
CHAPTER 24 Boxing Day 3

  I turned my face toward him in surprise. “Sort of. Briefly.”

  “I think you owe him the biggest apology. He looked after you so well, after you publicly humiliated him.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  “What were you doing? Emma, I know it wasn’t like you. I’ve never seen you behave that way.”

  “Dad, I was being really stupid.” I sighed.

  “Has he messed you around? Because if he has, then he certainly doesn’t deserve an apology,” my dad growled.

  “No, he hasn’t done anything at all! It was me being stupid.”

  “As long as he hasn’t done anything to you…”

  “No, nothing at all.”

  “Well then, it’s time to continue with the night. I better find your mother, before she sends out a search party.” He chuckled.

  “In this sea of people, I think she’ll drown.” I chuckled.

  “I’ll have to get her a lifejacket, then.” He smiled, placing a light kiss on the top of my head. “Be good. I love you.”