
Christmas Romance Lasts Forever

After she found her fiance in bed with her stepsister, she ends up at a bar where his brother is hanging out with friends. Confiding in him she shows him the video she took, explaining her reason for the engagement. Their journey starts at that moment as he agrees to help her avoid getting married to his cheating brother.

Sabry_Singh · Urban
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78 Chs




From that day onwards my life became a living hell and the man I use to call 'daddy' condoned it.

He allowed his new wife and new daughter to abuse me verbally and physically. I did not only lose my mother that day, I also lost my father and myself.


I notice the car coming to a stop on the side of the road, that was just empty space. I turned to look at Cole, as he stops.

"What is it?" I asked, trying to clear my choked up throat.

Staring into my face with concern, "Ariana, I'm stopping higher up the road and this time you need to tell me everything" he says with compassion, added with an angry glint in his eyes.

"Why" I asked cautiously, realizing my cheeks were wet. I zoned out again!

I say things when I zone out. Did I reveal what I was thinking about? Is that why he's stopping short, to make me share my hidden past from him. Can I make myself this vulnerable? Can I allow my husband so deep into my soul?

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer.

"Ariana, I'm serious now or, we could just park here and don't move until you're done talking" Cole threatens.

I can't let him, stay on the road all night and we planned on reaching the city today. I won't keep him back.

"We'll talk over a two jugs of beer, when we get home" I agreed.

Observing me intently, "you're sure?" he asks

I simply nodded with a small smile.

"You hungry?" he asks, still not satisfied.

Shaking my head, "I just want to get home." I say instead, "but if you're hungry, we can stop somewhere" I suggested.

Kissing me on my lips and then on my head. Cole leans back in his seat, buckling his seatbelt in place.

"Okay home, but we change before going to the pub" he said, checking Hus rearview and side mirrors before getting back on the road again.

We drove nonstop to the city, but because of the change in the weather conditions again, we drove slowly.

By the time we drove into Cole's underground carpark, it was dusk dark, and I was hungry.

"Let's go eat" I said, "I'm starving"

Chuckling, "I'm starving too, but I was waiting for you to make the call and tell me to pullover." he smiles turning to me.

Surprise by his admission, I felt bad now but I wanted to get home.

"Sorry" I mouthed,

Opening the car door, he stepped out as two of the building security came to assist us.

Together the four of us, carried the luggage to the elevator and up to the penthouse.

As Cole opens the door, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air. Leaving Cole with the security and the luggage, I hurried inside the apartment, heading towards the kitchen with Cole's chuckling behind me.

"Aunty Jan" I screamed, torn between, running towards her and taking a seat at the table that's already laid out with bake chicken, salad, noddles and chunky vegetables.

I choose to sit at the table, grinning at aunty Jan's expression.

"Darn" I muttered, slowly, getting up and walking with a pout towards her.

"The fact that you're married doesn't mean I can't reprimand you for swearing" she says, coming to hug me.

Frowning, "how are you here?" I asked, as she releases me to, open the oven and took out a tray of Christmas cookies.

"Can you come back for the Christmas and bake with me?" I asked with a pleading look.

Confused, she stares at me before looking beyond me,

"I haven't told her anything yet" Cole walks in, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Told me what?" I asked, looking between the both of them.

Cole nods to aunty Jan,

"Your grandfather sent me to work here with you" she smiles.

Shaking my head, "no," I told her.

Cole and aunty Jan, seemed confused, staring at me.

"You don't want aunty Jan here" Cole asks.

Nodding, "I want her here, but not to work. I just want her her with me, with us." I tell them. Turning to look at Cole, "she's not a worker, she's family" I told Cole softly.

Palming my cheeks, kissing my forehead, "she's family and she's also an amazing cook and we are still hungry, right?" he asks.

I pulled him to sit at the table, noticing the table was set for two. I opened a cupboard, adding another setting at table.

"Eat with us" I told her, removing the apron from around her waist.

I ended up monopolizing the entire conversation, starting with our very short trip and then ending with our upcoming wedding.

Cole had to leave for a short while even though I didn't like it but he needed to speak to his dad about business and his parents about the wedding.

I helped aunty Jan in the kitchen, before we showered and refreshed ourselves to meet in the living room.

"How does grandfather feel about Cole and I" I asked her.

Chuckling, "both he and your grandmother said that they can now die in peace" she admitted.

"What? Oh no" I stood up and walked to the kitchen, returning with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"No one's dying right now. It's a happy time for celebration" I said, pouring a glass of wine each for the both of us, while looking at the clock on the wall.

It's been three hours since Cole left. I automatically picked up his house line and dialed his cell number.

The phone rang out and I tried again, but this time it went to voice mail.

Sitting down, noticing aunty Jan yawning,

"Go to bed, I'll wait here a bit" I tell her. She reluctantly left for her room while I sat by myself pondering on different reasons, for Cole being late and not answering his phone.

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