
Christmas Romance Lasts Forever

After she found her fiance in bed with her stepsister, she ends up at a bar where his brother is hanging out with friends. Confiding in him she shows him the video she took, explaining her reason for the engagement. Their journey starts at that moment as he agrees to help her avoid getting married to his cheating brother.

Sabry_Singh · Urban
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78 Chs


Cole sat on patio reading the newspapers when the decorators arrived and since it's one of the last remaining spots to decorate, I have no other choice, but to disturb him.

Poking my head around the open door, "the decorators are here!" I shout to him, excited that after today our home will be ready to celebrate Christmas!

A tired Cole spun around with a forced smile and I know that it is forced because I am always wearing it and over the years, I've become an expertise at faking it.

Standing at the door, unable to say anything to help him, since his mind was already made up. He made his choice and says that he is happy with it, but his countenance reflects something totally different.

He had a full day yesterday, resigning from SIMTECH, giving a press conference and I have a feeling that he did more but he is keeping it under wraps until such a time as he sees it fit.

Mr. Simmions has been calling constantly but Cole refused to take his calls and since they have not idea where I live, there is no way to reach him. I also have a feeling that I am the last person they would be interested in talking to.

Putting down the newspaper, Cole leaps towards me and lifts me in the air, spinning me around and laughing joyously, "babe, I'll give you all the space you need, so tell me, where do I hide out?" he chuckles, moving aside with me in his arms to allow the decorating crew to move with their boxes of decoration and lights.

Kissing me, he lowers me to the floor and I turn shyly to the workers, "this is my husband, Cole" I introduce him, "and he seems to have a soft spot for this place. So I was wondering if we could give here a softer touch but still keeping with the theme." I asked the leader of the team, Jenny.

Jenny lifts her head scoping out the roof, then turns to her second in command, "we could lose some of the ornaments and just use green lights, in keeping with the garden scenery," Jenny suggests, but I was looking at Cole for his approval, but the look he gave he, it's like he's telling me to keep him out of it.

"Sounds perfect" I agreed, "We'll be inside, if you need us" I told Jenny, already pushing Cole inside through the kitchen door.

Standing inside the kitchen with a frown, "what was that?" Cole looks at me suspiciously.

Moving past him, "nothing." I retorted, "what are you talking about?" I responded defensively.

Grabbing my hand Cole pulls me back with a smirk, "you jealous?" he asks ready to laugh but the look on my face instantly stopped him.

Feigning innocence, with my hands to my chest, "me? Jealous?" I asked, and "why would I be jealous again?" I asked trying to move but he stood blocking me.

With raised eyebrow and a mischievous smirk, "let's go back out there" he points to the patio, "and do a repeat" he suggests, irritating me further.

I walked to the back door and opened it for him, waving a hand to the open doorway, trying to get past where he still stood blocking me.

Pining me against the wall, pushing the door shut with his foot, "Ariana Lawrence Simmions, it's you! Always has been and always will be and believe me when I tell you this, no one will ever come close to you." Cole leans in and started kissing me, squeezing me with his body.

Just as quickly as he started kissing me against the wall, just as quickly, he pulled away, chuckling, "we have workers in the house." He reminded me and now I wish I could send them back home. Cole must have read my eyes, "don't worry, they will be gone soon." he moves to the refrigerator, taking out a beer and walks out of the kitchen.

Okay, what the hell was that?

I made one step to follow him, but changed my mind, because life as he knew it is gone and from today onwards, I have to accept that fact that my husband is unemployed and I have to support him in whichever direction he chooses.

I started walking around the inside of the house checking to see if I missed out anything, but no everything is great as it is. I just have to wait until the outside is completed and considered it done.

When aunty Jan came downstairs, ready to start lunch, "aunty Jan can you hold the fort here while I run up to get the cheque for the decorators?" I asked already running up the steps.

I went to the vault grandfather installed and took out a cheque book with his signatures, all I have to do is add my signature and the amount. I shut the vault that is invisible to anyone unless you know that it is there. I made a mental note to show it to Cole, later.

On my way back down I picked up my cell phone which was already fully charged to run through miss calls and messages.

As usual, there were only calls from the Lawrences by the amount of calls from my father, I am guessing that Mrs. Simmons already informed my father that Cole is my husband or that I am Cole's wife.

I know that I have to eventually stop being a coward and be bold and brave as Cole is, by dealing with his family, head on.

Another day another battle!

As usual Antoinette's messages contained threats, because now that she knows, Cole and I are married, she also knows her wedding plans are in vain, unless.

I dialed,

Father: "Ariana! Where the hell are you?"

Me: "Hello to you to Mr. Lawrence"

Father: "How could you do this to your sister?"

Shocked, I have a sister? "What sister?"

Thank you guys, Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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