
First City and its Guild

"So guys, before we go and ty to enter there's three options we have. I can either just make money with [Matter Creation], convince them normally with the added effect from [Charm] or I can use [Absolute Order] to force them to let us in for free. What do you think?"

Ethan wanted to go for the first option and Fin agreed as it seemed logical. They walked up to the guards but they told Lux and his two friends to stand still as they needed to identify themselves.

"I don't know if you are aware but the God of both of our worlds brought a lot of people here and we're the three strongest out of them all."

One of the guards responded, "Yes, we were all aware of this, and we welcome you to our city. Although, you will need to pay a fee of five silver coins each to enter but as you may not have money we can offer a trade of your snake friend around your neck for your entr-"

"Nah, I think I'll pass. Like I said, I'm the strongest one that was summoned so here you go. Lux used [Matter Creation] to make fifteen silver coins for their entry and threw it at the guard with a tiny bit of force but he was thrown back by it. Now I want you to tell me how strength is measured here and if I have the right information from the so called 'God' of this world. That word doesn't really mean a lot when you are one yourself."

"I'm sorry sir, I will tell you what I know and I apologise for my previous actions. I am unaware of what you were informed, but everyone is born with skills that are graded from Common to Legendary, The amount of skills you have is based off of the strength of your soul and your class is determined by your skills and species."

"What do you know about Impossible level skills and classes?"

"All I know is that they are things of legend that were only owned by the most powerful of the Gods with the most powerful of them all, being the God that brought you here. He has no name and controls the world's on-goings with unimaginable power. The only other God that could contest with his strength and have a chance of winning is the God of deceit and trickery, Loki, but he disappeared millions of years ago. Of course this is all just legends and none of it is necessarily factual but I thought I should tell you anyw-"

"Shut it, I've heard enough. Spread the word that the God of Trickery is back and won't stand for anyone's arrogance or wrong doing towards him. I would have been nice to you, payed for the entrance fee, and given you a little tip if you had just been a good enough person. But instead you decided to attempt to take my familiar because you thought that I was vulnerable. I'm all for being nice to those who are good people, but if you attempt to take advantage of others that you believe you have power over, then you're just a terrible person. I'll let you off with just this warning, but make sure people know not to get in my way or I won't be so kind next time. Now get out of here."

Fin and Ethan were both in shock at Lux's display of verbal strength as his words seemed to carry power even without a skills use.

"You two, lets go inside. Also, if either of you two try to use your power or affiliation with me to take advantage of others then I won't hesitate to treat you the same as I would for anyone else."

Both Fin and Ethan were scared due to the words that Lux had said but also realised that he was being a good person and sticking by his morals even with all of his power and was using his strength to stop bad people instead of becoming one himself. This led to them gaining more respect for him as not just a friend but as a leader.

"You don't have to worry about me."

"I swear that I will never abuse my strength."

"Good, I don't want to be harsh but I have the power to make sure nobody doesn't anything wrong and I'm going to use it. That may seem like an abuse of power but it has to be done to make sure everyone is morally good."

Once they entered the city they saw that there were lot of street stalls and people seemed to be celebrating the arrival of the people sent by their God. Once they spotted Lux and his friends coming through the gate, they wanted to greet them with opportunities for work and there were even some people that offered their daughters hand in marriage to Fin and Ethan but none had said anything to Lux as he had domineering aura that warded them off. However, this was just lingering from before and soon faded which caused swarms of people to come to him with less business opportunities but definitely more marriage offers than the other two.

"Does anyone here know if there is a guild of some sort or anything alike?"

Multitudes of people were attempting to answer his question but he picked a random, reliable looking, old geezer to help him and after rejecting his proposal on behalf of his grand-daughter, Lux finally got the information on where the guild was located.

He turned to Fin and Ethan and told them to hold onto his arms as he was going to jump out of the crowd of people. He launched himself into the air and saw the adventurers guild that was a few streets away. He used [Shapeshifting] to become a huge bird and flew Fin, Ethan and Jörmungandr over to the guild.

"What the hell was that dude?"

"You can become a bird?"

"I'll answer you both at once. One of my skills is shapeshifting and a bird is just a useful thing to be when going to places."

They landed down outside the guild and walked inside.

The building was large, and the inside was decorated in a very rugged manner which suited the people inside of it.

Everyone looked over at the new faces that entered the guild and started laughing at them for some unknown reason.

