
Chosen For Pleasure

Morrino is chosen to participate in The Selection and is taken to the vampire king’s palace to be judged, read as he falls for the king and uncovers the secrets of his cold demeanor.

HobiBerri · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Eased Worries

The only noises in the pub were the low murmur of chattering customers and crickets chirping outside to a slow melody. But despite the seemingly calm atmosphere, everyone's mind was on overdrive, running through scenarios displaying each possibility that might happen tomorrow, the day of The Selection. The dreaded ceremony for each new vampire king where the king's cervantes pick who they deem beautiful enough to be the king's significant other. Nobody had predicted a selection happening anytime soon, but with both the former king and queen passing away unexpectedly, their son, Albachavez, was next in line for the crown.

Mirrino, a relatively short and skinny black haired male, sat at an old wooden table furthest to the back, occupied by Murhell, a man with blonde hair, average height, and Mirrinos oldest friend, to help soothe his worrying mind.

As Mirrino grabbed the glass in front of him, half empty from his previous activities, Murhell gave him a worried look, "you've almost downed another glass. This isn't good for your health, you know?"

Mirrino sighed at his friends' concerns, "Drinking slows my brain. Keeps it from thinking too much." He says, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes. "I don't wanna think about the possibilities."

Murhell looked down at the now empty glass, trying to avoid any eye contact with Mirrino, deciding that saying any goodbyes wouldn't help his situation. "We'll be okay, there's no need to worry. What are the chances that we would be chosen anyway, huh? There's thousands of people living here, no way we could be his type."

After getting no response from his hopeful speech he adds on, "Were not even that good looking!"

Mirrino cracks a grin that slowly turns into a full out laugh at his words, "Yeah! We're not gonna be picked, never in a million years!" He exclaims in new found cheerfulness.

At seeing the effect his words had on Mirrino he laughed with him, the vibe around them shifting into a more cheerful atmosphere. "We should probably go, you've drank enough for three grown men, how are you even awake right now?" He questions in true shock at his friends apparent strong tolerance for alcohol.

Mirrinos closes his eyes as his chin meets his chest, as if his friend's words reminded his body, snapping him into a sleep-like state.

"Ah!" Murhell explains, quickly moving around the table to Mirrinos' side, pulling his friend's arm over his neck to hold him up. "Why'd you have to go to sleep now, you're not exactly light you know?"

There was a low mumble from Mirrino at his words, causing Murhell to roll his eyes in annoyance as he began to support his almost sleeping friend toward their shared home a short distance away.

As Murhell laid Mirrinos now sleeping form onto his twin sized bed, he plopped down on his own that was conveniently placed to the side of Mirrinos. His breathing was a little harsh from the walk back as he stared at Mirrinos sleeping form before he eventually joined him in resting, doing his best to calm his mind about The Selection.