
Chosen Heroes

Felix was going to be reincarnated as a hero. He had to work with the other reincarnated heroes to slay the Demon King, pretty simple right? Just one tiny problem....The Heroes he's supposed to work with are trying to kill him....

CaptainCrimson · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: The Briefing

"So have you decided?" the God asked.

Felix nodded and declared confidently, "Yup."

But right before he could share his selections, he felt the familiar sensation creeping in, the world around him beginning to blur and warp.

'Damnation!' he thought, as the world dissolved into darkness once more.

Regaining consciousness, Felix's eyes were met again by the familiar black void, and the God of Life stood before him.

"Since you have made your choices, I shall now brief you about Mangera and your first actions," the God said, his voice echoing in the empty space.

Felix was a bit confused. "Aren't you going to inquire about my Blessings? They're supposed to be important, aren't they?"

The God of Life seemed to carry a heavy weight of experience as he replied, "There was once a time where I would, maybe even force you to choose particular blessings. The last time I did so, my hero had died rather miserably..."

Felix furrowed his brow, trying to make sense of it all. "Ah, I see?"

The God of Life clarified further, "As I told you, you will be reincarnated in Mangera. Your soul will be moved into the fetus in the womb of a random female."

Felix's eyes widened, his mind racing with questions. "Wait...random? Do you mean you have no control over such things?" he asked, his voice trembling with worry.

Then a more alarming thought struck him. "Does that mean there's a chance I could get reborn as a baby girl?!" His tone revealed a growing panic.

The God's eyes flickered with amusement, as he answered, "The people of Mangera give us titles of 'God,' but we are mere spectators. As I mentioned before, we cannot directly influence the world. We are guides; we can provide the world with champions, but we can never truly contribute ourselves."

As for the gender question, the God responded with a casual "Probably

Felix's face twisted into a mix of bewilderment and disbelief.

Felix was inquisitive, and his questions poured forth without restraint. "Wait, if my soul gets transported, does that mean that the original soul of the body will di-"

But the God of Life was quick to respond, almost as if he had answered this question countless times before. "No, your soul will be thrown down along with the other souls falling towards Mangera and will be transported into a soulless body of a stillborn. It's more like you will take the place of a child that was never supposed to exist."

Felix nodded in clear satisfaction with the answer. His concerns about the consequences of his arrival were put to rest, at least for the time being.

With a newfound sense of purpose, he asked the most pressing question on his mind: "What do I do when I arrive in Mangera?" Felix looked to the God of Life, seeking guidance and wisdom from the divine being.

The God of Life pondered for a second. He answered Felix with a calm and collected tone, "When you are finally born and regain consciousness you will need to portray a infant. This is common practice among the Chosen, they cannot reveal their true identities at such a young age for the risk and obvious reason of safety."

Felix nodded, that was what he had planned to do.

"The younger one is when they come into contact with mana, the more potent their potential becomes. The Demon King himself, a formidable entity, forged his mana core at a tender age."

Felix, perplexed, tilted his head in confusion and questioned, "What exactly is this 'mana core'?" The unfamiliar term hung in the air, prompting a moment of silence as the God contemplated an explanation.

"The mana core," the God of Life began, "is essentially an organ that every sentient being on Mangera develops by the age of 5. For monsters, it is a natural occurrence, intertwined with their growth. This core serves as a reservoir, allowing individuals to store mana within their bodies, enabling them to cast spells and amplify their blessings."

Determined to grasp the intricacies of this arcane process, Felix inquired, "How can I form my core before the usual age?"

The God of Life, embodying an aura of ancient wisdom, elucidated, "In your infancy, when your brain is still sluggish, and your body perpetually fatigued, you must endeavor to attune yourself to the mana in the air. Delve into its nature, seek to understand it. This endeavor may span months, or even years, especially for those chosen for greatness. Once attuned, you must delicately draw the mana into your body, focusing it near your heart, where it condenses to birth your core."

Felix, perturbed by the vagueness, pressed further, "How do I sense mana? How am I to draw it?"

"Simply do as I said. It will come to you naturally," reassured the God of Life, a tone of cosmic certainty coloring his words.

Felix, though visibly annoyed at the lack of detailed instructions, reluctantly conceded, "Alright."

"Now, if you have no further inquiries... are you prepared, child?" The God of Life's inquiry, laced with a subtle hint of sarcasm, echoed in the ethereal space.

Undeterred, Felix met the god's gaze with determined eyes. "I am ready."

The God of Life initiated the soul transfer with a raised palm. As he did, one of his antlers, forming his halo, vanished, leaving behind ethereal particles of radiant white light. The second antler followed suit.

In a moment of realization, Felix, attempting to speak, found himself muted. Panic set in as his hands touched his face, only to discover his mouth had disappeared. Anxious, he observed his body gradually fading away, reverting to its original soul form. The vanishing antlers' particles flowed into him, infusing him with a warm, vibrant energy—the essence of Life itself.

As consciousness teetered on the brink, the God of Life raised his second palm, an ominous aura enveloping it. From within, something purple and dreadful materialized.

Felix's mind raced with questions, but before uttering them, the realm of consciousness slipped away.

Soon after, whispers circulated among those who gazed upon the night sky of Mangera, as many stars, each adorned with a distinct hue, descended with an otherworldly grace. The casual observers dismissed the celestial spectacle, their attention fleeting. Yet, those in the know sensed the gravity of the event and quietly made preparations, recognizing that something significant had been set into motion.