
Christmas Romance Lasts Forever

After she found her fiance in bed with her stepsister, she ends up at a bar where his brother is hanging out with friends. Confiding in him she shows him the video she took, explaining her reason for the engagement. Their journey starts at that moment as he agrees to help her avoid getting married to his cheating brother.

Sabry_Singh · Urban
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78 Chs


Finally accepting Cole as the potential new owner of Lawrence Group of Companies, I left Cole and grandfather to continue their talks concerning the change of hands and signing of documents. Since they didn't object to my leaving, I assume they have no need for me.

Now I can go back to Christmas.


"Now who is ready to go shopping?" I sang, walking towards the stove, "do you have anymore chocolate tea?" I asked Aunty Jan.

Chuckling, "what did I tell you" She laughs, "yes and it's still hot." Taking a clean mug, I filled it to the brim, my mouth already watering for the taste.

Joining them at the table, "so we need to do some shopping," I repeated since no one responded to my question.

"Not you," grandmother answers firmly which means I couldn't question her decision but I needed to know why. I needed to go, since there are a lot of things I still need.

Looking down at the tea, "but why?" I asked softly, afraid to lift my eyes but when she didn't answer I eventually look up and instantly regretted it.

Both my grandparents love me but since grandfather spoils me, grandmother does the opposite, much to my annoyance.

Still I needed to know in case something was wrong.

"Just tell me why," I asked softly because my intention was not to irritate grandmother.

Shaking her head, "have you forgotten you and Cole are not to be seen in public right now, at least until the paper works go through." Grandmother explained since I'm now aware what grandfather and Cole's plans are.

Fidgeting, I look at Aunty Jan and Neville, "what about them?" I asked hopefully because I already made a list.

Grandmother and Aunty Jan exchanges a brief smile before grandmother nods, "when they get out of there, let's ask them." Grandmother responds, her eyes going over my shoulder but when I look around, no one was there.

"Arie, I've been doing all of your shopping before. Just for this year bear with us and if you behave, we'll go somewhere special for the new year," she offers as a bribe.

Smiling cheekily, "I'm a good girl," I retorted pouting.

Aunty Jan and grandmother laughed out loud, "yes sweetheart, we know that, at least up until you eloped." They both continued laughing and Neville tries to hold back a smile that kept twitching at the corners of his mouth.

Finally joining in their fun, "the good girl, gone bad, caught a bad boy and now's he's the good guy." I joked. Now it was Neville's turn to laugh at my comment.

Waving his index finger at me, "you got that right," he chuckles and for the first time I wonder about Neville's opinion concerning Cole and I, since the two shares a close relationship.

Staring him directly in the eyes, "do you think Cole made a bad decision marrying me?" I asked nervously. I know Neville likes me but I often wondered what he thought about us, as a couple.

Laughing softly, "Ariana," Neville reached across and covered my hand on the table, "that boy's been in love with you for as long as I can remember which is why he took the first opportunity and got you to the altar." Neville smile disappears, his now face serious but gentle.

"You're the best thing to happen to him." He continued. "Never forget that," he added.

Nodding because I was too choked up for words but it feels good to know other people support us, even if our parents doesn't.

I turned around when I heard footsteps on the tiles getting closer and smiled when my eyes met Cole's, while he and grandfather laughs about something.

Cole took a seat beside me, while grandfather sat next to grandmother.

Before I could mention shopping, grandmother stepped in.

"Ariana wants to go shopping but I already told her no because it's still not safe." She tells grandfather and Cole which irritates me but I cannot show my feelings to her.

Cole must have sense my disappointment so he answered.

"Actually, Ariana and I are going on a short trip to the Capital for two days, she can get the balance of her shopping done there." Cole says, bringing a gleam to my eyes.

Throwing my arms around his neck, "oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squealed in delight.

Laughing, Cole hugs me back.

From over Cole's shoulder, "don't spoil her like her grandfather," grandmother scolds Cole.

Opening my eyes, I wink at grandfather who blows me a kiss.

Drawing away from me, "don't worry I won't, nor would she allow me too." Cole agrees, "but it is Christmas!" He added giving me an opportunity to throw my arms around his neck once again.

"I knew marrying you was a good idea," I said cheerily.

Chuckling softly, "yes you did Ariana, yes you did and never forget that." Grandmother smile was a small peaceful one.

"Don't allow her to take advantage of your soft side," grandmother advises Cole.

Laughing grandfather throws an arm around grandmother's shoulder. "You mean like how you twist me around your pinky finger." Grandfather continues to laugh as grandmother's face turns red.

When the laughter died down, "so when are we going to the Capital?" I asked in excitement since I've never been anywhere except when Cole took me on a road trip.

Lifting his eyes to check his time, "just go pack for two days," he turns my shoulders to get out of the seat.


"You mean like now?" I squealed again because this is the best Christmas gift I could ever dream off.

"Yeah, we have to be at the airport in three hours, so I suggest you hustle," he laughs when I jumped from my seat, excitedly.

I stopped at the door and looked at the table, "aren't you ladies coming?" I invited Aunty Jan and grandmother, since it might be appropriate to pack for Cole.