
~Chapter 2~

"I welcome you here today my comrades, its going to be the biggest thing we have ever done as a guild. The shining seven, we've worked so hard to get where we are and we never gave up on wh-what we dreamed!" The green haired male began to stutter from being nervous "well I'm not the best at these things, you've chosen me as your leader. I won't let you down. For all of you, even those guests who are helping us... stay close and remember to not get separated. Under any circumstance its ok to run. We c-can do this, i-if we put our minds to it we just... have to believe... and not let anything happen!"

He took a moment to breath and gather his thoughts "there is going to be so many angry dragons in there and you know... dragons... are no joke. All of you has experience and i trust you as brave adventurers and as dear friends, we must take him down! Make our land safe again, that the monsters know not to tread where they do not belong. In the fallen city of Vanfield, there we settle this, what say you adventurers are you ready?"


"Now before we go lets gather our things and meet up at the front of town, together we shall exit the city and execute the beasts!" After that was said everyone left their seats and began to head to the front of the town, before you got chance you got interupted "Ah! Thank you for showing up. You're name?"

"The names (L/n) (Y/n)! And you must be the famous knight Izuku Madoriya I've heard so much about"

"Why yes, but further more, i appritiate you're help!  You'll be serving as the rear vanguard of the second wing!  We... do this organized... because... any wrong move could mean they could ambush us. They are as intelligent and extreamly caniving creatures. You can never trust a dragon... remember that, they'll try anything to lure you and its all jus a ploy..." he slowly trailed off as past events came into play.

"I've lost many comrades to their vile tricks, so remember we go in strong and do not back down. But if anything happens, if any injuries befall us its important we get out of there as fast as we can! Its not worth risking our lives, if we can all avoid it, we can always come back another day. We can't replace a life lost, please think of you lives first even if you have you're orders, it doesn't change anything! I may be your leader but I'm not here to lead you into something you're not prepared for. I'm here to guide you into the most biggest adventure of your life. Now lets be off!"

Off they went on their journey, along the way she met new friends. "So haha, you new here?"

"Yeah well its my first time fighting in battle haha!" (Y/n) laughed nervously. "Ey no worries, I'm the spell caster of this wing! Nice to meet you I'm Denki Kamanari and you areeeee?"

"(L/n) (Y/n)!"

"Wow what a pritty name!"

"Haha thanks!"

"Don't mention it!" He sighed and continued "so we're actually doing this huh? Be sure to keep you're head down and all that jazz."

"You mentioned you were a spell caster, what type of spell caster are you? Are you the healing type?"

"Yeah I just know electricity magic so I can't heal you up if you get hurt! We got a decently good healer, I say decent cause I don't know the fellow!" He turned and pointed at the fellow he was talking about. Now we will be heading the third row in, so we're ways back from the front line, but don't underestimate, this place has a lot of traps. Many of which that have magic to them so they are extra tricky, got that!" She nodded in response.

"I know our leader doesn't cover everything but he tries to..."

"I'm sorry!"

"Its ok haha not everyone is good at it, i think his an okay leader an all but sometimes he can be an air head. Just like me, i always get made fun for it, not that i have a problem but its just like... you know, you get used to people thinking you're just a bubbling airhead." They both laughed because of the faced he pulled when he spoke about him being an airhead.

After the two got to know each other up ahead they heard singing.

Far over the misty mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away ere break of day

To find our long-forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The fire was red, it flaming spread

The trees like torches blazed with light

(Y/n) had never heard the song and quite enjoyed it. "So um... what can you tell me about yourself?" Denki asked wanting to know a bit more about her. "Well when I was born my parents just abandoned me in the forest, I was living with someone till eventually they threw me out when I turned seven so I had to look after myself. I never really had any friends and always kept to myself till one day my first friend reached out a hand to me three years ago. I am grateful I had gotten to meet him, if it weren't for him I wouldn't be here right now..."

"Oh its a he hmmmm... what's his name?"

"His name is Shinso!"

"Oh so is this Shinso guy you're boyfriend or somethin?"

"No, no, no... he's just a very great friend!"

"Ooooooh ok..." silence fell upon them and it was soon broken. "So Denki, right? What's you're story?"

"Its not as interesting as yours is hahaha..."

"No come on please tell me,"


They spoke the whole journey till they were ambushed by dragons. Everyone grabbed their weapons and started attacking. Denki at her side and the both of them fighting together. "Alright right wing, you go first, left wing second... we can do this men, remember dont hesitate to fall back if needed! PLUS ULTRA!" Everyone started attacking, sounds of screams of anger and filled the air. The scent of blood coursing through the atmosphere. Seeing people being murdered turned her stomach. "Hey snap out of it, we need help!"

"Oh um... sorry..."

"Its okay, just stay focused, remember we are all in this together!"

"S-sorry Denki, what can i do!"

"Keep them off our tails so that I can cast a spell to build a barrier around us!"

"Ok!" She ran off towards one of her comrades who needed assistance, killing off of the dragons they were struggling with. "Th-thanks I couldn't do that by myself!"

"No problem, just shout if you need help!" She nodded and went to the next dragon who was approaching Denki. She stood in front of him "Get out of the way if you don't want your blood to spill on the ground!"

"Was that a threaten? If it is then that's pathetic!"

"Are you not frightened of us?"

"No why would I be?"

"The prophecy is here..."

"What do you mean?"

"I cannot say... you will soon find out, in time..."

"Tell me!!!"

"I refuse!!!"

"Then die!" After she had said that she jumped at him and killed him. She was so preoccupied with the event that was occurring to notice a dragon slowly flying towards her, the minute she looked up, low and behold she was snatched by the dragon. "(L/n)!!!!! Bring her bac- (L/n)!!!!!!!" Kamanari's voice started to fade.

"Denki what happened to (Y/n)?" Denki fell to the ground guilt hitting him. "Its my fault, i was suppose to protect her! She's gone... its my fault!"

"Calm down, what happened?"

"She got taken by a dragon..."

(Y/n) woke up with the feeling of coldness all around her. Darkness overtaking the room as she lay there not moving. Memories flashed throughout her head from what had happened. Why was she here? How did she get here? These were the answers she could not come to a conclusion to. After two hours or so she heard keys rattling "Hey... get up the king wants to see you!" He hit the metal bars of the cell, causing her to jump. She got taken to the king by a dragon and thrown to her knees, with her hands locked up behind her.

"Well, well, well... look what we have here!"