
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasy
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Lust? Seriously?

Lux wanted to find the person with the Sin Of Lust and kill them as quickly as possible.

"Petra, find this douche bag so I can kill him."

"Sure thing I feel like this guy is going to be a real piece of shit if he has the Sin Of Lust."

Once Petra located the enemy she told him that they were in a different dimension from the two that they had already been in and that they would need to travel there.

Lux created a portal and they walked through to find the next enemy to steal skills from.

When they arrived, they saw that it was a modern world much like Earth but the people had no idea about monsters and skills.

"Woah, what are all these buildings and metal things carrying people?"

"This is what the place I was born in was like. The metal things that people are inside of are cars which is basically what we have been using Jörmungandr as for transport."

"I still do not really understand but I have found the enemy. They are in that building over there."

"That is a school which is strange considering the enemy is going to most likely be powerful."

They walked up to the school and entered through the front and quickly found the room in which the person possessing the Sin Of Lust.

There was a person surrounded by male students that was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room. The girl that seemed to be worshipped was incredibly over weight and had a disgusting face. This immediately made lux realise that it was her who possessed the Sin Of Lust.

Before she noticed them, Lux analysed her status.

Name: Gretchen Porcus

Age: 17

Class: Disgusting Seductress

Species: Human

Title: {Sin Of Lust}


[Sin Of Lust] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) All beings under the influence of this skill will be unable to disobey the user's command unless they are more powerful. The affected people will have their consciousness locked inside of their mind and will have to watch as they do things they do not want to. This is unlike [Absolute Order] as it does not make people want to do the things that they do.

[Like Night And Day] (Impossible) lvl.10. The more ugly or attractive the user is will determine how much stronger they are. If someone is average looking then they will gain no stat boosts. However, if they are incredibly ugly then they will become more powerful and the same goes for incredibly good looking people. Permanent boost to stats determined by appearance, effects may vary.

[Orc Summoning] (Legendary) lvl.10. User can summon orcs with varying strength and numbers depending on the magic power of the user.

[Demonic Pig Transformation] (Legendary) lvl.10. Transform into a High Rank Pig Demon. Stats increase by 2 X and appearance and size changes.

[Thick Skin] (Legendary) lvl.10. Skin is incredibly difficult to pierce but the user's body becomes hard to touch and feels rough.

[Shell] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, user will create a shell around their entire body and hide inside of the incredibly defensive walls of the cocoon like shell. It can be destroyed which will leave the user defenceless.

[Suction] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, all enemies will be sucked towards the user as long as their strength is lower than the user's.

[Age Manipulation] (Legendary) lvl.10. User can change other peoples ages to physically make their body change while their mind stays the same.

[Self Gravity] (Legendary) lvl.10. User can control their own gravity to make themselves more heavy or light. This can be used to increase speed or to stay in one place without moving.

[Magic Sense] (Legendary) lvl.10. Ability to sense when magic is being used in close vicinity. Can also notice when somebody with a lot of magic power is close by.


Strength: 1,650,000,000

Speed: 1,000,000,000

Defense: 1,875,000,000

Dexterity: 900,000,000

Endurance: 1,500,000,000

Vitality: 1,625,000,000

Magic: 1,550,000,000

Charisma: 0

Lux entered the room, "You are the strongest so far, which is strange considering how safe this world seems to be. I seriously can not believe that this is what you are doing with your powers."

"Who are you?"

"Just a guy who is going to kill you and take your skills. I also wanted to compare our Charisma stats but you do not even have one point in it. You are disgusting really."

"What did you just call me? I will make you worship me just like the others who called me ugly."

"Not gonna work on me. For one, you are weaker than me so it is not going to work. Two, I already have a wife who ,although weaker than you, is millions of times better than you will ever be."

Gretchen tried to control Lux but it did not work and she started to panic as she did not have much experience with her other skills which meant she did not know how to us them properly.

Lux walked over to her and put his hand onto her face and used [Wither]. She started to clearly lose life force and her body became weaker and eventually she crumbled into dust.

A blue light came out of her body and went into Lux.

Skill [Sin Of Lust] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) has been obtained.

Skill [Sin Of Envy] used on Gretchen Porcus.

Skill [Like Night And Day] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) has been stolen.

Title {Sin Of Lust} has been obtained. Title will allow user to use Skill [Sin Of Lust].

He checked his status again.

Name: Lux Tenebris

Age: ∞

Class: Inheritor of Deception

Species: Half God Half Jötunn

Title: {Sin Of Envy}, {Sin Of Sloth}, {Sin Of Pride}, {Sin Of Greed}


[Infinite Regeneration] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Matter creation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Teleportation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Shapeshifting] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Activate Lævateinn Set] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Psychokinesis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Life Drain] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Absolute Order] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Elemental Mastery] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Charm] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Possession] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Self Multiplication] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Full Control] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Godly Body] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Analysis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Dimension Warping] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Wither] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Musician] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Pain Immunity] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Like Night And Day] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Sloth] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Envy] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Pride] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Greed] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Lust] ](Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)


Strength: 4,000,000,000

Speed: 4,000,000,000

Defense: 4,000,000,000

Dexterity: 4,000,000,000

Endurance: 4,000,000,000

Vitality: 4,000,000,000

Magic: 4,000,000,000

Charisma: 4,000,000,000

"Wow this [Like Night And Day] skill has increased my stats by one billion which is insane."

"I am glad you have gotten stronger again, who are you going after next?"

"Next up is the Sin Of Wrath, hopefully these guys wake up from that weird girl's skill being used on them."