
CHAPTER 35 – Escape Route 1

  The next morning, I awoke as fresh as a daisy and feeling utterly wonderful. Stretching out in bed and thinking over the night before, I still had to pinch myself in the hopes that it hadn’t been a dream.

  I had been expecting to wake up today having had a good night out, but with memories of Heather being all over Dawson, that had tarnished my night. But no; I had wonderful memories of us dancing together, laughing, and whispering sweet nothings and sharing delightful kisses. My heart was shining brightly, and it was a perfect way to wake up in the morning.

  Hearing a light knock on the door, my eyes shot to the doorway, as I prompted the person to come in, and in stepped Dawson, carrying a cup of tea for me.

  “Good morning.” He smiled, stepping in and closing the door behind him.

  “Morning,” I replied, beaming with happiness.