
Christmas Romance Lasts Forever

After she found her fiance in bed with her stepsister, she ends up at a bar where his brother is hanging out with friends. Confiding in him she shows him the video she took, explaining her reason for the engagement. Their journey starts at that moment as he agrees to help her avoid getting married to his cheating brother.

Sabry_Singh · Urban
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78 Chs


I stare at aunty Jan in surprise, "you know this house?" I ask, following her gaze as she looks around in appreciation.

Nodding, "yes, I remember. It was your mom's" she tells me gently. "But it was still being built when she passed and I ended up having to leave so I didn't know what happened to it." aunty Jan explains.

I picked up the deed for the property and give it to Cole, who backs away from it, his hands raised in surrender.

"Just so you know, I'm never divorcing you." he responds without looking the document. Why would he even mention a divorce?

Shaking my head, I shoved the papers towards his chest, i let it go. He had no choice but to hold unto it before it slid to the floor.

Cole started reading the document, his eyes widen in surprise at the contents documented.

"Wow" he explained, looking around the living area where we stood. Handing the document back to me, "but it's yours" he says,

Placing my hand over his, instead of taking the deed, "it's ours" I whispered softly.

Allowing me to hold his hand, "we're not together, so there's no, ours." Cole says coldly, his icy blues boring holes in mines, as his jaws kept clenching and unclenching.

I know he's angry, but Why did he search for me if there is no 'ours'.

"Why are you here?" I asked instead, watching different emotions pass through his eyes, as he fights to keep his emotions in control.

Cole smiles at aunty Jan, "can you give us a few minutes while you search for you room?" he politely request from her.

Nodding, aunty JJan, hugs, me before kissing Cole on his cheek, "try not to kill her." she chuckles walking out of the living room. It was only then that I remember the man who came in with them, who still stood ay the doorway.

I smiled at him and Cole followed my gaze, "Kev I'm sorry, I forgot about you're there. We'll talk tomorrow?" Cole asks, pulling out his wallet, but the man name Kev stopped him.

"Tomorrow. There's still lots to do before the wedding." Kev chuckles, nodding to me before he walks leaves with Cole following him. Of course I had to follow them, but all Cole did was thank him, shook his hand and bolt the door shut.

Tilting an eyebrow, "disappointed?" Cole smirks, because I heard nothing of importance, but I nodded.

"Yes." turning my back, I walk away, but this time to the dark kitchen. Flicking on a light switch inside the open doorway, the kitchen was instantly illuminated.

Feeling Cole's chest against my back, "why did it take so long for you to come for me?" I whispered quietly,

Without touching me, Cole whispered back, "why do you keep running?" he question me instead.

I jolt myself forward to move away from him, but he grabbed my shoulders. "We have to talk and tonight we'll lay everything on the table. Especially your reasons for running and not standing and fighting for your rights and independence." Cole says, gently pushing me forward as he releases my shoulders. He moves past me, to go to the refrigerator.

"Impressive" he comments, staring into the refrigerator. "Expecting company?" He asks closing the door and placing two beer on the kitchen counter, indicating that I should join him.

I took a seat opposite him but decline the beer. That's a discussion for another day.

Raising his eyebrows, Cole twitches his lip, tilts his head and sat down opposite me, drinking a beer. I gaze longingly at the second bottle but I fought the urge to take a sip.

"Why did you run again?" Cole was the first to break the silence.

My eyes on my hands that's clasp on the counter, "my father and his family." I shrugged.

From beneath m lashes, Cole took another sip from the bottle and I am wondering if I just tell him everything that I have been through since the night mom died. That would definitely make me more vulnurable to him and I don't want his pity.

Still deciding what or how much to share with him, "I heard you mumbling when you fell asleep on the drive back here." I raised my eyes nervously to meet his intent stare. This time it wasn't cold as before.

Sighing, keeping my head low, I related my life from the moment mom died and the night of the funeral and everything that has happened since.

With eyes lowered I see Cole's fingers clenching the bottle in his hands, with his knuckles getting whiter. Afraid that the bottle would break in his hand, I stopped speaking and reached across to hold his hands before he broke the bottle.

Releasing the bottle, he held my hands instead. I look up to meet the eyes that's smiling down at me, reflecting the same love that I feel.

"Ariana, I will not allow anyone to hurt you again." Cole promises, "But you have to trust me and I know that I have to share my problems with you." Chuckling dryly, Cole whispers, "I'm just so accustom being on my own, handling my problems on my own, fighting my own battles, that I keep forgetting that I am no longer alone." Cole shakes his head. "I'm so sorry for pushing you away when I should be keeping you close."

Taking my hands out of his, I got up and walking around the counter into his arms. I pulled his head into my chest a eh wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry too, for running in fear of my father and his family. Grandfather assured me that I will be safe here, but you got through." I told him, kissing his freshly washed hair.

"Arie, the wedding date is coming up and I want everything to be perfect for us" Cole says and mom is on my case to annul our marriage>"