
Chosing My Anime Powers

Alex was your everyday hard-working husband trying his best to support his family, but it all came crashing down when the concept of cultivation spread on earth. having zero cultivation talent, his family abandoned him

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


"Wow, Alex you learned it so fast? That's Mr Perfect for you."

"Alice, you still struggling with this? Your brother has already done this months ago, you should be more like your brother."

This is what I heard all my life growing up. 'Alice, you should be more like your brother.' 'Your brother is so perfect.' 'Instead of watching those cartoons, you should be more like your brother'

Those words were slowly beating me down, while my brother was already getting a 4.0 GPA, I was falling far behind at a 2.0 GPA. My brother was perfect, he had the looks, the genes, and the brains. he was always in the spotlight, leaving me in his shadows. It was depressing always getting compared to him by everyone, from friends to even her parents.

But... she had one friend through it all. The one person who kept her from going depressed from all of this.

"Fuuuck, they are so annoying." entering his bedroom, Alex let out his pent-up annoyance. he walked over to his bed where his sister was sitting, watching anime on her phone. unlike him, she had average looks, everything about her screamed average. that was me, Alice.

Me and my brother shared the same bed since when we were young, but even after growing up and in later years entering high school, we would at least still share the same room.

"Why are you wearing my jacket?" Alex asked while lying on the bed, sleeping in front of his sister to watch the anime on the same phone.

"My clothing was messy, I was too lazy so I just grabbed your stuff... I can replay it if you want." I said while covering Alex with a blanket, and resting her hands on Alex. Alex was bigger than me, as a teen, Alex was already standing at 6 feet. I was small compared to him.

"Naw, this is One Piece. love the storytelling, but has the worst pacing. It's honestly being carried by the storytelling. the anime doesn't do it justice." Alex said with a shrug, which made me smile slightly.

"Mom might kill me if she heard you were into anime," I said with a smile, although my mother was Japanese, she hated the fact I always watched anime. my brother was the golden child, loved by everyone. but he had the least amount of freedom, forced to live in their spotlights and live up to their expectation.

"I don't care," Alex said with a yawn, he sat up and removed his shirt and pants. after getting in his boxers, Alex crawled over me and went to bed facing the wall. My brother used to only sleep in the nude, but due to us sharing the same bed, he was forced to wear something if he still wished to sleep in the same bed as me by my father.

But we were close, our bond was special. I closed the phone, and turned around while wrapping my hands around him... this was my brother. I was average in pretty much everything, I was an easy target for bullies. but my brother would get into fights, risking his future for my sake.

When my mother is displeased with me and is about to start a harsh scolding, my brother steps in to shield me. When I want something, it's my brother who would not think twice about buying it for me. He takes on all of the burden of being in the spotlight, he knows I rather be in his shadow than anything else... I felt at peace within his shadow. Nothing could harm me here, he gets me. he gets in the spotlight, but he doesn't shine too brightly to burn me, instead, he lowers his brightness so we can always be together.

My brother is perfect... and the way things were going. it was perfect. sure as we grew up, I was forced to sleep in another bed. but we still slept in the same room, and from time to time, I would sneak back into his bed. I didn't mind that he returned to sleeping in the nude, my bond with my brother was pure, nothing dirty like that... at least thats what I thought.

In high school, my brother who normally spends his time studying, got his first girlfriend. Seeing his cheerful mood, and how he was speaking on the phone with this random girl all the time, I grew unease. It was that I realized, sooner or later my brother would get married and he would leave to marry someone. we would no longer sleep in the same bed or same roof.

Someone would take him from me, he would leave me... I couldn't let this happen, I didn't want this to happen. So, I tried to convince him to give up on Sarah, his girlfriend. but this only led to us having our first fight, I know I was being selfish, but I didn't care. this was the life I grew up knowing, I was not ready for change. I didn't want to accept this sudden change.

In the end, I realized my brother was a man. It was normal for him wanting to have sex... so he could just have sex with me. I was desperate, and I knew that this wouldn't work. but at least we would be each other first, as long as I have that, then I guess I could at least live knowing we were each other first.

I knew this might end up destroying our bond, but to me, if he up and left, it would be as good as our bond being broken. were there nights where me and Alex didn't speed under the same roof? yeah, but those nights were sleepless nights for me. I grew so used to just rolling over and wrapping my arms around him, that it caused me to be unable to sleep.

I was unable to sleep when we were forced to sleep apart. those nights, I had to take Zzzquil, and even then, it led to my health dropping. so, my brother would enter my bed until I fell asleep... he was so perfect. my perfect elder brother and I took his first time.

