
A shy girl

Once there lived a girl named Hannah . She used to live in a joint family but was an introvert . Hannah went to play school when she was 2 years old . And used to sit quietly in the class she barely has any friend she used to go to school and enjoyed her own company . Her mother used to teach her till she was 15 . Hannah was a bright student and was a scholar in her school . She loved to dance . So because of her little interest in dancing she used to take part in some of the dancing competition . After completion of play school she was finally in first class her mother changed her school so that she could make friends but years passed and Hannah didn't have a single friend. She used to attend the classes and in free periods she completed her homework. When she returned from the school she used to make drawings or dance in her leisure time. But one thing her parents were afraid was she didn't talk to anyone easily . So they thought that she might be not getting the type of friends she want and decided to change her school.