
Live Love and Die

In a town named "Snowdrift",There lived a young couple.One faithful day, The woman, Mrs.Elizabeth,Had a pain in her stomach. She got to the hospital immidetly. She had a baby! The baby was named "Shen Yu".She had skin white as snow,Lips pink as a rose,Pinkish Red hair, and Royal Blue colored eyes. She grew up well. One day,When Shen Yu was playing with her toys, Her mother and Father told her to stay inside because they will go and buy food. An Hour passed...She's still waiting.

She got hungry..She stood up and went to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and grabbed some Apple slices her mother left over. After eating, she went on and continued playing. After a few hours, She's waiting.."Wheres mommy and Daddy?" she thought.She was only Four..but she could take care of herself..

After a few more hours...

She took the phone and rang her grandmother.

"Hello Grandma?" she said

"Yes dear?" Her Grandmother said

"Mommy and daddy..They gone shopping for food...and..they didn't come back..its been hours.." Shen Yu said.. "Oh dear..." Her grandmother said Shocked.. Her Daughter- Shen Yu's Mom- Never gone to buy food and didn't come back after hours... She got shocked...She didn't know what to say to her..

"Im back Sweetie!" Her mother said opening the door..

"Dear,Is that your mother?" Her Grandmother asked

"Yes Grandma, Mommy's back But..w-wheres d-daddy?-..." She said in fear. "Oh my...-" her grandmother said shocked.

"Sweetie.." she said walking towards her daughter. "Daddy's gone.." she said.

"Shen Yu, Please Understand..We will go to his funeral tommorow okay?"

"Y-Yes M-Mommy.." She said trying to hold her tears back.. "Sweetie..Your father was the king..He had to pretend to be a random villager... Your the Princess of this Kingdom..You must stand..And fight for your father..Your father died because of the cold..You have to come to the castle.." she explained.."W-what-.." Shen Yu was shocked..confused..she didn't know that everything was going to start or end she didn't know how to stop the voices in her head..

At the funeral..

"We are here to view the body of someone special..Our King,Willam Ascort has died..."

After all the explaining and speeches

"We will miss you Dear.." Shen Yu's Mother said in tears..

After a few years...

"Happy 14th birthday Shen!" Shen Yu's Mother.Cousins,Nices, and The royal guards said to her Happily

"T-Thank you everyone!" Shen Yu said.

"Today you will finally go to the palace dear." One of the guards said

"R-really?!-" Shen Yu asked

"Yes dear." Her mother said. "You better get dressed now dear" she said.

"Okay Mom!" She said. She went to her room..and Changed into a Pink and White Dress. She went outside her room, "Im done!" She said.

"We better hurry, The Prince is waiting"

At the palace..

"Woah" Shen Yu said amazed.

Inside the Palace...

"Hello there" The prince said to Shen Yu

"H-Hello My Prince.." Shen Yu said Nervously and Bowed

"No need to bow down, You are the Princess- well soon the queen and my bride"

The Prince said confidently

"B-Bride?!" Shen Yu said Shocked

"Yes Dear" The Prince said to Shen Yu

W-whats wrong with this prince? Bride? Pfffftt why a bride? You may ask well you see I have to marry this so called "Prince". Its arraged (Forced) marrige. I didnt want to marry him in the first place. But I have to.

"Let me show you around Lady Shen" A maiden said .

After the tour...

"And theres your room madam.." The maiden said

"Do I really have to marry The 'Prince'?" She asked the maiden

"You have to madam. Now Let me help you change." She said walking in the room "Come in madam" she said

After changing...

"There madam" The maiden said to Shen Yu

"Lets go to the dinning room madam.."

"its time to eat dinner" She said to her

At the dinning room

"Hello dear..'"

The Prince said to her as she walked in.

"Hi I guess" Shen Yu said shyly

"Sit down" He said "Guards and Maiden Kylea. Please Exit the room"

The guards and Maiden Kylea went out.

"So..." Shen Yu said

"How have you been outside the castle?"

He asked "I heard father died"

Shen Yu's face darkened..

"Its nice.." she said "Yes..He died.." Shen Yu said while looking down...