I got him drunk, before going on to sleep with him... it was beautiful. it was lovely, a night which helped me sleep. I made a body pillow for him when he left for college, and that pillow helped me sleep. Even when he was angry with my actions, my brother still loved me, giving me money to do what I wished. Which was to stay inside all day while watching anime or playing video games.

I knew my brother was secretly watching me from afar, so I made TikTok to help him watch me, while at the same time, I watched him slowly build a family... I was jealous.

At year 2012, a knock came at my door. when I opened the door, a woman wearing a witch outfit stood. it was so weird, that day I learned about cultivation and learned that I was a super genius. I was taken into the House Of Witches, where I became the disciple of the leader of the Witches.

It was so much fun... I wanted to rush over to my brother right away and draw him into the cultivation world. but there were 2 problems with this. the first being my physique, I feared he would think I took everything from him. and the House Of Witches was filled with women who hate men.

Man witches were those who were being abused by their boyfriends or husbands, many were also victims from being raped. this was a place where women could come and become queens, no longer needing men in their lives.

The House of Witches was spread all over the earth and was working on the goal of recreating Amazons. A place where there are only females, A place where females don't need a male to give birth. this was the House Of Witches Dream.

It sucked, but as the student of the Queen Witch, I could still support my brother. threw their Witch techniques which were more like spells, I could spy on my brothers. Thanks to me, I even had the House Of Witches work with The Grand Thunder Sect. why? because I was the Queen Witch, the most skilled Witch...

"I love you... thats something that would never change." Saying this, I hugged my brother. after more than 15 long years without seeing each other, I was hugging him. This brought me to tears, I thought this would have never come.

"..." Alex looked at Alice who was hugging him tightly, he sighed softly. he couldn't bring himself to push this needy sister of his. But he was still displeased with her getting him drunk, so he didn't hug him back.

"... you know, my stomach hurt. You didn't hold back with those attacks." She said softly, burying her head in my chest. my hands wanted to wrap around her, but I forced them not to. this was my sister, for the longest she was my little angel. she was so pure and so innocent, I did everything in my power to protect it.

I wasn't so enraged with her taking my first time, I was enraged she took it with force. the sister who I would have done anything for did such a thing. but I knew things were not simple, I was blinded by the fact I had my first girlfriend. no matter what, I was human, and love can blind anyone...

"Sigh... you shouldn't have been holding back," I said softly while hugging Alice back, there was a reason I stayed far away from her. How could I remain angry at her? Our bond was unique from birth, the fact our first fight was when we were in high school, was a sign of how close we were.

"You wanted to lash out, so I became your punching bag..." Alice said happily feeling my arms wrapped around her.

"Sorry about that..." I said softly, I didn't expect Alice to suddenly drop all of her defense and allow me to land my attacks on her. which led to her suffering some serious injuries, which annoyed me.

"... Why did my ability not affect you?" Alice asked after we hugged each other for some time, leaving my chest wet. I tried to push her off me, but she just hugged me tighter.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't I be asking you that? I tried seeing your future, and it came back as a blur. only those as the Nascect soul realm should have come back as a blur." I said calmly, stunning Alice for a moment. She was confused for a second before she spoke.

"Oh, I think it's because I have a system... when I tried to use our bloodline link to search for you, I had no effect," Alice said leaving me speechless, she just told me she had a system like it was nothing.

"You have a system?" I asked in a low tone, to which Alice nodded slightly.

"It's called the Login system, every month I get something random. I just got it 3 weeks back when I was at death door. at that moment, I got it, log in, and got the Heavenly Pupils Of Fate." Alice said with a smile, My eyes narrowed slightly for a moment before shaking my head,

"What are these Heavenly Pupils?" I asked to which Alice broke the hug, she held her eyelids before she took out eye contact, revealing her golden pupils.

"Heavenly pupils are like physique, but they are much rarer and found within eyes. I have the number one ranked pupils. it protects my fate, while at the same time allowing me to read the fate of others. because of this, I could see the weakness in stuff... but as expected of my brother, you have no weakness. I can't even take hold of your fate. perfect as always." She said with a smile, but the smile disappeared, replaced with a look of confusion

"How can you see into the future?" Alice asked with a confused look. I looked at her for a second before sighing.

"I have a system as well... but mine wants me to kill other system users," I said softly, making Alice's eyebrow raise for a second.

"Fuck... other system holders. I thought I was special." She said ignoring my last part, this only made me sigh. she had such deep trust in me, she didn't even question if I had a system and just accepted it.

"What does your system do?" She asked with a shrug, if she could get a system, she wasn't shocked that her big brother could get a system.

