
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Levels 33 to 40

Level 33: This level was not shapeshifting animals but almost the other way around. It was inhabited with people living normal lives and Lux spent an entire day watching them to see them transform. He was extremely confused as they seemed normal. That was until night fell and there was a full moon, he witnessed them all simultaneously fall the the ground and start moaning in pain as hair sprouted from their bodies. Their faces morphed into that of a wolfs and their legs changed to be that of a wolfs. Their arms grew more muscular and were also covered in fur with long claws protruding from their paws. Lux watched how they acted in this form and saw that they were aggressive and hunted each other even though they were perfectly fine with each other during the day. Lux saw their speed and explosive power from their legs and the claws that sliced through other werewolves like butter and knew he needed to take precautions. He shapeshifted to look like one of them as to not alert all of them. Although some would still be hostile to him as they were with the others, at least it would not be all of them. He then got out his sword and used his speed to appear behind a werewolf and cut off its head. This did not seem suspicious as they were already fighting. Much like the elemental war he had started between Goblins the process of eliminating them all was quick due to their in-fighting. After all of the Werewolves were dead there was one dead body that started to shake and all of a sudden all of the dead Werewolves moved towards it. Their bodies seemed to be absorbed into the shaking Werewolf body. After 5 minutes of this the body had grown in size and looked extremely dangerous. It had also stopped just being a body and was alive once again. Its vicious mouth releasing low growls of anger and thirst for lux's blood. Lux used his speed to dodge incoming attacks from the giant Werewolf while countering with his sword. This slowly damaged the Werewolf Leader and decreased its speed and made it seem tires and as if it could not fight any longer. However, it pushed through ad actually increased its speed. This was a bad idea as it had barely any energy left and its all out attack it had planned to end the fight with had failed. This made it collapse and Lux cut off its head. [Shapeshifting] reached lvl.4

Level 34: This level was similar to the last but the humans did not turn into Werewolves but Werebears. This meant they had more power then the Werewolves but les speed. Lux wiped out the whole population of Werebears on the level and then their boss appeared. Unlike with the Werewolves who were all absorbed into 1, the Werebears leader was hidden under the ground and burst his huge body out from under the floor. Lux was convinced that the giant Werebear would be temporarily unable to see as it left the ground so he shapeshifted into one of the regular Werebears. he did this because unlike the Werewolves, the Werebears had friendly relations between one another even after transformation. The giant Werebear was very confused and he did not expect that his one surviving ally was in fact Lux who was waiting to kill him. While he had dropped his guard Lux jumped onto its back and stabbed through his neck. This harmed it a lot and made it roar out in pain. There was a huge blood splatter that covered Lux's face. The Werebear eventually died and Lux looked for the portal to the next level and entered it once he found it inside a house. [Shapeshifting] reached lvl.5

Level 35: Lux could not find any monsters for a while but after a few hours realised that the trees were the monsters. The entire forest was full of Treants. The moment he accidentally attacked one of them it lashed out at him with one of its branches. A lot more of them then uprooted themselves and attempted to attack Lux. He then sliced one of the Treants in half. It was not difficult to kill them but the entire forest was full of them which made the task very taxing. It took days for him to clear out the forest and when he expected a boss to appear, it didn't. It kind of made sense seeing as there were tens of thousands of enemies. He found the portal at the very centre of the forest. [Shapeshifting] reached lvl.6

Level 36: Lux saw that there were huge flocks of birds in the sky but on closer look they were people with wings. They all plummeted towards Lux and used their talons to swipe at his arms and face. They were fast and had the advantage of flight. Lux turned into a bird to get into the air with them as to lose his disadvantage against them. he would fly up, transform back and attack them with his sword and then turn back into a bird to get close to the Bird People again and then repeated this. Once he killed all of the Bird People the boss came out which was a 50 foot tall bird with a sharp beak and huge talons. Lux once again turned into a bird and landed on top of the Boss Bird's head. Just like how he did with other giant bosses he tried stabbing through its head but it turned out its skull was too thick. He then jumped down and used his falling momentum to slice off the beak of the giant Bird Monster. Blood went everywhere and the bird fell from the sky. It landed on the ground and if it was not already about to die it definitely would be dead now as its neck had snapped. [Shapeshifting] reached lvl.7

Level 37: The beautiful songs of women singing could be heard from all directions on this level and seeing as it was densely populated with water the only culprits could be Sirens or Mermaids. As he expected to, he came across disgusting creatures that possessed a beautiful face with a repulsing body. Lux wondered how such a disgusting being could produce such elegant and peaceful music. He knew it was obviously to lure people in but it still baffled him. This was an easy round as Lux was not affected by their singing which meant he could kill the repulsive creatures without much trouble. As most people would fall under the Sirens' spell there was no boss which meant once Lux killed all of them he was free to leave through the portal. [Shapeshifting] reached lvl.8

Level 38: The level actually started at night time which was a bad sign for Lux as it was dark and he could be sneak attacked. While looking for enemies he smelt the sickening smell of blood and found a deer having its blood sucked out by a pale man with long teeth. This level was clearly going to be full of vampires. Lux had the ability to transform into one of them and that's just what he did. Unlike transforming into beast-like creatures, Lux looked like his normal self but he changed his hair to be black and gave himself longer and sharper looking canine teeth. He went over to the Vampire and cut off its head before it noticed him. He then went around killing more and more Vampires which led to him being noticed by a group of them which were quickly dispatched of. He finished killing all of the normal Vampires and waited for their leader who turned out to be a slightly taller Vampire with black wings similar to those of a bat's on his back. Once Lux got rid of them he was only slightly stronger than the regular Vampires. This was one of the easier levels as Lux could turn into a bird to counteract the Vampire leader's flight ability. He left for the portal to level 39. [Shapeshifting] reached lvl.9

Level 39: This level was one that only had a single enemy. It was a Gorgon similar to Medusa. This meant that at one point it was once normal and was cursed to be this way. That does not make her a shape shifter like a lot of the other enemies but none the less she was dangerous. Lux knew he could not directly look at her for he would die after being turned into stone. he lured the Gorgon out to a pool of water he saw in the distance. he used this to look into the reflection and get a direct location of the Gorgon. He then sliced off its head which let him find the portal for the next level. [Shapeshifting] reached lvl.10

Level 40: This level was full of creatures named Kushtaka. They are human and otter hybrids. They are tall and physically strong with a high swimming ability. Lux used his bow as it had been a while and he wanted to practice some more with it. He realised that although the Kushtakas were strong and fast, they were not very smart. This allowed Lux to pick them off one by one and not too long after they were all dead. He then awoke the boss monster as all of its comrades had died. The boss was a Golden Otter, unlike the Kushtaka who were humanoid this was just a huge golden coloured otter. This may sound confusing but in Norse Mythology Loki killed a dwarf in the form of an otter who was then given back to the dwarves as just otter skin with gold inside of it. This meant that it would be extremely powerful as it was a creature mentioned with t Norse Gods involved in its story. The Golden Otter lashed out in anger at Lux and tried to smack him away with its tail. Lux jumped over its tail and ran up its side to try and reach its head. However, one of its paws almost smacked Lux away. He grabbed onto the Golden Otters Paw and swung himself up on top of its head. he landed on its face and ripped one of its eyes out. Lux then ripped out its other one as well. This obviously blinded the Golden Otter and Lux moved down to its neck where he stabbed through with his sword. The Otter was completely dead and Lux was ready for level 41 and his next ability so he looked for the portal. [Shapeshifting] reached Full Mastery