
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Level 73-80

Level 73: Zombies with mechanical body parts that differed between each one of them but were all menacing and dangerous none the less. He realised that from all of the over a thousand Mechanical Zombies, he could probably make a new one just for fun by forcing them to remove their body parts and connecting all of them together into one creature. It did not take that many Mechanical Zombies to create a new life form that was not really alive as it was just full of the parts from the Mechanical Zombies. After seeing that the Robot worked he made more of them out of the remaining hundreds of Mechanical Zombies. Once they were created, Lux ordered them to attack the disfigured and deformed Mechanical Zombies to which they obeyed his order and started to rip apart their enemies and after a while they had completely murdered and annihilated them. Lux was able to move on to level 74 but the Robots could not follow him which meant he had made them with a lot of effort for very little profit. [Absolute Order] reached lvl.4

Level 74: This level was full of Water Zombies which were able to manoeuvre elegantly through water but not so much on land as they had not possessed proper breathing skills on land, nor did they know how to walk properly. Lux decided to make them all obedient and attempted to teach them how to walk on land and breathe out of water as well. There was no merit in doing this much like the things he had previously done with his new skill but it was the most fun he had experienced in a while. He spent a few hours getting the Water Zombies used to walking instead of swimming, at first it was difficult but they got the hang of it quite quickly. This did not change the fact that they were acquainted with breathing water and not air but they had also gotten used to this after practicing. After getting them ready, Lux brought the Water Zombies over to a patch of grass and commanded them to make an arena. Once they were done, Lux forced them to have fights to the death. This was hilarious as their bodies were still not fully adapted to the world outside of the water which led them to fall over a lot and keep Lux interested for a while. Once he had finished watching them kill each other, he killed the remaining Water Zombie and went to level 75. [Absolute Order] reached lvl.5

Level 75: "Exactly half way through the tutorial. Hopefully this second half will go as smoothly as the first did." Lux found huge zombies with spikes protruding from their bodies that were extremely sharp and were moving around on their bodies in irregular patterns. They were able to slice through the trees and rocks that they walked past. They even slightly cut apart their fellow Spiked Zombies but did not do any significant damage as they were either extremely physically defensive or almost immune to each other. Lux wanted to test if he could make them completely useless and used [Absolute Order] to make them take out their spikes. He then ordered them to build a giant dart board and forced them to play against one another and every time one of them lost they would be executed by the others. Eventually, they got so good at darts that they got only bulls eyes and Lux had to kill off the remaining ones himself. He then went to level 76. [Absolute Order] reached lvl.6

Level 76: Skeletons with bone armour and bone swords and shields were definitely the weakest enemy that Lux had fought so far as they were quite vulnerable against blunt attacks but he still wanted to have some fun with them. Lux commanded the skeletons to get into sixteen teams and some of them had to give up their heads as bowling balls and their arms or legs as the pins. He then taught them how to bowl and used the Skeletons eye sockets and the hole where there noses should be as the place to hold onto. They got used to it and were having a full on bowling tournament. It eventually came down to the finals and the two most fearsome teams of the Skeletons were facing off against one another. One of the Skeletons rolled a bowling skull and with tremendous force it knocked down all of the bone pins and he had gotten a strike. This was repeated by both teams all of them getting strikes until it came down to the last bowler. He threw the skull, it sped forward and everything was pointing towards the fact that it would be a strike and the match would end with a draw. But then, a bug walked under the skull and set it off course and made only nine out of ten pins. The Skeletons team had one and the Also Skeletons team had lost (Lux had not given them real team names). He then went over to the winning team to reward them and they got the grand prize of going to sleep forever. He killed all of the skeletons and went on to level 77. [Absolute Order] reached lvl.7

Level 77: Skeletons on horses were present on this level and Lux had the brilliant idea of making them race one another and betting on them with nothing to pay or gain. Unlike the previous levels, Lux did not need to teach them anything as they were already on horse back. The only necessary thing to do was for the track to be created where they would be racing. Lux decided that he would just sit back and order the Skeletons to do it and once they were done, he killed a Skeleton and got on its horse. That's right, he was going to participate in a sport he had no experience in but using [Absolute Order] he made the horse be obedient and this meant it would run on its own. He shouted and counted down from five and once he finished saying "One", all of the horses set off and they were moving extremely fast down the course. Lux then commanded them to fight each other during the race and he could see them attacking each other which allowed him to take the lead. After a lot of them had died, he called off the kill order and they started racing properly again but Lu was so far ahead that he was almost at the finish line. it did not take him long to finish and he punched the ground before him to make a crater that would kill the remaining competitors to go on to level 78. [Absolute Order] reached lvl.8

Level 78: This level had skeletons with bows and arrows made of bone and coated in dark magic. Lux forced the Skeleton Archers to build archery targets and have an accuracy competition. Now you might think that the Skeleton Archers would hit every shot but their aim was not all that great while also not being terrible either. Lux then made them line up the targets and line themselves up and forced them to shoot all at the same time. All of the Skeletons that had missed were killed on the spot and those who hit the target at all were fine to live for now. Lux ordered them to shoot again and he killed all of the ones that did not get blue or better. He then repeated this but for the ones that did not get red or yellow. Once he had narrowed down all of the ones that got it right in the centre multiple times, he forced them to shoot at each other and fight between themselves. Eventually one of them won but he was full of arrows and Lux finished him off. He then went on to level 79. [Absolute Order] reached lvl.9

Level 79: There were Liches on this level that could use powerful magic and were able to float but they were not very physically defensive which meant that Lux could not make them play any sports that were too hard on the body. He forced them to use their magic to build a tennis court and forced them to play magic tennis but instead of rackets they would use magic. Once the court was built Lux admired it as although the colours were wrong and it was made out of material very different to normal tennis courts the same feel was still there. He then made them start playing and it was very entertaining to watch but as the ball was hard to see ,due to the power that the spells were hitting the ball, at which was not a struggle for Lux to see so it just made it more fun. They kept playing and eventually the final game was between the Lich with Fire and Water magic against the Lich with Ice and Electric magic. They started using more and more dangerous and powerful magic until they eventually killed each other by accident and Lux moved on to level 80. [Absolute Order] reached lvl.10

Level 80: A huge Skeleton Dragon which was able to use magic and was physically strong and defensive was the only enemy on this level. Lux used [Absolute Order] to force the dragon to fly him around for a while and he was having a great time until he remembered the original experiment he wanted to do with [Absolute Order] at a higher level. He landed the dragon and commanded the Skeleton Dragon to die. It listened to him and the dragon dropped dead instantly. This skill was now insanely overpowered if it had not already been before. He then moved on to level 81. [Absolute Order] reached Full Mastery