
CHAPTER 37 Escape Route 3

  Feeling happier than I ever had, with this special man being at my side, we continued our journey around the village, watching the odd passer-by walking along, and all of the festive bunting and decorations that were still beautiful, but had lost that sparkle due to Christmas being over. They were weary and ready to be put away for another year, yet I was excited about starting afresh and seeing what the year ahead would bring.

  As the carriage came to a stop, and we slowly walked hand-in-hand back to the cottage, Dawson stopped me at the front door.

  “I have to leave you for a while, but I’ll be back later on,” he spoke, resting his forehead against mine.

  “Don’t leave it too long,” I whispered, feeling his warm breath caress my face.

  “I won’t. I’ll make us a reservation for dinner, for seven o’clock tonight.”

  “Sounds great. See you later,” I replied, lifting my face to him.