
Children of Mana, Part Forty-One

The pursuit was relentless as the Fiends closed in on the group, their fleshy, gross forms casting ominous shadows against the bright sky.

Lianna's heart raced with a mix of fear and determination as she focused on the task at hand.

[How the hell do we stop these things?] She thought, combing over different options. The thought of taking her bow out and launching out arrows from atop this sear was almost enough to make Lianna laugh out loud. 

Instead, she went for: 

"I'll try to control them," Lianna shouted over the rushing wind, her voice carrying a note of urgency.

"Be careful, Lianna," Enverna said. 

Miss Taylor expertly maneuvered the sear, angling it closer to the encroaching threat while maintaining a safe distance.

The wind whipped around them, carrying with it the distinct sound of beating wings and enraged screeches.

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