

Adina's POV

Taking a quick shower. I ran out of the bathroom naked to get a towel, I'm sure I put one inside the pillowcase case.

Emptying the entire case on the bed. I finally found a towel, at the bottom of the case.

I quickly started drying myself, thankful that dark red carpet don't show evidence that it's wet.

Wrapping my hair with the towel, I stood naked sorting through the clothes, for something decent to wear.

Other than two work suits, a few underwears and only one bra? God!

I found three short PJs with two matching tops and and a T-shirt.

Hmm, I had no body lotion so I put on some deodorant that I kept in my handbag.

Quickly dressing in a Christmas PJs, combing my wet hair, leaving it flowing down my back

making myself presentable, to meet my host and answer his questions.

As I reach the bedroom door, I decided to go back for the phones in case I have to be honest and tell him what happened and what is happening. Would he help me to get out of the arranged marriage?

Taking my time, I walk down the steps, he did say no door right? No door, no door, right!

Looking down at my bare legs in my short PJs, if this is unacceptable to the great Cole Simmons, then he could just take me to a hotel like I requested in the first place.

I walked to the open entrance, standing looking into the kitchen for my host.

He was on the phone with his back to me, "yeah, it's all good! How are you and your beautiful fiancé" I heard Cole ask the person on the other end.

Cole listens first before responding, "oh so you're hanging out at her place? You know I don't recognize this number. Is it yours or the fiancé?" I heard Cole say chuckling.

"Oh ok" Cole says dryly. "Bring her over for dinner sometime" Cole adds. Pausing, before he adds, "Yeah man" them Cole hangs up slamming the phone down on the counter.

If my host is in a bad mood, maybe I should go back upstairs, even if its early, he does have a huge TV in the room.

As I considered going back upstairs, Cole turned around, meeting my eyes, he just stood and stared, as his dark gray eyes got darker, he swallows deeply as his eyes travelled down the length of my partly clothed body.

Crossing my right foot across my left, awkwardly, I continued to look as he fights to control his emotions.

"Do you want me to leave?" I asked quietly

Still staring at me, "no, stay. You and I need to talk" he said opening the refrigerator, "what would you like to drink?" he asks, standing in front the open refrigerator.

"Nah, I'm good" I said, wondering what we need to talk about.

Closing back the refrigerator door, with his head bent, he stood for a moment, before walking to the kitchen counter, "come sit" he invites me, indicating the chair opposite the one he was pulling out for himself.

I placed the phones on the chair seat next to me while holding my phone in my hands that was now on top the counter.

Staring at his hand clasped on the counter, as he seem to be brooding, with his head down, deep in thought.

"Talk!" was all he said with his head still bent.

What? Just like that?

"Okay, then tell me, what happened at your apartment?" he asked when I didn't answer his question.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked instead.

He looks at me, shaking his head, "what do you want me to say" he asks quietly.

"Nothing, I don't want you to say anything, I just want to leave." I said trying to be difficult.

"Where's Kyle's phone?" he asks, instead.

Looking on the chair beside me, I took up the two phones and put it in front of him on the counter because I could be blamed and I am after all guilty.

If Cole was surprise, he didn't show it, as he looked down at both phones, raising his eyebrows, watching me with a quizzical look.

Without touching the phones, "tell me what happened at your apartment" he asked again, but his voice was dangerously low.

Would he like my like my father, and my fiance hate me more? Would he help them by forcing me to marry his brother?

"Whatever it is, I promise to help you!" he suddenly says quietly.

I looked up instantly searching his eyes, to see if he's being honest. Can I trust him?. Can I trust the guy who broke my heart to help me?

I opened my phone, opened the video and slid it across to him, watching as he presses play. His eyes darkens and his nostrils flares as he struggles to control his anger. He cuts off the video before the end, thinking he's seen enough.

"You need to watch it till the end" I said looking at his tense face and clench jaws.

He resumes the video scrolling down until he reached the pillow talk. Without say a word he listens until the end, putting my phone down quietly.

Without saying anything, because he's seen and heard it all.

Getting up, I started to walk towards the open doorway,

"Marry me" Cole says quietly.

I stopped, did I hear right?

"Why?" I ask just as softly

"If you're my wife, no one can touch you" he tells me coming to stand behind me. I can hear him breathing.

"Why?" I ask turning around to face him, straining my neck to look up to his much taller frame.

Sighing rather loudly, "to stop my brother from going through with what he and your family wants to do to you." Cole explains quietly.

Chuckling, "you mean to stop them from hurting me?"

Nodding, "something like that" Cole agrees softly.

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