
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Level 63-70

Level 63: This level also had Golden Foxes but this time they all had three tails. They were in groups of 30 to 150. Lux unfortunately came across a group of 150 first. Of course this was not unfortunate for him but for the Three Tailed Golden Foxes who Lux was ready to slaughter. Once Lux made the Golden Foxes aware of his presence they sent four hundred and fifty fire balls towards Lux who could now see nothing but fire. He decided to run through the fire as he knew he would take no damage. from it. He threw his sword into one of the Golden Foxes heads and it exploded into bones and its brain matter. He kept killing them and the corpses piled up until none were left alive. Lux then crushed all of the one hundred and fifty of the Three Tailed Fox's hearts. This filled Lux with energy and power to the point that when he punched the ground it made a crater about 50 metres wide. He found more Three Tailed Foxes and killed all of them much like before and crushed their hearts also. The crater he produced with a punch was now 60 metres in diameter. He had killed all of the monsters on this level which meant he could move on to level 64. [Life Steal] reached lvl.4

Level 64: Golden Foxes with four tails that were a bit different to the previous three Golden Foxes as instead of firing the same amount of fireballs as their amount of tails, they instead fired one extremely strong fireball that was ten metres wide but still could not damage Lux's clothes. They were less irrational as the previous Golden Foxes and seemed to have coherent thoughts and not just fight based off of instincts. They were still not incredibly smart though and Lux killed groups of them by the normal means of using his bow and arrows which were then followed by his sword. Lux crushed all of their hearts and just like before there was a rush of strength, energy and Life Force that rushed into him. He thought he had killed all of the Four Tailed Golden Foxes but while looking for the portal he came across an anomaly of a group of one thousand Four Tailed Golden Foxes. Although their numbers were great, compared to Lux's strength and skills. They all fell at his hands and he absorbed their Life Force. He tried punching the ground and it was now 120 metres in diameter. [Life Steal] reached lvl.5

Level 65: The Golden Five Tailed Foxes on this level were able to shoot out two fireballs similar to the previous ones but much hotter. Instead of being completely unaffected like the previous ones he was actually able to see the physical effects on his body. He was almost about to sweat from the heat but was able to continue fighting with extreme ease. He killed a group of the Five Tailed Foxes and crushed all of their hearts. The next time the Golden Five Tailed Foxes shot fireballs at him, there was no sweat and he was completely fine. He continued executing all of the Five Tailed Foxes in the area and afterwards crushing their hearts to gain strength and Life Energy. He punched the ground and made a 200 metre wide crater. He finished the level and walked through the portal to level 66. [Life Steal] reached lvl.6

Level 66: The Six Tailed Golden Foxes were able to shoot three of even more powerful fireballs at once and had increased intelligence with actual strategies. They were physically and magically strong which made them hard foes to beat. Unless you were Lux that was. He decided on using his fists to fight them instead of weapons as he wanted his hand to hand combat to improve to a high level. There was a group of the Six Tailed Golden Foxes and Lux ran at them and ripped one of their jaws in two. He kicked an incoming one and cracked its spine and paralyzed it. One of the monsters tried to bite his arm but its teeth shattered and its mouth started to bleed. He crushed its skull and ripped its heart out to crush mid-battle. This filled him with more strength and he continued fighting off the enemies that were now attacking from all directions and shooting at him with fireballs. He killed all of them with his bare hands and crushed their hearts afterwards. He then punched the ground again and created a crater that was 300 metres wide. [Life Steal] reached lvl.7

Level 67: Seven Tailed Golden foxes which shot one smaller fireball but it was extremely fast and more powerful than all of the other ones combined. They had also gotten smarter and hid in trees and behind rocks. Lux used his word and bow again for this level and came across a group of the Seven Tailed Golden Foxes which were trying to sneak around and search for Lux but he had found them first. This meant he could do a pre-emptive strike on them and fire twenty arrows in quick succession. This took out twenty of the hiding Seven Tailed Golden Foxes and not even be noticed This group had a total of three hundred and fifty so he only had three hundred and thirty left to kill. He shot another thirty arrows and hit all of his targets but was seen in the process leaving three hundred extremely angry Seven Tailed Golden Foxes that wanted to kill him. He then got his sword out and charged at the group of Golden Foxes as he knew they were completely harmless which meant he could just kill them without a care in the world. Once he was done, he crushed all of their hearts and searched for more to kill and once he had crushed all of theirs as well he punched the ground again and the crater was now 500 metres wide. [Life Steal] reached lvl.8

Level 68: Lux realised that the Golden Foxes were getting close to the peak now and they had eight tails and shot two of the small, powerful fireballs instead of just the one. Lux decided on close combat again and ran into a group of them and crushed all of their skulls except they were a little different this time as they had a very flawed and not very effective teleportation ability but Lux could see that there was a pattern to their movements as they always went five metres behind Lux and directly behind his back no matter what direction he was looking in. This meant he could easily kill them off as their fire did no damage to him nor did their physical ones. Once he finished killing them whole levels worth of Golden Foxes, he crushed their their hearts and punched the ground to make a 800 metres in diameter crater in the ground. [Life Steal] reached lvl.9

Level 69: The big conclusion was finally here... The fabled, the legendary, NINE TAILS. Surprisingly disappointing. Turns out its just bigger than the other ones and can shoot out one hundred incredibly powerful and fast fireballs that cause explosions on impact. So for Lux this was like a walk in the park. Although its teleportation ability had increased a lot and it was able to teleport where ever it wanted to, Lux could just fire an arrow at it as there was no real reason not to because the time it took to teleport was 3.48 seconds which was enough time for him to fire off a single arrow each time. This led to the eventual demise of the Nine Tails and Lux crushing its heart. Lux attacked the ground and produced a 1200 metre wide crater [Life Steal] reached lvl.10

Level 70: "Wait what the fuck, I forgot there would be another level because I already fought the Nine Tails. I wonder what the boss will be then" Lux was confused as he had already fought what he thought to be the strongest Golden Fox but decided not to worry about it much. It was then that he saw it. A fucking insanely massive, hulking tower like being that was a Bright Golden and Red Tinted Fox with no, not ten but ninety nine tails. It was unmoving even as Lux attacked it with the force only moving its fur slightly. Lux climbed the tower like being and pummelled its skull which also did nothing to the seemingly unmovable monster. "This thing is way too strong but why isn't it moving at all? Does it not think I'm worthy to even be hit back?" This was not the case as Lux would only realise after a day of hitting it that since the first hit to the Ninety Nine Tailed Fox had hit and crushed its spine, it was physically incapable of moving anymore and he had been in fact hitting a corpse which was why it did not move. Lux also realised that the reason it seemed so defensively strong was because Lux had been hitting nothing the entire time and the husk of the Fox was stiffening due to being dead. He used his sword to cut through its stomach which was now softening again and reached its huge heart. Instead of crushing it this time because he could not hold it in his hand, he tried eating it. Lux did not know if this was due to the strength of his foe but after eating it he had been able to see an insane difference in power as he punched a 10,000 metre wide crater in the ground and even grew a bit taller and more muscular. He then went to level 71. [Life Steal] reached Full Mastery.