
CHAPTER 40 – Happy New Year 1

  The next couple of days consisted of pure excitement, oozing from everyone at the cottage. Tess kept hugging me and saying that we would finally be sisters, Elijah had shaken Dawson’s hand several times, saying that he was really happy for him, and our parents were overjoyed.

  Georgina and Dave had joked how they were finally free of both of their children, and while they were jesting, it was really nice that this was a union that everyone was happy about. I could see a look of sadness cross my dad’s eyes, so taking him to one side one evening, I had told him that he would never be truly rid of me because I loved him too much, to which he softened and brought me into a big hug.

  We’d spent the last couple of days before new year, jaunting about the village with Tess and Elijah, looking at all the shops with wedding frenzy being talked about, in almost everything that we looked at. It was nice to be truly a part of the wedding fever that had hit the cottage.