"My system just gave me 4 random anime stuff... as for what they are, thats a secret," I said calmly while turning to walk off. Alice's eyes widened slightly before she quickly took my hand

"thats not fair, Anime stuff is broken," Alice said softly, but she suddenly went quiet, she talked freely because her eyes allowed her to know if someone was listening in. She quickly put her contacts on and looked up ahead where black smoke slowly gathered, at the same time Alex put on his mask.

The black smoke slowly took the form of a woman who had on a witch hat. the woman frowned slightly seeing Alice being so close to me.

"Why did you throw the match?" The woman asked with a deep frown, clearly not happy with Alice giving up.

"I don't care for taking first place, my brother will take it... plus, he would have defeated me even if I went all out." Alice said softly, making the woman frown slightly as she looked at me, through that look, the pressure of someone in the nascent soul realm was felt... but the pressure had zero effect on me, a scene which shocked her.

"Get away from him, you are not allowed to come into any contact with a male." She said coldly, growing more displaced with my lack of respect.

"Sorry master, but after 15 years, I want to spend some time with my brother," Alice said with a shake of her head, causing the woman's eyes to grow cold, clearly she was displeased,

"... return to the sect right now." She said angrily before disappearing, leaving Alice rolling her eyes.

"What was with all that?" I asked calmly, to which Alice shrugged slightly.

"She was raped by her father and Uncle and was impregnated by them. after having a miscarriage, she snapped. when her father came to rape her again, she bit off his dick when he wanted a blow job, and went on to stab him to death. followed with he uncle, she was going to jail, but the house of witches stepped in to take her in." Alice said to which I nodded slightly, that was all I needed to understand what was happening.

With such a rough past, Adding the teaching of the House of Witches, no wonder she would hate males. In her eyes, I was most likely a horny-walking animal lusting after her pure and caring innocent disciple... but wasn't I the caring innocent person here?

"Let's go, we have a lot to catch up on," Alice said while pulling me off, so we went to talk. Alice went on to tell me everything...

"When I met you, I almost missed you, as you stood right next to me, in the aisle between detergents and wine. just to front of instant me." Hope had a speechless look as she looked at Lily who had a guitar, which she was playing while singing.

"You were strolling, your little trolley, as I stopped to let you through, then you turn around, with the sweetest smile, and I lost my heart to you." Lily sang leaving Hope even more speechless, she asked how she and Dad met, not for a song

"You've never come again, though I look for you, in every row from A to Z. I'm caught up in you, so hopelessly, I forget my groceries. now, every time I go, to the corner store, I just keep thinking, you'll be there. yes, It's crazy, to think I love you... supermarket love affair." Lily said while letting out a deep sigh.

"and thats how I met your father... it turned out we were going to the same middle school," Lily said with a smile,

"Don't say it like that... and you made a whole song on the subject?" Hope asked with a weird look, to which Lily shook her head.

"I found the song on YouTube... on that note, you know your father's favorite song?" Lily asked with a smile, instantly catching Hope's interest. Alex listened to all types of songs, even songs from another language that he didn't understand.

"Haha, he would never play it in front of you... but I do remember this weird silly song he used to listen to. It was called Cool Me Down by Vic Something. I hated every time he played." Lily said while watching how Hope searched up the song and began to listen to the song.

"..." Hope went speechless while listening to the song... she oddly liked the song, and went on to add the song to her playlist. this was her new phone, she should take it now to make her playlist.

"Alright, what else does daddy like?" Hope asked with bright eyes, to which Lily rolled her eyes before she thought for a moment.

"There are a lot, of African songs to Mexican, to old songs to new songs... he is a whore when it comes to music." She said softly,

"What?" Hope asked as she didn't get that last part, but Lily just shook her head. and began listing the songs that were at the top of her head.

"All alright, enough of your father. what do you like... come over so I can fix your hair, your father has ignored your hair." Lily said to which Hope touched her long hair for some time, which had not been done in some time before she came over and sat down, allowing Lily to do it.

"Okay... I love that one called Mother." Hope said softly,

"Oh? never heard of it," Lily said with a smile, to which Hope went on to play the song, before going to show Lily her other favorite song.

"I never got the name of this one song, but it went like 'I gave a second chance to Cupid, and now i'm feeling stupid.' Daddy played it when we were in the car." Hope said remembering how they used to sing along to the song in the cars.

"the sound is called Cupid," Lily said with a laugh, to which Lily quickly searched up the song, meanwhile, outside the window of the hotel. Alex sat on a sword with Alice, the two watching the scene within.

"She is so cute, but i'm cuter right?" Alice asked to which Alex just ignored her.

"You are a walking pig," I said calmly, annoying Alice.

"Fuck You." She said with a snort

"Suck my dick," Alex said

"I already did," She said with a smirk, making Alex glare at her.