
Christmas Romance Lasts Forever

After she found her fiance in bed with her stepsister, she ends up at a bar where his brother is hanging out with friends. Confiding in him she shows him the video she took, explaining her reason for the engagement. Their journey starts at that moment as he agrees to help her avoid getting married to his cheating brother.

Sabry_Singh · Urban
Not enough ratings
78 Chs



"Their plan is trapping me into marrying that girl and releasing Ariana from this sham of a marriage, by blackmailing her into signing her wealth over to them for her freedom " I told Mr Lawrence.

Nodding in agreement, "Yes, yes," Mr Lawrence continues to nod, "that's why there's no shopping for Arie, it's all for Antoinette. Yes of course that makes sense now and they are using Kyle'." Mr Lawrence understood what their plans are now.

"Did they ask Ariana to go shopping?" I ask wondering how much he heard since his son, Ariana's father, frequented their house.

Nodding again, "they came for money for her wedding attire and all the planning but I told them I'll send it into Arie's account, so they'll definitely be calling her and she's avoiding them." he stops considering all that's happening. "That's why Arie ran" he said sadly, "why didn't she tell me the truth? I finally got her out of their house and into a home she said she wanted and now this." Mr Lawrence continues.

Looking up at me, frowning with concern, "how do you plan to deal with this?" he asks.

Leaning forward staring him directly in the eye, wondering if I could trust him to not look guilty if he knows the truth.

"If there's going to be any wedding, it will have to be Kyle's and Antoinette and personally, I don't want my brother with her, anymore." I told him

"Arie, my granddaughter, I have to find her" Mr Lawrence said, standing up quickly.

I stood up with him, "I already have someone on it" I exclaimed, stopping him from tracking Arie

He looks down at the the documents on my desk and frowns, "how did this come into your hands.?" Mr Lawrence asks suspiciously.

Looking at him sternly, "would you trust me and not ask any questions until I return from my trip?" I asked him.

Staring each other straight in the eyes without blinking, looking at the documents one more time with a smile, "okay, I will wait until your return form wherever you are going" Mr Lawrence smiles, turning to walk out.

"Wait!" I stopped him, "I'm leaving now, I'll escort you out" I said, gathering the documents, putting it back in my briefcase, double checking for my phone and keys.

With a smirk, I looked to Mr Lawrence, "ready" I said, passing and walking ahead of him, leading him out of my office.

Locking my office door behind me, knowing that my father has his own set of keys, I walked out nodding at the receptionist and the few employees that were walking around the floor.

Mr Lawrence and I travelled to the lobby in total silence, "keep her safe" Mr Lawrence whispers as he preceded me out of the lift.

"Ariana Simmons, does have a nice ring to it" Mr Lawrence chuckles, looking directly at my wedding band on my ring finger.

"I take it, you approve?" I stopped and asked, knowing that I didn't get any approval from her family for our marriage.

Lifting a hand that he places on my left shoulder, "her grandmother and I always wanted the both of you together, even when she was sixteen. But after she thought you rejected her because you hated her. She convince herself to stay far from you and I couldn't convince her otherwise" Mr Lawrence explains.

Nodding understanding Arie's missing at family get togethers and functions.

We spoke softly as we walked out the building, noticing my driver standing beside my car with the door opened, waiting to take me home to my wife.

I stretched my right hand to shake Mr Lawrence's hand, but he pulls me into a hug instead, slapping me in the back.

Smiles at me, nods at my driver, before walking to a vehicle packed behind mines with a driver already waiting for him.

My PA was already inside my vehicle waiting for me as we discuss the work he and my father would be working on during my absence.

"Oh and call the resort, my wife and I will only be staying for one week instead." I instructed him, because he's the only one who knows about my marriage.

Laughing softy, "more family drama?" he asks and I nodded in confirmation.

By the time I got to my penthouse building, my work with my PA was done, leaving him in the car for my driver to return him to my office.

Upon entering the lobby it's another visitor patiently seated waiting for me. My darling mother, chatting away with the security, no doubt telling him how to do his job better

Shaking my, head, I looked at my watch and walked up to her.

"Oh no, I have no intention of leaving just yet," she starts to scold me because I'm checking time.

"I can spare you twenty minutes, otherwise I'll lock you in my apartment until my return in one week." I said.

Turning to the security, "you see what I mean?" she huffs, "no time for his mother" she mutters, following me into the lift.

I sent Arie a quick text message about mother coming up with me hoping her phone is close to her.

Arie: Give me ten to clear some things

Was Aries quick response. I walked back out the lift, raising a finger to my mother.

"Important" I say as she follows me out angrily.

I dialed Arie, "what? I told you ten" she answers breathlessly.

Smiling, at the sound of her voice, "well I'm stalling for ten minutes, by making an important phone call" I explain.

"Yes but you're stalling me" she retorted cutting me off.

My phone rings again, "this is your fake call" she said hanging up while I held the phone to my ear pretending to have a conversation.

Giving Arie enough time to do whatever she had to do. " Let's go" I tell my mom, walking into the lift as she follows me.