
Chapter 9

Natasha's POV

"You kicked her out," Jessie asked as we pulled out of our neighborhood.

"No I made her choose," I huff.

"She is going to choose him," my husband tells me.

"No she is not and even if she does he will get scared and leave her making her stay with us," I inform.

"Whatever you say," he says sounding upset.

"She'll chose us," I say before I stop talking tor the rest of the ride.

Olivia's POV

"I'm choosing you".

"No you can't, I'm not letting you leave your family," she says sitting up.

"Do you not want me to choose you?"

"No I want you to but I can't let you choose me, they are your family, your blood".

"Do you remember what I told you on our first date? I told you about how alone I felt in my family and how I will never truly be accepted. I'm not just choosing you, I am also choosing myself," I tell him sitting up as well.



"Ok. You can move to LA with me and finish high school. After you graduate you can continue on with your plan, go to college, if that's what you want," he plans quickly.


"Yeah. They get back on Sunday, right?" I nod. "Ok, tomorrow at school you can talk to you the school and get transferred. Than we will pack Saturday and leave Saturday night," he plans.

I nod.

"Ok let's get some rest, yeah?"

I nod again before laying down, closing my eyes, and falling asleep.

The next morning at school I had to tell Rori, "Rori?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I need to tell you something," I say low.


We walked to this staircase we usually eat lunch in. "I'm moving to LA with Zach," I spit out.

"What? Why?"

"Yesterday my mom called while Zach and I were having sex and we thought we hung up but we didn't and she heard some things," I tell her.

"Seriously, what did she say?"

"She told me to choose between them and Zach," I say trying to hold myself together.

"And you chose him?" She asks.


"Well she is a bitch and it is best you get out of your family," she encourages.

"Thank you !! And I promise I will call you all the time".

"You better," she says pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm going to miss you," I whisper.

"I'm am going to miss you so so much," she whispers back.

After we pull away I say, "I have to go talk to my counselor, can you walk me?"

"Of course, so when do you guys leave?" She asks as we walk down the hallway.

"Late Saturday night".

"I'm going to miss you," she says sadly.

"I know me too but you can come visit whenever you want and we will call all the time," I promised.

"We better, I don't know how I am going to survive the rest of the year without you," she complains.

"You will be fine," I laugh.

"No I won't," she sarcastically cry's collapsing in my arms.

Natasha's POV

The whole weekend was no terrible, Jessie barely talked to me. We finally arrived home, "sweetheart we are home," I call as we walk through the garage door.

No answer. Maybe she is out.

I walk up the stairs and head towards her door. Taped to her door was a paper...

Dear mom and dad,

I chose Zach, well kinda. I may have moved to Los Angles with Zach but in reality I chose myself. God that sound so cheesy. Anyway I never felt 100% welcome or comfortable in our family. I just have such a different view on everything compared to the rest of you. I do love you guys and everyone else, I just don't belong. I'm sorry and I love you.