
Christmas Romance Lasts Forever

After she found her fiance in bed with her stepsister, she ends up at a bar where his brother is hanging out with friends. Confiding in him she shows him the video she took, explaining her reason for the engagement. Their journey starts at that moment as he agrees to help her avoid getting married to his cheating brother.

Sabry_Singh · Urban
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78 Chs


We all sat in the living room drinking eggnogs like a happy family. Finally! I have a family and I am so excited to be spending my first Christmas since mom died around an actual table, spread with every Christmas dish possible and most importantly, people who love me and people I love back.

"Earth to Ariana" Cole chuckles, drawing me back from dreamland.

Embarrassed, I looked around the smiling face, "this is the first Christmas, I'll be spending with a family" I admitted where my wandering thoughts were.

Cole throws an arm around my shoulders, "the first of many sweetheart," he promises and I can't hide my enjoyment.

Looking around the decorated room, "so you two ladies were busy all day?" Cole smiles at aunty Jan and I.

Waving a hand at Cole, "This is Arie, including the outside." aunty Jan, corrected Cole.

Surprise, he turns to me, "fill me in" he frowns.

Sighing, "aww, okay." I told him, wandering why he just can't say awesome and get on with it.

"I spent a few days designing what I wanted and made my purchases online, then the team came today and help do most of the work outside. The inside, I did most of the work and tomorrow, it should be finished." I said hoping that was enlightening enough.

Raising his eyebrows, "it isn't finish?" he asked, glancing around as I followed his gaze.

"Is it too much?" I asked, wondering if I overdid it, but in movies it's never too much.

Cole made eye contact with aunty Jan and Neville and I notice Neville shaking his head, with a sorry expression.

"Dinner" aunty Jan said, standing up and walking out with Neville following her, leaving Cole and I behind.

"Is the decoration too much?" I ask again, because I want Cole to love it as much as I do.

Standing up, Cole give me his hand, which I take and we walked hand in hand to the kitchen where dinner is being served.

I wrapped an arm around his waist, leaning my head on his arm. "how was your day?" I asked not missing the look that passed between Cole and Neville.

"What's going on?" I asked immediately concern, because I know I was freaking out on Cole this morning, but I am better now. I need to tell him.

"Cole" I looked at him as he pulled a chair out for me.

"Not now Ariana, dinner first, shop talk later." aunty Jan warned me with a stern expression.

I reluctantly agreed, "okay" reaching out for the dishes the men already used.

"This looks delicious ladies" Neville commented, glancing between aunty Jan and I.

Chuckling, "keep your eyes there" I pointed at aunty Jan, "I was busy decorating while she was busy cooking." I explained.

Light chatter and laughter continued around the table but I couldn't help but feel that something is not all right and my chest will burst open, if I am not updated soon.

"Neville, why don't you stay over tonight? I know that you always have extra clothes with you" Cole suggested and I smiled happily.

"Yes, Neville, you should stay over. In fact, I wanted to invite you to spend the Christmas season with us" I told him, hoping that he agrees.

A beaming Cole turns to me, "I second that" he adds and we look to aunty Jan for her contribution.

She looks at Neville, "well you heard the people" was her only contribution and she turned and glared at me.

After dinner, Neville insisted that Cole and I talk a walk on the grounds while he remained to help with the clean up.

Wrapped up a blanket and Cole in just a jacket with a glass of whiskey, we stroll hand in hand through the grounds.

Cole seems thoughtful, as we strolled silently for a while and I wondered if he was thinking about my outburst this morning. "I'm sorry about this morning" I apologized, embarrassed now for my behaviour and putting extra pressure on him.

Chuckling, "I am not sorry" he said, drawing me closer with the arm he had around me. "I remembered some things that I forgot and it opened my eyes to more." Cole stops and turn to face me.

"It's true Arie. Everything you said was true and I will not allow my mother to hurt you the way they hurt your mother." Cole words brought tears to my eyes, happy tears.

"Thank you" I gushed, leaning my head on his chest, as I felt him kissing my head.

"There's more" he added and I immediately looked up, intrigue now.

Nodding, "I knew there was more." I admitted, "but aunty Jan shut me up" I pouted.

Cole looks around, "come," he says and we walked to the side of the building, waving to one the security on the grounds.

We walked under the open porch and settled on one the cosy seats that my grandmother choose before I moved in.

Putting down his glass, "this is really nice, no decoration" he comments.

I turned to stare at him, "remember I still have some more to finish up tomorrow" I reminded him feeling hurt that he do not appreciate my style of celebration.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry" Cole mutters quickly, "the decorations are great, it's just that I am not accustom to all of this" Cole defends his comment.

I looked around the porch, "if you want I can leave here like this" I offered because I need to remember that this is also his home.

Laying halfway on the couch, Cole pulls me on top of him. wrapping the blankets to cuddle. "This is just between us for now, but I wanted you to know that I quit SIMTECH today, but " he was continuing after dropping that bombshell, but I was too stunned to allow him to continue.

Clamping my hand over my mouth, "oh my God Cole, you shouldn't have done that!" I exclaimed. "Why? Why?"

Thank you, Tolulope_Alone, Razia_Sharif,

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