windscreen.

"Are we expecting another big storm?" I asked peering through the windscreen, not sure what I'm looking for.

Cole leaned back and shook his head. "No, it doesn't seem that way" Cole commented, peering through the windscreen again.

"Said the guy who isn't a meteorologist" I retorted, looking back to the skies.

Cole bursts into laughter, "I know that life with you will never be boring.

Cole turns into a driveway on our right. I looked around appreciating the view, with snow every where.

We stopped in front of a B&B, that's set similarly like the last B&B we just left.

I got out of the vehicle as soon as Cole stopped and I spun around, with my arms open wide.

"Snow really does look beautiful out in the open"I commented, walking around to help him with the luggage.

" I've never made a snow angel" I said softly, as I stood beside him.

"Hmm, yeah, neither have I" he admitted, absent mindedly..

He moved to lift one of the suitcases, " this one only" I told him.

Raising his eyebrows, "I knew it's for only one night, so I packed everything here." I explained, while he lifted the suitcase out.

"So can we?" I ask, hopefully, we walked towards the open doors.

Frowning, he looks at me, "can we what?"

"Make snow angels" I turned showing him the snow, "in the snow" I said shyly.

Shaking his head, "Arie, it's late and we're off early in the morning. We'll have to arrange for another visit" he said as if he's speaking to a child instead of him wife.

"You know, you're only three years older than me, right?" I asked, but he didn't get a chance to respond as we were met inside the doorway by a young boy.

"Good evening" the boy who couldn't be more than thirteen, greeted us.

"Good evening" Cole responded, "Where do we check in?" he asks the young boy.

Smiling politely, "this way" he points to his left. "May I help you with that" he asks, pointing to the suitcase.

As Cole was about to relinquish his hold on the suitcase, I put my hand on his, chuckling.

"Oh no, it's quite okay. My ole husband here can handle it" I told the boy. "Now lead the way" I said, while he stood, awkwardly looking at Cole and then at me.

"You heard my wife" Cole tells the boy, who started walking in the direction of the front desk, that's located in a cosy room with a Christmas tree in front of the open doorway and another one at the desk.

An elderly man standing behind the desk started scolding the young boy.

"Matty, why aren't you helping the guest with the luggage?" he asks.

"Uh, grandpa, uh" he turns to me for help.

"Sorry sir, he offered, my kindhearted husband here, was already bringing it in." I told the elderly gentleman.

Smiling, he nodded, "oh, okay" the gentleman said, looking on at Cole who stood behind me. "I'm Jameson, you've already met my grandson Matty. His parents and I run this Inn". He tells us.

"Simmons Sir" Cole told the gentleman, who started scrolling through his log book.

Smiling the Mr. Jameson looks up from the book, "yea right here. One night, room twelve" he told his grandson

Cole arranged for a dinner downstairs in the dining area and since we were already dressed, we immediately went back down, where we met Matty's parents.

The Inn was practically filled and we were told that some of the guests ate in their room.

Cole shared his amazing views about our wedding while my prime objective is to let my dad know that someone actually loves me.

As we shared desert and coffee, "so what type of wedding dress are you thinking about?" Cole asks.

Excited, "let me show you" I said, opening my phone.

Chuckling he stops me, "wait," he said looking into my eyes, holding me captive, I couldn't even look away.

"You once described yourself as Rapunzel, the princess. I want you to order a dress made for a princess" he concludes, watching for my reaction.

A smile breaks on my face, "uh, okay. I browse thorough the styles here" I said, picking up my phone again.

"I have an even better idea. We will commission a designer to make your grown" Cole suggests.

Nodding, "You really want a fancy wedding?" I asked.

"I'm only marrying once, let's go grand and make mom happy." he said emptying his coffee.

"That's so sweet and brilliant" I said shyly.

"Not bad for a old guy huh?" he chuckles.

Embarrass, I look down at the empty saucer on the table, "I'm sorry, that was rude of me, but you are so in control all the time. You just keep making decisions as if you know everything and has all the answers." I observed.

Nodding, "that's true, I do run a multi billion dollar empire, so I have to be on top of my game at all times. One miss and I could cost the company billions." he explained

"Even with me?" I wondered.

Staring at me, he shakes his head, "no, definitely not with you" he says. "We're in a partnership and decisions need to be made together. I must remember that, Rapunzel" he laughs softly.

Laughing, "that's your highness to you" I joked.

Cole bows his head, "yes, your highness" he mimicked me.

We returned to our room, filled and happy. I pray that it remains this way

.Although we are married, I'm still afraid that they will find a way to break us apart.