"Any reason you guys are laughing?" Lux genuinely wanted to know the answer to this question as he was quite confused.

"It's just not often that you see weakling, pretty boys like you enter the guild, on the other hand, those two behind you look pretty strong. I presume you're some of the people that were brought over by God. Well, unlike those guys out there, we have experience with monsters and real strength, and I can tell that you aren't strong at all." A random adventurer replied to Lux in a condescending tone.

"You are all obviously aware that we had to pass tutorials to get here and that the lowest possible difficulty that the people summoned to this location is hard. Am I correct in my assumption?" Lux asked another question calmly.

The same adventurer replied, "Of course, we know that much at least."

"So, are you also aware of the top ten strongest ranking list of all of the people that crossed over?"

"Listen kid, I don't know where you're going with this but you're pissing me off. But yes, we are all aware of the top ten list. The people that beat Hard Difficulty are only as strong as B to A class adventurers to my knowledge. The only real threat on there is the number one spot who beat the hardest difficulty, and let me tell you now, everyone is gonna want to be on his good side and will try to persuade him to join their parties. Unlike you, who is clearly weak and will never join a party, the number one spots presence will be unmissable."

"Well whatever you say I guess" Lux smirked to himself and told Fin and Ethan not to react.

The three of them walked up to the reception desk where a pretty girl with brown hair and hazel eyes was standing. She had seen the whole ordeal but presumed that the three wanted to become adventurers themselves.

She handed the three of them registration forms with areas to put their name, age, species, class, skills. Lux asked if he needed one for his familiar and she handed him another sperate sheet.

Ethan finished his sheet first and handed the receptionist the paper. Fin then handed his in only seconds later and made them put their hands on a crystal ball that could tell if the sheets contents were true. Once it showed that they were, she yelled over to the adventurer and told him that he was right as the two he said had potential were numbers two and three on the ranking list.

Lux took a bit longer to finish writing his sheet out as he had more skills and had to do Jörmungandr's sheet as well. Once he handed her the sheet she sniggered and told the adventurer from before to come over and see what Lux had written. Once he saw it, he roared out in laughter and told the other adventurers what Lux wrote. The receptionist thought he must have been joking but once he put his hand on the crystal ball and it came out with Lux telling the truth, the laughing stopped and the arrogant adventurer started shaking.

"Why does that say your sheet is correct? There's no way that you're Lux Tenebris, you look too weak, especially if you're trying to pass for a God. But why does it say that its true? It must be an error, yeah, the crystal ball is broken. It must be."

Lux walked over to the adventurer who seemed terrified and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hypothetically, lets say that I am Lux, what adventurer rank do you think I would warrant considering my status as a God and possessor of fifteen Impossible Skills and an Impossible Class?"

"I would say that you could not be ranked by the guilds measurements but should be at SSS rank which nobody currently has. But this is all hypothetical, so it doesn't really matter."

Lux lifted his hand from the adventurers shoulder and smacked it down with a bit of force which sent him straight through the ground and crushed all of his bodies bones. Lux used [Matter Creation] to make new floor boards and covered the hole.

"Still couldn't admit my strength even with the proof. Anyone else want to question it?"

"No sir!" All of the adventurers were almost in union.

"Good, now do whatever you were doing before."

"Hey, you two, sorry about that. Clearly that man had no clue what he was talking about. Should we get our adventurer cards now?"

"Yeah definitely" Both Fin and Ethan agreed and they walked back up to the desk.

"You must have heard that guy, he said I'm worthy of an SSS rank. You ready to give me my card yet? Oh, and bring theirs as well and give them the rank you deem fit based off of their own strengths."

"Right on it, I will have to go and retrieve the SSS rank card from the basement though."

She eventually came back with a card that was made of an incredibly beautiful diamond like substance with an incredible blue colour. The receptionist put both Lux's sheet and Jörmungandr's sheet over the top of the card and set them alight with a small ball that she retrieved from the desk. She explained to Lux that his information was now transferred to his SSS rank adventurer card. She soon repeated it with both Fin and Ethan's cards and gave them both S ranks. They were very pleased about this and Lux asked the receptionist if there was a slave market or anything of that sort in this city and she told him the exact location.

Lux planned to shut it down and save the slaves as there was no reason for them to suffer. Unless they were criminal slaves, then he would allow them to be sold but this was only for serious crimes. Petty crimes were excusable as long as they did not happen again.

He told Fin and Ethan of his plan and they set out to complete their self-made first quest.

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