
Chosen Heroes

Felix was going to be reincarnated as a hero. He had to work with the other reincarnated heroes to slay the Demon King, pretty simple right? Just one tiny problem....The Heroes he's supposed to work with are trying to kill him....

CaptainCrimson · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: The Chosen

The God of Life's voice resonated with authority as he replied to Felix's query. "The Chosen, Felix, are the champions of the Gods. They carry out the tasks assigned by their divine patrons. Each God can only have one Chosen at a time, a representative to act on their behalf."

Felix listened intently, trying to wrap his mind around this extraordinary revelation. The weight of the divine felt as though it rested on his shoulders.

"But," Felix hesitated, "Why do the Gods need Chosen? Why don't they just do things themselves? Why remain in the shadows?"

The God's eyes brightened, though his voice remained grave. "The ascended have no control over the magical world of Mangera. We can guide, we can influence, but we cannot directly intervene. It is a world with its own rules and balance, a world with its own will."

His next question was cautious, tinged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"So, do I have to build temples and churches in your name to amass followers, to earn your favor?"

The God's eyes, the only feature that gave any indication of his emotions, flickered again, this time with a sense of amusement. He replied, "Oh no, Felix. I require no grand edifices or pious worshippers. What I need from you is to work with the other champions and... to kill. To kill the Emperor of Demons before he ascends to Godhood."

The God of Life's eyes fixed on Felix as he inquired, "Tell me more about the Demon Emperor. Why do I need to stop him from becoming a God?"

As the God of Life spoke, Felix felt another force enter his mind, displaying vivid scenes and memories. The power or magic of this divine being amazed him, allowing him to share this information.

"The King of Demons, Azazael, is an abnormality. He should not exist," the God explained. "My brother, the God of Death, chose a dead soul, the soul of Azazael, to make him his hero, the 4th Hero of Death. Reincarnated as a demon, Azazael was guided by my brother, helping him slowly grow stronger in a world where the demon race was a lowly and enslaved race. He was exceptionally talented, even the other Gods had their eyes on this particular chosen. However, Azazael was not as simple as he seemed."

The scenes in Felix's mind depicted Azazael's rise to power and his cunning ways of hiding from the God of Death. "Perhaps there was a problem with the selection of Azazael's soul, perhaps the world granted him a blessing or maybe it was his sheer willpower and control, but he found a way to conceal himself from my brother whenever he wished," the God continued. "He grew incredibly strong, even as my brother remained clueless. Then, he declared himself Emperor, starting an uprising and ending the suffering of the demon race. They rebelled, and under Azazael's leadership, they slaughtered indiscriminately, conquering numerous kingdoms and defeating the champions of the gods."

The God's voice grew more intense as he recounted the consequences of Azazael's actions. "The Gods grew furious. Their power waned, and their champions were defeated. For the first time in eons, they gathered and decided to destroy my brother as retribution for Azazael's chaos and the imbalance he brought to the world."

Felix's awe and shock deepened as he heard the God's tale. "I was with him," the God's eyes flickered with malice, "There was little I could do for I am the God of Life, life exists for creation, not destruction. They destroyed my brother and then turned to hunt me as well. I fled to the far reaches of the voids. The religions of Life and Death were obliterated by the Gods and their champions. The Empires of Life and Death were also destroyed, and the users of the Magic of either Life or Death were wiped out, our magic arts lost to time."

The God's voice carried the weight of eons of exile and loss. "Since then, the Gods have sent champions, but none have been able to stand against Azazael. He has become the strongest in Mangera. The Gods fear him reaching the ranks of the Divine and ascending, potentially taking the place of the God of Death and seeking revenge for all the troubles caused by the Gods through their chosen."

Felix's perplexity continued to deepen as he posed a question that delved into the intricate dynamics of divine realms. "Wouldn't you, as the God of Life, find satisfaction in the notion of the Gods who were responsible for the demise of the God of Death being brought to justice, or perhaps even vanquished?"

In response, the God of Life emitted a melancholic and self-deprecating chuckle, a sound that reverberated within the void as if haunted by the weight of centuries. "My brother entrusted me with the solemn task of rectifying his past misjudgments and thwarting the impending catastrophe that threatened to engulf Mangera. I solemnly vowed to him that I would take down Azazael, a feat rendered nearly impossible if he ascends to our divine ranks."

After a brief pause, the God's voice carried a hint of remorse and frustration, "However, I must concede that the odds of my success are not favorable, particularly given the fact that you are the last chosen I can send. Azazael's ascent to Godhood looms on the horizon, with a mere span of approximately 900 years. The scarcity of time leaves no room for additional attempts, and it makes me wish the gods collaborated more fruitfully with my other chosen representatives rather than killing them."

As the God uttered those last words, his eyes flickered with a revelation he had not intended to share. Alarmed by this sudden disclosure, Felix's apprehension grew, fear beginning to take root in the core of his being. He nervously sought clarification, his voice tinged with trepidation, "Wait, what do you mean by 'killing them?"

The God of Life's eyes shifted slightly, and after a prolonged moment of silence, he continued, his voice carrying a profound sense of melancholy. "I must clarify, Felix, that among those users of our magic arts are the Heroes of Life themselves. When they discover the existence of my chosen representatives, instead of uniting for a common purpose....they often end up turning on them, resulting in a....rather tragic demise of my chosen."